Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2129 God’s Domain (1)

Chapter 2129 God's Domain (1)

A guttural roar erupted from Xi Hong as he stumbled back, clutching at the wound. Smoke and sparks danced around the opening, revealing the faint crimson glow of his True God essence simmering beneath the armor.

The earth itself seemed to tremble in protest at its champion's injury. Cracks snaked across the battlefield, widening with each passing second. The surrounding buildings, unable to withstand the immense power unleashed by the True Gods, began to crumble.

Seizing the opportunity, Li Shan pressed his attack. Bolts of lightning arced from his fingertips, forming a crackling net around Xi Hong.

Xi Hong roared in defiance, raising his fist towards the sky.

"Try this!" he bellowed, his voice resonating with the power of a thousand earthquakes.


As Xi Hong's fist slammed into the sky, the ground beneath them split open. A massive column of earth, imbued with his raw power, erupted from the fissure, threatening to engulf Li Shan.

The battlefield held its breath. Li Shan, a beacon of silver lightning amidst the churning earth, stood resolute against the rising pillar.

The air crackled with raw power, the ozone smell almost suffocating.

Across the fray, the other battles stalled. Xiao Shou and Bei Cong locked eyes, the promise of renewed conflict hanging heavy.

Lan Qinghe and Hua Rong, their attack temporarily thwarted, watched with apprehension as the earth threatened to consume their unlikely ally.

The ground rumbled, the tremor shaking the very foundation of the collapsing tomb. The column of earth, colossal and unstoppable, seemed to dwarf even Xi Hong's massive form.

In that heart-stopping moment, Li Shan raised the Storm Spear high. The silver metal, charged with the fury of a thousand storms, pulsed with an otherworldly light. With a battle cry that echoed through the cracking earth, he unleashed his technique – Storm's Fury.


A colossal bolt of lightning, thicker and brighter than any seen before, erupted from the tip of the spear. It tore through the air, leaving a trail of scorched ozone in its wake.

The ground rumbled in protest as the storm's power coursed through it, momentarily halting the rising earth pillar.


The clash was deafening. The sky, previously a clear canvas for the impending twilight, ignited in a maelstrom of light. The storm's fury met the earth's wrath in a display of raw power that threatened to tear the fabric of reality itself.

The very air crackled with chaotic energy. Dust and debris whipped around by the shockwave formed swirling tornadoes that ripped across the battlefield.

The nearby buildings crumbled under the relentless assault, showering the combatants with a rain of aged stones.

For a fleeting moment, the world held its breath. Then, with a thunderous boom that shook the mountains in the distance, the storm's fury prevailed.

The earth pillar, unable to withstand the raw power of the lightning, disintegrated into a million swirling fragments.

Xi Hong, battered and bruised, was thrown backwards by the force of the impact. His obsidian armor, once a symbol of his resilience, was now riddled with cracks and glowing embers, a testament to the storm's fury.

Li Shan, his silver hair singed black at the tips from the expended energy, stood calmly amidst the swirling vortex of dust and lightning. His face was calm and collected and his eyes burned an even brighter electric blue.

The turning point had arrived. The balance of power, precariously held for most of the battle, had finally tipped in Li Shan's favor. The other battles, momentarily forgotten, resumed with renewed intensity.

Xiao Shou, seizing the opportunity presented by Xi Hong's weakened state, unleashed a blinding white spear strike towards Bei Cong.

The black barrier materialized again, but this time, it wavered under the combined might of Xiao Shou's technique and the aftershocks of Li Shan's attack.

Bei Cong, sensing the barrier's fragility, gritted his teeth and poured all his remaining energy into reinforcing it. The black sword in his hand thrummed with dark energy, momentarily stabilizing the barrier.

However, the reprieve was short-lived. With a final, desperate push, Xiao Shou's spear pierced through the barrier, leaving a gaping hole.

The white light, imbued with the essence of the Southern Emperor, struck Bei Cong squarely in the chest, sending him flying backwards with a painful grunt.

Across the battlefield, Dongfang Lou, her emerald aura burning with a cold fury, launched a counterattack. Her eyes, filled with a murderous glint, were fixated on Hua Rong, the source of the sneak attack. Emeralds materialized around her fists, sharp and deadly.

"You dare interfere with a True God's battle?" Dongfang Lou hissed, her voice laced with venom.

Hua Rong's face hardened. She retreated rapidly, desperate to escape Dongfan Lou's attack. However, Sheng Qianyu seized the opportunity and intercepted her path.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sheng Qianyu uttered coldly, intent on repaying the humiliation Hua Rong and Long Qingxuan had inflicted earlier.

Suddenly, the empty space beside Sheng Qianyu distorted. A black energy sword shot out, aiming straight for her head.

Sheng Qianyu narrowed her eyes and instinctively conjured a barrier for protection.


The black energy sword slammed into the barrier, exploding into nothingness. While it failed to harm Sheng Qianyu, it provided Hua Rong with a window to react.

Seizing the moment, Hua Rong slammed her palm towards Sheng Qianyu's chest.


The barrier shattered from the impact, sending Sheng Qianyu flying through the air.

Yun Huanxin didn't waste this opportunity. With a flick of her wrist, several spatial rifts materialized around Sheng Qianyu. Countless black energy swords erupted from the rifts, raining down upon her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Ahhh!" Sheng Qianyu screamed in pain as several energy swords pierced her body.

Hearing her cry, Bei Cong, who had just regained his footing, glanced at Yun Huanxin. A dark light flickered in his eyes as a pair of black hands emerged from the ground beneath her.

However, Yun Meilan reacted swiftly. She grabbed Yun Huanxin and transformed into a shadow, retreating in a flash.

Bei Cong's eyes flickered with surprise. "Shadow God technique?"

Without time to dwell on it further, Xiao Shou appeared before him, the glowing white spear clutched in his hand.

"Hmph!" Bei Cong snorted coldly, swinging his black sword towards Xiao Shou.


The impact forced them both to back away, bringing a temporary pause to their battle.


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble violently, the tremors escalating.

Everyone subconsciously turned to look at Xi Hong and Li Shan in the far distance…

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