Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2122 Nightmare (3)

Chapter 2122 Nightmare (3)

The chaotic tendrils writhed in defiance, twisting and coiling around the beam of light like serpents threatened by a divine spear.


A deafening battle cry, a cacophony of screeches and growls, resonated from the rift, a testament to the entity's fury at being denied its prey.

The cavern rumbled, the remaining portions of the ceiling threatening to collapse. Dust swirled, momentarily obscuring the scene as the woman pushed her power to its limit, channeling every ounce of her being into the purifying light.


With a final, agonizing scream, the rift tore open wider, tendrils of emerald green, obsidian black, and other sickly hues reaching out with desperate hunger. But the woman's resolve was absolute.

"He is not a pawn," she whispered, her voice resonating with a power that defied the limitations of words.

The white light intensified, burning with an otherworldly brilliance. It engulfed the chaotic tendrils, searing them with an intensity that forced a primal shriek from the entity within.


The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity, time itself warping under the strain of such immense power. Then, with a final, earth-shattering crack, the rift imploded.

The chaotic energy that had been straining to break free was pushed back, violently compressed by the woman's unwavering light.


An ear-splitting boom resonated through the collapsing cavern, momentarily silencing the groaning rock and debris. The force of the implosion sent shockwaves rippling outwards, pulverizing the remaining rubble into dust.

The white light slowly receded, revealing the woman standing triumphantly amidst the devastation. The purified Heaven Piercing Sword, its white glow fading, lay forgotten at her feet.

Her gaze, filled with a melancholic serenity, fell upon the unconscious Yun Lintian. He lay buried under a pile of smaller rocks, miraculously unscathed from the final collapse.

"Rest now," she whispered, her voice softer than a summer breeze. "Your journey has only just begun."

As the woman spoke, her translucent form began to shimmer and fade, her ethereal light slowly dissolving into shimmering particles that danced around Yun Lintian like fireflies.

"Remember," she continued, her voice barely audible now, "the power you wield is a double-edged sword. Use it wisely, for the fate of many rests upon your shoulders."

With a final, lingering glance at the young man, the woman's form completely dissipated, leaving behind only a faint, ethereal scent that lingered in the air.

From the edge of the collapsing cavern, a figure watched in stunned silence. Dian Lei, battered and bruised but alive, had somehow managed to shield himself from the final collapse.

He had witnessed the entire spectacle – the woman's arrival, the desperate struggle against the entity from the rift, and her ultimate sacrifice.

Confusion and disbelief warred within him. Who was this woman? What manner of being possessed such power that allowed her to seal a rift of such immense chaos? And what was her relationship with Yun Lintian?

Dian Lei's gaze flickered towards Yun Lintian, the young man who had caused this entire mess. Now he lay unconscious, oblivious to the danger he had unleashed and the sacrifice that had been made to contain it.

A wave of anger washed over Dian Lei. This reckless human had nearly destroyed everything with his foolish gamble! Yet, a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. The woman's words, her concern for Yun Lintian, hinted at a deeper connection.

"Damn it… I shouldn't have let him go all out." With a groan, Dian Lei pushed himself to his feet, his battered body protesting with each movement. He stumbled towards Yun Lintian, ignoring the dust and debris that littered his path.

Reaching the young man, Dian Lei knelt beside him, his hand hovering hesitantly over Yun Lintian's chest. No matter how much he wanted to kill Yun Lintian, he knew he couldn't let Yun Lintian die here. Otherwise, the consequence would be irreversible.

As he checked for a pulse, a flicker of recognition sent a shiver down Dian Lei's spine.

The energy signature surrounding Yun Lintian, faint as it was, felt strangely familiar. It was a trace of the same power the woman had wielded – pure, unadulterated, and tinged with a hint of otherworldliness.

Dian Lei retracted his hand as though burnt. He wasn't about to risk further entanglements with such a powerful and enigmatic being, whatever her true motives.

Besides, Yun Lintian's injury couldn't threaten his life. Without his help, Yun Lintian would eventually recover on his own.

"Hmph! How fortunate you are," With a snort of derision, Dian Lei rose to his unsteady feet. Looking around the collapsed cavern, he knew escape was his only option.

This place was a ticking time bomb, ready to completely cave in at any moment. Ignoring the injured Yun Lintian, he limped towards a barely visible crack in the cavern wall – the only path out he could see.


Suddenly, the groaning rock and debris, defying gravity, started to rise and swirl around the central point of light. The process resembled a celestial dance, a ballet of destruction and reconstruction. Slowly, the chaotic jumble of rock and rubble began to reshape itself, transforming into a new structure.

As for Yun Lintian, he remained oblivious to the world around him. Trapped in the depths of his own mind, he battled a terrifying nightmare.

He found himself standing in a familiar clearing, the Land of Beyond Heaven. But now, the clearing was devoid of its usual vibrancy. The laughter of his friends, the serene hum of nature – all were replaced by a deafening silence.

An oppressive darkness descended, shrouding the clearing in an unnatural gloom. Tendrils of emerald green and obsidian black, colors reminiscent of his desperate gamble, writhed in the air, pulsating with malevolent energy.

Suddenly, figures started to materialize from the darkness. Yun Qianxue and the others. Their faces were etched with terror as they stared at an unseen entity shrouded in the darkness.

"Run, Lintian!" Yun Qianxue's voice boomed, laced with urgency. "Save yourself!"



Yun Lintian stood there motionless. Fear and despair clawed at him as the figures he loved were consumed one by one by the tendrils of darkness. Their screams, their pleas for help, echoed in the silent clearing.

Finally, only Yun Qianxue remained. She stood defiantly against the encroaching darkness, her body radiating an ethereal white light. Yet, even her power seemed to dwindle under the onslaught of the unseen entity.

"You cannot stop me," a voice boomed from the darkness, a voice devoid of any human emotion. "This world will become mine!"

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