My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 722: Where did the bald monk come from to spoil my Daoist heart!

Chapter 722: Where did the bald monk come from to spoil my Daoist heart!

“I can take you to the Yellow Spring, and I can also protect your soul from being eroded by the water of the Yellow River.” Little Loli said softly.

“Many thanks to the Ghost Lord for your assistance,” Qin Feng cupped his hands in a respectful gesture.

“Don’t thank me just yet. I have one… no, two conditions.”

“Ghost Lord, please tell me, as long as it is within my ability, I will do it even if I have to go through fire and water!” Qin Feng declared, thumping his chest.

“Firstly, the previous offerings… hmm, the quantity was far from enough.”

Ah, she has already been captivated by the sweets, she is not afraid of tooth decay… Qin Feng chuckled, “I understand Your Majesty’s intent, and that shall not be a problem.”

“Secondly, if possible, I hope you can pluck a Farshore Flower from the end of the Yellow Springs and give it to me.” The little loli said in a serious tone.

If one were to speak of the regions most ravaged by those monsters, the Netherworld Realm would undoubtedly be the foremost. Not only were the divine laws disrupted, but even the Ghost Lord herself had been reborn.

Since the City Lord could recognize the Farshore Flower’s miraculous properties, the Ghost Lord, who had lived for untold eons, must certainly be aware of it as well. Her request for the Farshore Flower was therefore quite reasonable.

Qin Feng nodded, “I understand, Your Majesty. I have already wasted too much time. Please, send me to the Yellow Springs River as soon as possible.”

The little girl simply waved her hand, and a black mist of Netherworld demonic qi surged forth, engulfing Qin Feng and the others like a tidal wave.

When the surrounding darkness receded like a receding tide, Qin Feng found himself in an unfamiliar place, the sound of crashing waves echoing in his ears.

Looking towards the source, some hundred yards away, a turbulent, muddy-yellow lake stretched as far as the eye could see.

Anguished cries resounded ceaselessly, and with each crashing of the waves, Qin Feng felt his divine soul tremble, a shudder emanating from the depths of his being.

Seeing the change in him, Father Qin asked in concern, “Feng’er, are you alright?”

Qin Feng waved his hand, but his expression was extremely solemn. Just listening to the sound made him feel unsteady. If he was contaminated by the Yellow Spring Water, his soul was at risk of dispersal.

Meng Shuang sighed, “Before the calamities that befell the Netherworld Realm, the Yellow Springs was a path to guide the souls of the departed and send them to their reincarnation. The lake water at that time was extremely clear and could wash away the death energy and resentment of the souls”

“However, after the disruption of the divine laws in the Netherworld Realm, the Yellow Springs began accumulating the hatred and resentment of the dead. Over time, it has become this way. Even ghosts and the departed souls dare not approach it carelessly.”

The name must have been obscured by the distorted divine laws, likely akin to the monster that invaded the mortal realm… Qin Feng frowned, pondering about this.

At that moment, the body of the little loli levitated and floated next to Qin Feng. Her small hand was placed on his shoulder, and a surge of spiritual energy flowed into him, instantly dispersing the Yellow Spring’s influence.

“With my protection, even if your divine soul is tainted by the Yellow Springs water, you will not risk dispersal. However, there is one condition you must be aware of – my shielding can only last for the duration of one incense stick’s burn.”

“The death-aura of the Yellow Springs has become like a poison now. If you fail to obtain the Farshore Flower within that time, I will have to pull you back. Otherwise, the toxic miasma of the Yellow Springs will seep into your divine soul, and then no one will be able to save you.”

The Ghost Lord spoke solemnly.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, “Understood, Your Majesty. Please send me… Wait, what?!”

Before he could even finish speaking, the little girl parted her vermilion lips, exhaling a breath that sent Qin Feng’s body surging forward like a kite whose string had been cut, towards the far shore of the Yellow Springs.

The whistling of the wind mingled with the endless lamentations.

The Yellow Springs water splashed onto Qin Feng, but it was all blocked by the Ghost Lord’s protection.

Looking down, he saw many translucent, ghostly figures struggling and crying out in the waters, only to be dragged deeper by the current.

Occasionally, he caught glimpses of faint green lights shimmering at the bottom of the Yellow Springs.

“If the prediction is correct, those rays of light should be the life stars that the ghost generals use to condense their life fire…”

The expanse of the Yellow Springs far exceeded Qin Feng’s imagination. Even after flying for a while at an incredible speed, the end was still nowhere in sight.

Suddenly, a peculiar fragrance wafted towards him, and as he looked in that direction, he realized the Yellow Springs water had reached the boundary.

Beyond the boundary was another realm, vast like the boundless universe.

At the juncture between the Yellow Springs and that space, several deep red flowers bloomed, emitting an enchanting radiance. Their slender green stems and leaves stood resolute, even against the onslaught of the Yellow Springs water.

“That must be the Farshore Flower!”

Qin Feng’s face lit up with joy, and he steadied his form, approaching the Farshore Flower.

He cautiously reached out his hand, intending to pluck the flower, but suddenly, an unexpected change occurred.

A captivating fragrance began to emanate from the flower petals.

Qin Feng inadvertently inhaled it, and his consciousness started to blur.

The surrounding scenery began to distort, as if in a vortex. In the blink of an eye, the landscape had changed completely.

The ground was in a state of disrepair, with corpses and ruins stretching as far as the eye could see.

He did not know where he was, but the remnants of some buildings seemed vaguely familiar.


Glancing down, he could make out the faint characters of “City Lord” on a broken plaque. It dawned on him – this was Suiyang City!

Amid the debris, a tattered white cloth fluttered in the wind. As Qin Feng approached, his heart seized up.

The bodies of Ya’an and Bai Wushuang were there. They tried to use their bodies to protect their remaining bodies, but in the end they both died.

Feeling a sharp pang, the scene once again began to shift.

He found himself in a temple, the interior draped in white cloth.

In front of the table where the spiritual tablets were placed, Jianli and Feilan held two chubby infants, their expressions laden with unbearable grief.

Qin Feng called out repeatedly, but received no response, until he clearly saw the names on the memorial tablets – his own.

At least his two wives were still alive, and the children had been born safely… Qin Feng tried to console himself, but was suddenly jolted by a deafening roar!

Countless skeletal arms fell suddenly, shattering the ancestral hall in an instant.

The ruins engulfed his two wives and children. The monstrous creature had appeared in the Imperial City, its colossal and terrifying form descending like a demonic king to ravage the city.

The Qin residence was reduced to rubble, his younger brother was eliminated, and Second Mother and the others inevitably fell victim to the onslaught.

And there was no sign of movement from the collapsed mansion.

“No!!” Qin Feng’s anguished scream ripped through the air, his heart torn apart as he wished for death.

The surrounding scene suddenly darkened, Qin Feng seemed to have submerged into the depths of the sea, and his body continued to fall.

The repeated loss of his loved ones had already killed his spirit; he simply wanted to sink into the abyss, no longer caring about anything.

Just then, a voice whispered in his ear, “The Farshore flower blooms for a thousand years, then withers for a thousand years. Its petals and leaves never see each other again, and therefore it despises all lovers in the world.”

“The attachments in your heart have allowed it to take advantage. If you let go of everything, you can break free of the illusion.”

As the words faded, the sound of Buddhist chants immediately filled the air.

Qin Feng snapped back to his senses. Even as his body continued to plummet in the illusory realm, he now understood that everything around him was an illusion!

“This is an impressively powerful illusion, perhaps even more formidable than the Ghost Mirage of the Night Wandering Ghost. Yet no one has ever mentioned the Farshore Flower’s ability to induce such vivid hallucinations!”

He sought a way to break free, but the chanting in his ear only agitated him, with occasional mentions of renouncing the mortal world and seeking Buddhism.

Losing his patience, Qin Feng roared, “Which bald-headed monk is murmuring here, disrupting my spiritual cultivation!”

Renounce the mortal world? Seek Buddhism?

Are you kidding? Without women, what is the difference between living and dying today?!

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