My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 47: GR

Chapter 47: GR

After wearing the black clothes and a mask, Samantha set-up the telescope at one of the openings near the abandoned building.

She adjusted the telescope and saw through it; she could clearly see the road which was 500 meters away from the building.

Samantha then loaded her gun and arranged it on the other stand and waited for her target.

She was very excited, after a few months she was using this kind of assassination technique.

It always depends on the people who hire them for a mission on how would they want their target to be killed, of course for this they pay extra money.

The one who want this target to be killed requested for an explosion that would ensure the body is burnt in a car explosion.

Samantha, arrived here earlier than her set time and waited for her target to pass from here.

After some time, she was ready in her position as her target can arrive at any time.

She was observing the road through the telescope, few minutes later she saw a Red Audi appear, on zooming it she could clearly see the target driving the car.

Samantha immediately headed over to her Machine Gun and saw through the rear sight, her hand was tightened around the pistol grip and her finger was on the trigger.

She was ready to pull the trigger as soon as her target is in her perfect line of sight.

The car was approaching closer, Samantha was ready to pull the trigger but suddenly the car blasted before she could.

Samantha was shocked, she checked the bullet and it was still in the machine gun.

"What the fuck" she cursed, just then she heard the sound of footsteps and she rushed near the stairs and saw a person in black clothes carrying a gun in one hand and telescope in other hand running down the stairs.

Samantha quickly grabbed her belongings and she too chased him, after climbing down the building she saw one white Audi Q7 leaving.

"Fuck" She again cursed and rushed towards her car and dumped all her belongings in the legroom space of the car.

When she was about to sit inside the car she saw one post-it note sticked on the car windshield.

The words: GR was written on the post-it note.

"That bastard" She drove her car to chase Grim Reaper.

Samantha knew Grim Reaper would be sabotaging her another mission soon but she didn't expect him to do so with her next immediate mission as this mission was assigned to her as soon as she came back from Austin and didn't expect Grim Reaper to have the time to make counter-arrangements against her.

'That bastard was at the floor below me and yet I didn't realize it' She thought to herself.

The road she was travelling on was a one-way road so she knew Grim Reaper right now is on the same path she is driving on.

She increased the speed of the car to chase him, after few seconds the white Audi Q7 came into her view.

Samantha increased the speed and tried to reach closer to that car, the Audi Q7 slowed down and Samantha's car was now only 300 meters away from it.

"I'll catch you today, you, asshole" She shouted in frustration.

Grim Reaper checked in the rear-view mirror and when he saw Danger-Ace's car was now only 200 meters away from his, he evilly grinned and pressed on the accelerator increasing the distance between them.

Samantha was already driving at the highest limit but she was not able to keep up with Grim Reaper's speed, she was not ready to give up and tried her best to chase him.

Grim Reaper then smiled to himself as he could imagine how frustrated Danger-Ace must be right now, he smiled in victory and took a left heading towards the main city area.

'Is he an idiot?' She muttered to herself.

Grim Reaper then kept driving in the streets and Samantha tried her best to keep up with him but she kept losing his car and whenever she did that, he slowed down his car as if he wanted to be caught by her.

'What game is he playing this time?' She wondered and then she saw Grim Reaper's Audi taking a right turn at the end of the road, she too then took a right turn after reaching the end and there she saw Grim Reaper's car parked at the side of the road.

'Fuck, why did he stop?' She wondered to herself as she pondered if it was a trap he laid for her. 

Samantha went through multiple emotions in that moment, she felt a bit scared, anxious and nervous as after two years she was going to come face to face with her nemesis.

She stopped her car right next to him, she checked herself in the car mirror to see if her mask is fine or is it revealing her face.

After confirming her identity is safe, she got down the car and knocked on Grim Reaper's car window.

There was no response, she again knocked but this time she was harsher.

Then she walked to the other side of the car to break the window of the front passenger seat, but she was surprised to see one post-it note sticked on it.

It read: I NEED YOUR HELP, contact me, same way. -GR

'Bastard, I am not contacting you' she frustratedly thought to herself, stomped her feet, went back to her car and drove away.

The Grim Reaper then came out of his hiding and saw the woman leave in her car.

'Still a rookie' He smiled to himself and sat in his Audi and drove away in the opposite direction in which her car went away.

Samantha was very angry while she was driving when she suddenly realized something, 'Fuck, his car was there which meant, his telescope, his gun and his other belongings must have been there in the car too and he has to come back for it. FUCK' she turned around her car during the middle of her thought process and went back to the same lane where she found his car parked.

But now the white Audi was gone, 'I AM AN IDIOT, Ahhhhhh' Samantha loudly shouted and frustratedly pressed on the horn button creating an annoying cacophonous noise with her voice and the sound of the horn.

She realized this late and was annoyed with herself for missing him.

Grim Reaper smiled to himself and he went to a deserted area and there he submitted the car, gun and the telescope to a man who was waiting for him in the secret location.

"Were you successful?" The man asked him.

"What do you think?" The Grim Reaper coldly smiled at the man.

"Of course, Grim Reaper never misses his target once he sets his eye on them" The man genuinely praised him.

"That is not the case always, right now my target is set on Danger-Ace, but I am not reaching anywhere, this assassin is not easy."

Samantha's assassin name was Danger-Ace and this is how she is addressed by the people who don't know her real identity.

"Danger-Ace will surely join hands with you." The man tried to assure Grim Reaper.

"Are you never tired of ass licking?" Grim Reaper hates praises and the man kept his mouth shut sensing his irritation.

Grim Reaper then removed his black clothes and wore an office suit.

"Is the car ready?" He asked the man who works for him.

"Yes sir" The man then handed the car keys of a black BMW to the Grim Reaper.

"Get rid of the evidence well and change the color of this car" Grim Reaper ordered him pointing at the white Audi.

"Don't you worry, this is not my first-time handling this" The man assured as this was his job anyway and he had been doing it for over ten years.

"I know, you are the best" The Grim Reaper disdainfully smiled and the man could feel chills pass through him.

"Dude, please don't smile like that" The man begged Grim Reaper and this time Grim Reaper brightly smiled at him, "How is this smile?" He asked pointing at himself.

"Very beautiful and so pure" The man praised in awe.


Then the Grim Reaper, drove away in the black BMW arranged for him.

He travelled on road for some time and reached a big corporate building.

The guards at the gate saluted after they saw their boss enter the main office gates.

After parking the car, The Grim Reaper headed towards the top floor of the building as that was where an important meeting was scheduled.

When he reached the main floor and walked towards the conference room, everyone on the way greeted him as he was their main boss.

Grim Reaper too brightly smiled at every person and nodded his head as a greeting.

An assistant opened the door to the conference room as their main boss, they were all waiting for, finally appeared.

There was a big rectangular table in the center of the conference room and twenty chairs were evenly spread around it with one main chair at the shortest length of the table reserved for the main boss.

As soon as Grim Reaper entered the conference room, everyone stood up politely to greet him.

Grim Reaper had the same bright smile on his face and he gestured everyone to take their seats.

"Hope I am not late" Grim Reaper took the main seat reserved for him and settled himself comfortably.

"No, Mr Chance Miller, you were absolutely right on time." The Vice-President informed him.

Chance sighed in relief, "Glad, I made it on time, please begin the meeting" He announced to the person in charge.

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