My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 45: I Want To Kiss You

Chapter 45: I Want To Kiss You

"Hmm, let's drink some more" Samantha requested him, she sounded very drunk.

"No, I am already feeling dizzy and you are drunk, if we drink any more, I'll be drunk too, it is not safe, let's go" He calmly pursued her.

She leaned towards him and hugged his waist and rested her head on his abdomen.

He caressed her hair, after a few seconds he paid the bill and booked a cab for them to return back.

He was still sober and was in his senses, it was enough to take care of himself and Samantha.

"Sam, our cab arrived, let's go" He tried to wake her up.

"Hmm, I don't want to go" She tightly hugged him and continued resting on him.

Chance removed her hands that were wrapped around him and he carried her outside the club.

The cab was waiting for them, with the driver's help he and Samantha settled in the back seat and a few minutes later they reached the hotel.

As Ms. Garcia's death was declared natural, there were no cops or tight security around the hotel premises, so they easily got access.

Chance helped Samantha to her room, she was barely walking, he was holding her waist with his one arm and he put her hand around his neck so that she could lean on him for support and he was helping her walk.

Then they reached her room.

"Samantha, where is your room card?" Chance asked her.

"Hmm, what card?" She muttered in her drunk state.

Change heaved a sigh, "Don't get angry tomorrow" He warned her and checked her jacket pockets then he checked her jeans pockets making her lean on her room door.

Lucky for him, he quickly found the room card and he unlocked the door, gently holding Samantha.

He then carried her again to her room and gently placed her on the bed.

After adjusting the AC in her room, he covered her with a comforter and turned around to leave when she suddenly held his wrist.

"Yes Samantha, do you need something?" Chance asked her after turning around.

Samantha sat up and looked at him still holding his wrist, "Yes, I need you" She told him in her drunken state, her voice sounded seductive and she looked cute.

Chance was frozen at his spot and was not sure how to react, he was still processing her words, a few seconds later, he cleared his throat and asked her, "You need me to do what?"

He wanted to assume her sentence earlier was incomplete and he therefore asked her what he needed to do for her.

Samantha smiled and she sat on her knees and pulled him closer, she was sitting on the corner of her bed on her knees and Chance was standing in front of her.

Samantha wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his face closer to hers.

Chance was quicker than her and he held her shoulders and gently pushed her back unwrapping her two hands which were wrapped around his neck, he was stronger than her and she couldn't hold onto him.

"Samantha, you are drunk, please sleep" He requested her but his voice sounded like a command.

"I want to kiss you" She again tried to hold onto him but after gaining some experience with her he could see through her next movements so he immediately took a step back.

"You are too drunk, go to sleep" Chance again commanded but Samantha got out of bed and walked towards him.

Chance helplessly shook his head as he realized it was going to be one difficult night for him.

Samantha raised her hand to touch his face but Chance swiftly held her wrist stopping her, "Can you please not do anything we both might regret tomorrow?" He begged her.

"Are you going to regret it if you kiss me?" Samantha sadly asked him as she was very disappointed, he could see how hurt she was.

Chance lovingly caressed her cheeks and explained himself, "Hmm, I will, I can't let our first kiss be like this, you are drunk and not in your senses, this would be equivalent to me taking advantage of you" 

"Chance, what if today is the only chance you will get to have a first kiss with me?" Samantha giggled after questioning him, "Chance, your name is so funny" She laughed.

Chance too smiled as he heard that from a lot of people, "Go to sleep" He continued caressing her cheeks.

"You didn't answer my question" Samantha cutely pouted at him.

Chance didn't say anything and kept quiet, so Samantha questioned him again, "What if today is the only chance you are ever going to get to kiss me? Will you still not kiss me?" She seriously asked him.

Chance thought for a few seconds, "I know I am going to regret this night for the rest of my life if that is the case but if I kiss you while you are drunk, I am going to hate myself. Regretting is better than hating myself. So, Yes, I will still not kiss you."

Samantha looked very sad and dejected.

"I am not that drunk" She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him.

Chance leaned towards her and he kissed her on the forehead by holding the back of her head not giving her a chance to kiss him, "I love you Sam but there are a few things I would never go against no matter what, I am sorry if I upset you" He told her these words and led her back to the bed.

"Go to sleep" He ordered her and she climbed the bed obediently and lied down after removing her jacket, she then closed her eyes and slept.

Chance tucked her in the comforter and left her room and tightly closed her room door.

The door had an automatic locking system, it can either be opened with the electronic key card or from inside so Chance was relieved as she was safe inside and went back to his room to sleep.

After Chance left, Samantha opened her eyes and smiled to herself, 'He is a man of his words' she thought to herself and slept.

Samantha has a very high tolerance of alcohol, in the bar earlier when some stranger tried to misbehave with her and Chance came to her rescue, she came up with this plan.

She wanted to see what Chance would do if she was drunk and made a move on him. She wondered if he would stick to his morals or he will just give in to his urges.

That was why when he asked her if she wanted to go home, she rejected it and insisted on drinking some more as she was planning to pretend to be drunk and wanted to see his reaction when she will make a move on him.

Samantha somewhere thought he would just give in but she was impressed as he didn't give in to her ridiculous request no matter how many times, she tried to cling onto him.

'I want to know him more' she thought to herself and slept.

Next day, David went to all three rooms to wake the three people.

Everyone welcomed him with angry glares but ignoring them he handed over the hangover juices he prepared for them and asked them to come downstairs to join him for breakfast.

After an hour, Samantha came downstairs to see David having breakfast alone.

She joined him and greeted him before going to the buffet area.

Chance too came downstairs after freshening up and joined David.

Samantha sat on the chair opposite to Chance and greeted him, she pretended like she didn't remember what she did last night and acted normally. Chance too casually greeted her. 

David questioned the two people, "When the hell did you two come back to the hotel last night?"

"Around two hours after you left," Chance told him.

"Man, I wanted to drink too but because of this Carol"

Chance interrupted him, "Hey, come on don't blame her, she was drunk. If she joins us, please act normally as if nothing happened" Chance warned him and looked at Samantha, implying she too needs to pretend like nothing happened when Carol would be here.

"Sure" Samantha continued eating her breakfast and Chance went to get some coffee and food for himself.

Carol too joined them, she looked fresh and sober.

"Hi guys, morning" She greeted the two people.

"You better now?" David asked her.

"Yup, thanks to your hangover juice, my head was spinning in the morning but you came as my savior."

"Yeah, and yet you glared at your savior in anger." David taunted her as Carol was very annoyed with him when he went to her room to wake her up as he disturbed her sleep.

"I am sorry" Carol pouted at him and next David angrily glared at Samantha who was avoiding looking at him.

"You have anything to say Samantha?"

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