My Unconventional Lover: Seeing A Different World

Chapter 144

144 A Fight In The Air

(Tom’s PoV)

I was stunned as I heard it shouted. He? Who was ‘he’? Twenty souls? Did they plan to kill us?

To extract twenty souls was not a trivial matter. My mind couldn’t help but think that they might do something to this plane.

F*ck, I’ve just awaken from comma now they want me to go through that incident again? Hell no!

I suppressed my rage as I closed my eyes and tried to apply what I had learned these couple of days. After the incident in the Death Volcano, I realized that I could come out from my body anywhere and anytime I wanted. My soul remained inside of my body, protecting my body with the shield I managed to create after the Soul Endurance test, while my spirit came out and fought. After several times of practicing before I headed back to Indonesia, I could feel myself improved by leaps and bounds.

Those ghosts from the hospital that day said that it was because I had a special type of soul and body, as well as my bond with the Death Volcano, that I managed to master the technique in no time.

Clutching the chain in my hands, I stood up and headed towards the cockpit. I looked back at my body and smiled in satisfaction as no shadows could get near me with my shield on. I also expanded my shield so it covered Uncle Ben inside. Seeing that they could not get near my body, they growled as they pounced on me. I could see the one who talked to me just now were looking at me in surprise. It might not think that I could come out from my body like that.

“Don’t let him go into the cockpit!” It shouted loudly and at the same time the plane shook.

I took a peek at the situation outside. There were countless of them outside, creating a light turbulence to the plane. Thankfully it only shook a bit, so many of passengers didn’t take it too serious and there was only an apologize announcement for the slight disturbance and to assure the people that everything was going to be okay.


In a minute, it won’t be okay anymore, I thought.

The chains in my hands glowed slightly as I smashed the nearest shadow to me with the chain. Howl of pain filled the entire cabin but somehow I was the only one who could hear it. The howling didn’t stop as my hands kept punching those shadows that were trying to block my way into the cockpit. I practically punched my way through it.

As I reached the door to the cockpit, I was startled when I heard a shout from my back. Turning back, I saw the one from before charged towards me in a flash. Its eyes showed its rage and its claw was extended towards me.

Fortunately, I managed to dodge it, but I failed to notice its other hand moved fast and hit me in my right shoulder.

I gasped as I could feel the pain from my right shoulder. I was thrown back several steps before I managed to balance my own self. While holding onto my right shoulder, I looked up and my gaze met with the shadow’s creepy eyes. It was still in a full-alert stance, ready to pounce at me anytime.

But, I straightened my back, showing to it that its punch didn’t affect me. Sure, I was caught off guard, but compared with how I was tortured with those knives in variant sizes and shapes during the test, this was nothing.

With that horrible experience as a comparison, I felt better.

“Human, don’t push your luck.” It growled.

I arched my eyebrow at it, but didn’t say anything. Turning around, I found out that I was actually in the cockpit already. Heh, it must be a very stupid shadow. How could it hit me right into the place I wanted to visit?

But, what was that? I squinted my eyes to properly the thing in front of the plane. Things, actually, since there were more than one.

The biggest one was standing -floating, I mean -in front of the plane, creating a very dark cloud in front of them. If I didn’t have this ability, I was sure I would think that we had entered a very dark place in the sky. Even the darkest cloud before heavy rain was not as dark as this one.

Then, there were two mischievous creatures standing in the side, blowing towards the pilot and co-pilot’s eyes. I was sure they were not shadows, but what creature they were, I had no idea.

The pilot and co-pilot looked drowsy. No matter how people saw it, the fact that both of them got super drowsy at the same time was not a usual matter. I bet all of the accidents where the drivers or pilots were suddenly feeling drowsy had something to do with these two creatures.

As I thought so, I could feel the plane was starting to lean down. The pilot’s body had started to lose control as he leaned forward and pressed onto the wheel. The co-pilot was not reliable himself as he leaned back and closed his eyes as well.

Those two creatures? The one in the pilot’s side was practically pushing the pilot’s body towards the wheel and the other one was just blowing in the co-pilot’s face.

It was kind of disgusting, actually. Imagine an ugly creature which was obvioulsy not a human blowing its breath onto your face. The first reaction must be feeling disgusted, right?

But, at this time, I couldn’t even think of it as I only knew those two creatures were responsible for the upcoming accident. Not that I would let it happen, anyway.

I loosened the chain in my right hand as I put a steady stance to throw the chain towards those creatures. But, before I could make a move, the one behind me was obviously feeling displeasure as dark mist started to emit from its body.

“Sorry, I’ll play with you next time.” I said as I dodged his attack again. “Bind.” I whispered as the chain in my left hand moved quickly towards the evil shadow.

I didn’t need to see what happened to the evil shadow as I made my move towards those unknown creatures. I swung the chain in my right hand towards the one beside the pilot as I made big strides and slapped his back so hard. I couldn’t touch him, but I could touch his soul as I was in my spirit form. As my slap hit his soul, he snapped awake so fast and pulled the wheel again to steady the plane as soon as he realized the urgency of the situation.

The creature was shocked as my chain could hit it, it even shrieked in pain. It was even more shocked as I could take out its effect from the pilot.

Ignoring that one, I moved towards the other one beside the co-pilot that didn’t look like it understood the situation. My right arm reached out and grabbed it hard, then I flung it towards its friend. My chain moved and bind them both in place. At the same time, the pilot had managed to wake his co-pilot up. Both were flustered but this time they remained alert. Probably still confused about what was happening, but they might choose not to speak about it until they landed.

I took a deep breath with my hands on my waist. It was just several moves, why did I feel so tired? Probably because of the adrenalin rush.

“Who order you to harm humans?” I started my interrogation.

Hearing my questions, those two creatures started to let out strange noises with menacing glares being shot at me. Clearly, they were angry. Since they couldn’t talk, I could only assume two things about their identity. First, these two were not originally human. Second, they were not high rank creatures.

Since they couldn’t talk, I wouldn’t bother wasting my time asking them. After all, there was one who could talk.

I looked at the evil shadow who had smirk on its face. There was a victorious expression in its face. “You’re not worthy hearing His name, human.”

“Yeah, said the ex-human turned evil.” I rolled my eyes. “Hideous heart create hideous appearance. Since you’re this ugly, it means you must be pretty evil, right? The one who can command an evil thing like you... must be someone so powerful.” I paused for a while, seeing its expression closely even though its ugly face made me almost vomit.

Ah well, I was in my spirit mode so I wouldn’t vomit easily. Too bad.

There was no visible changes in its expression, but from the way its pupil contracted, I knew it started to feel uneasy.

“I’ll make sure to catch your master later, but for now, just go to the Death Volcano.” I whispered to it coldly.

With a flick of my finger, those chain moved and bound every shadow in the plane tightly, including the big one outside. The sight of it was unbelievable if I were not seeing it with my own eyes. I couldn’t believe the chains knew what and how exactly I wanted it. As I walked into the cabin, I saw the chains were spreading like web, coiling themselves around the shadow and moved towards their new preys. Howl of pain filled the cabin twenty times fold than before and it started to affect the plane.

All the passengers were awake as they heard the creepy howling. There were goosebumps on their bodies and fear started to make them panic. Even the stewardess were helpless because it was their first time hearing this kind of howling.

I was staring at the web-like trap that had successfully bound the shadows. “Bring them down.” I said casually. After I said that, the chain moved and dragged them out of the plane, but before long, they were gone. The plane was stabilized after that and the strange sound disappear, but the fear it inflicted in the passengers’ heart could not be undone.

It seemed like there would be another ghost story during flight appeared. Well, since I had done my job, I planned to go back to my body. However, before I could finally rejoin with my physical body, a strong wave of dark spiritual power hit me hard. A flash of grey robe filled my vision as I was dragged out of the plane.

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