My System Academy

Chapter 112 Recovery

112  Past Untold (2/?)

'Whe… where am I?'

Eluard's head was buzzing, and he could not understand what was going on.

Everything around him was fuzzy and his balance was so poor that he fell on the ground way too many times for him to remember.

Helpless, he laid down on his back and waited for that uncomfortable feeling to vanish.

'This is like… exercising in a special military camp…', he thought while slowly catching his hurried breath.

'I remember being trapped inside the northern glacial continent… and that strange rift in the sky… Was it eventually closed?'

'Were the demonic creatures defeated? Did those five students make it in one piece?'

He tried to call the system, but nothing happened, 'It didn't work? I must be exhausted. I need to calm myself first.'

The strange sensation went away after a while, and he regained his usual composure. His eyes fluttered a few times and realized something different.

'Huh? This is-?! Something like that dream from before!'

He was jolted awake and abruptly stood up, curiously looking around. No wonder the system call didn't work. He could not dare to forget the familiar hazy atmosphere and slightly 'tanned' surroundings.

It was a marketplace filled with people wearing thick and tall robes, resembling those of the mage and wizard robes he had seen before.

'There are a lot of people here, but they can't see me. Is this an ancient city of magic? Is this the old world of Aludia?'

They were murmuring things in a language he could not comprehend. There were a lot of vendors on the sides, selling things that were probably magic artifacts or other items.

Eluard lingered on watching for a little more and became bored. Then he noticed a large statue at the center of the marketplace.

It was 4 meters tall. Carved on top of the circular platform was the figure of a hooded person wearing a luxurious wizard robe whose collar reached as high as its head.

On its left hand was a brown book where multiple mysterious runes were embedded. Then on its right hand was a wooden staff half a meter taller than the carved figure.

There was a shining diamond embedded in the spaces in the middle of the staff's hole. It emitted a dazzling light that tranced many passersby who looked up to it.

"Strange. I've seen this robe before, but I cannot remember where.", Eluard mused.

He was about to approach the statue when haughty laughter resounded in the skies.

A cold robotic voice resounded from the skies, carrying a hint of disdain towards the prized statue, "How beautiful! So, this is the figure of the Primal Lord of Magic! It's worthy of its name! And worthy to be destroyed!"

A bright light flashed, causing everyone to cover their eyes in shock. Eluard felt a huge disturbance in the atmosphere, but he couldn't manage to identify its source.

'What sort of twist is this?!', he cursed inwardly.

"Impudent! How dare you destroy my Lord's image?!", another voice resounded, reprimanding the person who spoke earlier.

"You think you can block this?! Die!", the arrogant person replied.

A second later, a powerful blast took off right above the marketplace where Eluard was situated. Luckily for him, who was in a special ethereal state, he remained unharmed and stood in place.

The others, however, were sent away by the blast with some casualties in the fray.

"Ah!", a sorry figure fell from the skies towards the area not far away from the statue.

"Fool! Only a Primal Lord can defeat me! And even if they were, they will bleed and die!", the haughty person boldly declared, "This universe has had enough of you, you arrogant lifeforms! It's time for you to feel what it's like to be a mortal being!"

His loud voice echoed in the distant lands, making sure that many people could hear his words.

"Hmph!", a cold snort resounded, blowing all the chaotic dust away.

Eluard raised his head and saw two figures confronting each other in the skies.

'Isn't that the overseer guy from before? Is this another dream that that divine pathfinder told me about?'

He then glanced at the aggressive party and was shocked after seeing him.

'I-is isn't that some futuristic mecha suit?! What the hell is going on?!'

He could understand if the other party was a warlock who opposed the orthodox party and wanted to prove themselves against their adversaries.

However, this sudden twist of events crumbled his previous worldviews.

'If this is a world of magic, where in the heavens did that mecha suit come from?!'

The mecha suit was made of unknown glowing metallic elements, with weird energy fluctuations flowing around the suit's body frame. It was suitable for a bipedal species, and with transformative wings, thrusters, weapon ports, and other components Eluard could not identify.

This was simply a product of science fiction in the past. Now, he would have to experience first-hand the true beauty and power of science and technology.

"So you are the Primal Villain, a product of the Otherworld created to oppose us, the Primal Lords?"

The overseer asked in curiosity. He did not feel any threat from the Primal Villain's existence whatsoever.

The mecha suit glowed in excitement, "And you must be the true Primal Lord of Magic?! Your brothers and sisters are too weak for me! I've longed to battle it out with you! Come and taste the power of my mortality!", the Primal Villain shouted, and a large mechanical cannon quickly transformed from the small mecha suit, launching a powerful beam attack.

With the beam attacking him, the overseer flicked his fingers and casually redirected it to the heavens.

Seeing the fireworks above, Eluard's mouth was left agape. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't react to their swift movements.

The Primal Villain suddenly used his thrusters and moved out of the way. A millisecond later, his previous position was filled with world-shattering explosions, warping even the fabric of space itself.

"Useless! Your surprise attacks won't work on me!", he snorted while flying past the speed of sound. Despite his superhuman velocity, the accuracy and frequency of his attacks were rather high.

Countless energy beam strikes, warhead missiles, and a bunch of other projectiles landed upon the overseer and produced powerful explosions. The Primal Villain used many arsenals to fight against the overseer.

Amidst all the ruckus, the overseer simply stood in place and gazed at the figure of the Primal Villain in the far distance.

"You have dedication, power, and talent, young mortal. I admire you of it, greatly," the overseer calmly uttered.

"Trying to waste time? Want to curry words with me?! Stop it with your sweetened phrases, I'm here to draw blood out today!", the Primal Villain roared, incessantly attacking the overseer.

"Hmph, why are your attacks so clumsy and weak? Afraid to endanger the lives of the innocent people below?!", a red glint flashed under the overseer's hood, "I thought you battled it out with my brothers and sisters. This… nonsense is your so-called capabilities?"

The Primal Villain stopped in place after hearing the overseer's words. He seemed agitated as he roared even louder, "Don't underestimate, Primal Lord!"

A violet flash appeared extremely high up in the skies. Eluard felt a massive surge of power fluctuating from space. If this attack was to come down, he knew that it would bring unimaginable destruction to the huge land area he was standing upon.

'Is this a superweapon? Something from those games I have played before?!'

A violet-rayed particle beam was fired from space which accelerated to almost the speed of light.

Even at the sight of the imminent threat, the overseer snorted coldly in response and raised his hand with wide open palms. A transparent barrier formed at the tip of his hand and instantly widened by several hundreds of meters.

The violet particle beam crashed into the barrier, emitting loud grinding sounds while the city below remained intact.

"I-Impossible! This is my planetary death ray that is supposed to destroy planets in one go!", the Primal Villain was shocked.

"This toy is supposed to be your trump card?!", a sneer came out from the overseer, "It's nothing space. Dust and debris propelled crazily everywhere.


Some of it surged down like an avalanche, terrifying many people who were watching from afar.


He lightly tapped his hand, and the particle beam was reflected where it came from with twice the power.

Another powerful blast shook the entire planet as the particle beam hit the metallic object floating in space. Dust and debris propelled crazily everywhere.

Some of it surged down like an avalanche, terrifying many people who were watching from afar.

The overseer raised his hand again and circled his index finger clockwise. The dust and debris started revolving around the center of the city and soon disintegrated into nothing.

Up until now, the Primal Villain had yet to react to what had happened.

"Your bravery is unmatched. Truly, one day, you might be able to oppose a fraction of us, Primal Lords.", the overseer coldly remarked, "However, you are too weak and naïve. Don't think that just because you can injure the weaker brothers and sisters of mine means that you can challenge me, the Primal Lord of Magic!"

"Na-naïve?! A mere Primal Lord dares to say that I am a naïve mortal?! You think I haven't seen enough of your incompetence?!", the Primal Villain shouted.

"You call yourselves the guardians of this Universe?! Countless ignorant lives pray for your salvation of them! And what did they get? Nothing but the whisper of death!"

"Only an ignorant fool would say that they have seen everything.", the overseer shook his head in dismay.

"Do you think that the Otherworld is enough of a threat to our existence?! It's time for you to understand what it means to be a Primal Lord."

A sharp fragment of unknown origin appeared on his left hand and flicked it in the direction of the Primal Villain, hitting his durable mecha suit but didn't leave a dent in it.

The sharp fragment broke into many pieces, dumbfounding the Primal Villain. He did not feel the strong pulsation of waves originating from the broken fragments which were soon, flying outwards to the vast void of space.

"You want to scare me with that useless rock?!"

His mock stopped midway, confusing Eluard.

"You don't know what that is, don't you?", the overseer asked indifferently. The Primal Villain wanted to answer but time suddenly stopped.

Everything in this world remained still, coloring it black and white.

'Th-this is-?!'

Although Eluard could still move around, everything except him and the overseer remained in place.

A myriad of chaotic voices rang everywhere, intensifying the atmosphere, though the air remained still.

Then, Eluard saw the Primal Villain's figure darken, starting from the point of impact where the unknown fragment hit his suit, and soon spread all around his frozen body.

Looking closely, it wasn't that his figure had truly darkened but rather, countless abominations of hands gripped him and seemed to be dragging him someplace far away through a portal that Eluard could not see, comprehend, or even feel.

The overseer continued with his eyes flickering under the hood. Eluard felt that this man was a true god, someone who was no longer bounded by the natural laws of the universe, as even time itself could not do anything to stop him.

"That, my child, is a Fragment of Chaos. It is a powerful artifact that will allow you to understand more of the mysteriousness of this universe."

"I hope that you would remain alive in doing so… because once a fragment is destroyed, you will be marked by the Children of Chaos."

"They, the creation of that man himself, birthed from his insurmountable power, the untimely death of this Universe."

"Insane, unintelligent, but equally wrathful creatures that know no end."

"You can escape from them. You can hide from them. But know this, deep into your heart, mortal."

"That all that is marked by the Children of Chaos... are all bound to be dead."

Thank you for your continued support, dear mighty readers!




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