My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 176: Su Ran try to break that awkward silence between the father and son. (3)

Chapter 176: Su Ran try to break that awkward silence between the father and son. (3)

Hearing his words, Lu Xun merely gave Su Han a nonchalant look before he lifted up his key and opened up his trunk.

Just put your stuff inside the trunk, said Lu Shao simply. He did not bother to said too much to Su Han.

Oh, am I just supposed to do what you told me to? Su Han sneered and refused to appear waek. Have I said I want you to come with?

Ahem, son

Right when Su Ran, standing next to him, was just contemplating about talking to her son about being pragmatic and know when to give and take, Lu Shao looked over at Su Han and snickered.

Its your prerogative whether you want to go or not but, before that, you should first consider how to get everything in your hand over to the West Park.

Granted, if you can afford to go in a taxi, by all means.

Su Han: #@#

Su Han was unhappy right now. Very unhappy!

The father and son were having a staring contest and the atmosphere was, for a while there, very awkward.

Granted, mostly it was Su Ran who felt awkward.

She thought that since Su Han didnt seem too resentful when he saw the gift from Lu Shao yesterday, perhaps he had started to accept the existent of his birth father.

She hadnt expected that the tension would be so intense when the two of them met each other again.

And then there was Lu Shao.

Oh, Mr. Lu, could you please considered that you were talking to your 13-year-old son and not some of your business competitors and consider more suitable word choice?

Oh mi, its almost 9 oclock. We are going to be late if we dont leave soon. Su Ran tried her darnest to feign her surprise in an effort to break the tension between the father and son.

The effect wasnt too horrible. At least her son looked over at her.

Lets go get ourselves a car, said Su Han in a deep voice after some hesitation.

Hearing that, Lu Shao frowned a little. His lips parted and, right when he was about to say something, Su Ran stopped him with a look.

Well, we cando that, said Su Ran slowly before she put on a troubled look. But, its rush hour right now and it will be difficult to get a car. Not to mention that we are way off the main strip, most taxi wont want to come all the way in

Aye Su Ran feigned another loud sigh. I have worn high heels specifically for the opening ceremony today. That was a mistake. Had I known we are going to walk this much

When Su Ran saidhigh hells, she meant as compared to her normal casual shoes. They were nowhere close to the stilettos that original owner used to wear.

Nevertheless, even though Su Han was well aware that most likely Su Ran was just faking it, but looking at the troubled look on the woman, he still couldnt get himself to put his foot down.

Su Han: Parents are getting more and more difficult to handle. And what choice did he have? He cant switch his parents.

He gritted his teeth, gave Lu Shao what looked like a warning staring and finally tossed the box and the few bags into the trunk of the car with a I-really-didnt-want-to look.

Seeing that, a fleeting, almost unnoticeably smile seemed to have flashed through Lu Shaos expressionless face.

Would you like to sit in the front? asked Lu Shao as he looked over at Su Ran and opened up the passenger side door.

Before Su Ran could turn him down, Su Han had already interjected.

That wont be necessarily! My mom and I will take the back seat! Having said that, he blocked in front of Su Ran as though he was a mother protecting his calf.

Uh, yes, thank you. I can just ride with Su Han in the back. Su Han, too, gave Lu Shao a shy smile.

She didnt know this Mr. Lu very well after all and it didnt seem to be appropriate for her to take the passenger seat. Besides, she wouldnt know what to talk to him about.

Alright. If you get motion sickness or otherwise feel uncomfortable, you can always move to the front seat. Lu Shao did not spend too much time on the discussion. He merely gave Su Han a warning look in response to his look of complacency.

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