My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 141: "Do you know how to put together a tent?" (1)

Chapter 141: "Do you know how to put together a tent?" (1)

You mean to say that you will not fight over Su Hans guardianship with me? asked Su Ran.

No, I wont.

Then Why did you show up out of nowhere? What for?

Su Ran studied Lu Shao.

I apologize. I guess I did show up abruptly.

Even though the incident back then was unintentional and a coincidence but I am still partially responsible.

Id like to take up my share of the responsibilities, said Lu Shao. Giving Su Ran a nervous look, he then added, If you will allow me to do so, that is.

Lu Shaos words put Su Ran into deep thought.

Responsibilities? He meant his part of responsibilities as a father?

Lu Shao had just said it himself, he planned to take on the legal and financial responsibilities of raising his son.

What Su Ran really wanted to say was that she didnt need anyone to step up to the plate and take on any responsibilities for her to be able to support her own son. Not to mention that there was a very good likelihood that Su Han could become a Second Generation Rich.

That being said, there was also nothing wrong the man sitting in front of her wanting to take on his part of the responsibilities either.

Theoretically, from the standpoint of a bad mother for the past 12 years, she didnt have a lot of ground to stand on had she wanted to critique how negligent Lu Shao had been as the birth father who had no knowledge of this.

To accept or not to accept, I think that should be a question for Su Han, said Su Ran after she had given the suggestion some thought.

Su Han was already 12 years old going onto 13. Possibly because of his big villain halo, he maybe a little on the quiet and conservative side but, overall, he didnt have a lot of issues as far as his personality was concerned.

Even if there were some, he was already passed the age of asking Why I dont have a daddy all day long. His personality was more or less established and having a birth father would not change much.

The appearance of a birth father was probably more a surprise rather than a pleasant surprise.

That being said, this was merely Su Rans opinion.

Whether to have this man in his life or not, it would be all up to Su Han himself.

What about you? I would like to know whether you are okay with me being in your life, asked Lu Shao as he gave Su Ran a slightly burning look.

Su Ran: Of course not.

My son belonged to just me this entire time. Now a stranger just popped up out of nowhere and want to split him with me. Whod be okay with that?

Of course, Su Ran would ever say out loud her petty thoughts.

Lets look at this from a different angle first.

Mr. Lu, whats your family, wife, and childrens opinion with regards to Su Han?

If Su Han didnt mind having a birth father whod take care of his tuition, Su Ran had nothing to say about that. But what if Lu Shaos family was unhappy about Su Hans existence?

The two of them were chugging along happily and it didnt matter to them whether Lu Shao was in their lives or not. But what about the opinions of others?

Recalling those dog-blood dramas involving influential families and the battles between the heir and the b*stard child, Su Ran couldn't help but shuddered.

Wait a minute! Su Han was no b*stard child.

The one sitting in front of her was the real stranger who showed up out of nowhere.



No family, no wife, and no children other than Su Han. In addition, I am still single and I am not currently seeing anyone, Lu Shao went on and on.

Looking at Su Ran and remembering the investigative reports that he had on her and that minor feeling of regret that he had been trying to suppress, Lu Shao suddenly felt a secret sense of happiness within himself.

Is that so Su Ran mumbled and fell back into silence.

Su Ran wasnt interested at all as to why Lu Shao was still single at his age.

Hearing that he was still single, she did feel that things would be way less complicated for Su Han.

That being said, did he really seek Su Han out so hed have someone next to his deathbed one day?

Being the only child between the two of them, had Su Han decided to accept this birth father of his, that also meant that hed be taking up the task of taking care of two elderlies in the future.

As a musician hikkomori, chances are she would be single for life. But what if Lu Shao get himself a spouse later on? Did that mean Su Han would have to take care of three elderlies in the future?

That would be a very challenging task!

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