My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 816 - 816 Informing The Informer

816 Informing The Informer

Three hours into my shift, the cafe moderately filled with clattering glass and chattering folks making up most of the early morning rapport, and I was clinging less and less to the ill-fated prospect that the boss-lady will ever show.

Overthinking led me down on a journey of deep-seated animosity, one where Hayley was doing everything in her power never again have my presence desecrate her peace of mind after that little stunt I pulled on her on Christmas

Common sense told me she was probably just busy with other things at the moment.

Take a guess which of the two had me hoodwinked and made a devout believer of.

Doesn’t help that Nick was also far too busy being, well, Nick, to bother answering when I tried asking him about it. Once again just shut up in his man cave of an office, lazing away, five tabs of solitaire opened on his computer, don’t know what the hell he actually does on there – but I wouldn’t put it past him.

I did notice though that Harry’s gift, which had been sitting on his desk from yesterday, was now entirely missing from its spot or anywhere else as far as I could peruse.

And the gift wasn’t the only thing absent either.

For the first time in known history, the swivel stool at the counter’s far end was empty of its usual patron and the rustling sound of shuffling, sliding pages that came with.

It wasn’t like Irene to just miss her daily dose from her favorite dealer in the whole wide world – presumably. I have this sneaking suspicion that if I were to call the local precinct, I’d find that they’re also down one diligent detective right this morning.


In any case, whatever it was she was trying to do… safe to say, that she really was trying alright…

Fortunately, not everything had strayed away from the status quo; coming back from the storeroom with a refill on ingredients, I found myself with a newly-arrived patron of dazzling blonde hair wearing an endearing smile, and suddenly the whole world made perfect sense again.

Damn good thing I decided to leave the ring behind today. Would be a shame to spoil the surprise especially so unceremoniously.

“Oh wow, you got the strawberries ready!” Amanda said in cheer, seeing a container full of the stuff bouncing around with other items I had across my arms. “Have we peaked? Have we already reached the point in our relationship where you’re able to read my thoughts before I even know them myself?”

“Um, sure,” I said, two orders behind and too pressed for time to come up with something better. “Why don’t you also say them out loud as well, yeah? Y’know, just so there aren’t any misunderstandings?”

“Or how about I just have complete and total faith in you?” She suggested, her elbow on the counter propping up a cheeky smile. “Make the drink – I’m sure you’ll get it just right since you know me so well, right?”

Oh God, the gamer’s gaming now. She’s turned our relationship into a game again, a test – on no, why? Do I look like a clown to her? Do I amuse her? The stakes were high; either get it right, or turn that smile upside down.

Welp, so be it then. There are only like – seven items on our menu which key ingredient involves strawberries. A one out of seven guess, that’s like roughly a fourteen percent chance of getting it right. Oh well, I’ve done more astronomical feats before, I suppose. I’ll take those odds.

And so, five minutes after following my strongest hunch, Amanda’s smile remained bright and wide, red foam clinging to her upper lip to which she hungrily licked clean from her cherry chapstick.

“Maybe not quite the mind-reader yet,” She confessed while taking an ever longer, bigger sip. “But with bartending skills like yours, you don’t even need to be.”

“Actually, I thought you might like this one better,” I said in my defense. “Y’know, that whole reading your thoughts before you even know them yourself thing?”

“Oh-ho, alright…” She sniggered, simpering with her lips clamped over the straw. “In that case, guess you pass with flying colors. Seriously, just the best boyfriend ever – aren’t you?”

Humble me just simply took her words in stride, bowing slight whilst polishing a glass clean with a cloth.

“Something I’m sure Adalia knows a thing or two about by now, doesn’t she?”

I stopped wiping.

“Oh, what’s this now?” She said, noticing my reaction. “Girlfriend-senses tingling again?”


“Well, you can tell them to stop tingling,” She eased her gaze, slumping back against her seat. “I’m here for a drink, and as an informer – that is all. Teasing you ’till you’re pink can wait another time. Hopefully sooner rather than later though.”


“Yep,” Amanda nodded. “The director needs you to come in extra early today. He’s feeling very gung-ho, and wants to gauge everyone’s chemistry with the new actors coming in. So immediately after work, it’s straight to work for you – capeesh?”

Quite an out-of-blue request, this one. Though surprisingly tame for that psycho-perfectionist. I was looking for a long soak in something warm before belting out an oscar-worthy performance, but oh well…

“Those new actors must be pretty good if it’s got him this fired up,” I remarked.

“That’s an understatement, you have no idea. Like, especially the Elidna,” She looked again at me, wide hazel eyes unblinking in her disbelief. “Did you know about the Elidna?”

“What about the Elidna?”

“Oh, you literally have no idea,” then with a feeble shake of her head, she downed a heavy gulp of her drink, ignoring the straw that nearly shot up her nose. “Whatever – don’t ask me about it. I’m not gonna spoil the surprise for you. Besides, seeing is believing. You’d call me a liar even if I told you.”

What the hell was she even going on about anymore… poor girl looks like a war vet reliving through an onslaught the way she’s reacting. But, alas, before I could further inquire, another thought popped into mind which instantly took priority over anything else.

“Hey, um, how’s Hayley doing? Do you know?”

“She’s fine,” Amanda said, slowly settling herself back to a calm. “Why do you ask?”

“Have you been meeting her recently? Like yesterday, or even earlier this morning?”

“I have,” She said again, narrowing her gaze and leaning in closer at me. “Why do you ask?”

“How is she? Has she been in a good mood lately?”

“The usual,” She quickly said. “Look, if I have to ask you why again, bucko, I’ll – !”

“Just curious,” I interjected, placating her look of suspicion with an assuring smile. “And if you see her again, can you please kindly remind her that she’s got a cafe to run here?”

“Hayley’s busy with a prior engagement,” Amanda vaguely said. “Besides, running the place – isn’t that what Nick’s here for?”

“Oh yeah, Nick! How could I forget Nick? Right,” I vigorously nodded, tossing my eyes to the backroom, and faintly catching a glimpse of the solitaire-king himself. “Good ol’ reliable Nick. Love the man. Would marry him if I could.”

“Don’t,” Amanda advised darkly. “Knowing how things usually go with you, you just might.”

Ooo, awesome. Now I have the mental image of Nick in a tight-fitting bridal gown burned in my head forever to tell my future therapist about somewhere down the line. Thank you, Amanda – very cool.

Actually, giving it a little more thought, considering the stances of our relationship… I feel like it’d be in that wedding dress instead.

Oh… god… this therapist is gonna cost a fortune…

“Putting that aside for like – forever,” I slowly spoke up again, still feeling goosebumps shivering me around my shoulder. “Do you want to go out for dinner with me in two days from now?”

I nearly got assaulted with a spatter of strawberry sludge. Luckily Amanda covered her mouth in time, and I helped slide her some napkins to wipe the droplets that did manage to trickle down her chin.

Then staring, blinking, and forcefully swallowing, she gasped.


“Dinner, Amanda,” I repeated myself. “Two days starting from today. I’m off then. And I got free coupons for Italian that I won in a paintball match that’s just been sitting rotting in my wallet.”

I don’t know if she was even hearing me or hearing some other stuff of her own – the way her gaze seemed to be looking through me, but one thing did manage to register though.

“You’re asking me out… on a date?”

I just smiled, completely understanding her disbelief on a fundamental level.

“Kinda sounds like it, doesn’t it?”

She didn’t smile back.

“You’re really asking me out?”

“Yes, I am,” I nodded again.



“Not me?”

“Not you.”

“Is this a dream?”

“I could pinch you.”

“No, don’t!” She panicked and blurted, drawing herself away from reach. “I want to stay. Let me stay.”

I just raised my hands, and after explicitly showing and assuring her of my pinch-free motives, she slowly scooted back closer.

“But, wh-what’s this all about, then?” Amanda stammered, still reeling from the shock and delight of it all. “Why so out of nowhere… it’s… is there… do you have something special planned? You do, don’t you?”

“Said we can read each other’s thoughts, right?” I said, reaching out, pinching her cheek anyway, deceiving her all along. And surprise, surprise, this was no dream of hers. “Complete and total faith. Why don’t you try taking a guess?”

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