My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 680

Chapter 680: A Hollow Win

The party continued on way late into the night, momentum shifting from the highest highs to the lowest lows. Loud and rowdy enough to shake the walls one moment, then slower and duller than your typical office conference the next.

In general, whether we party like it was the end of the world or laze around like we really did just die entirely depended on the mood. In my case, I actually liked it more when the vibe got limp and sluggish-big plot twist, I know-and while I did partake in the more lively, frenetic moments, the sitting and just chilling appealed way more to me.

People just relaxing, just chattering, drinking and laughing, that was my idea of a good time as overbearingly mundane as it may sound to some. It allowed me the chance to get to know some new folks, shifting from one circle of friends to the next, while none were exactly best-friends-forever kind of people, they were very much a delight when it came to just having a drink and a laugh with.

Most of the time, Amanda was surrounded by her own group, and while it was easy enough to squeeze my way into her circle, we never did get a chance to directly engage with each other again, especially not when the main topic at hand was constantly tethered to the leaks and rumors about the new Asteria game, made even more awkward when the sledgehammer-revelation came that she won’t be in the attendance of the upcoming expo being held soon.

On the other side of the spectrum, Tyler made it a point to at-all-times he could have me at his side like a trophy he couldn’t help himself but parade around to anyone that would listen. With him, it was mostly chugging drinks, roaring laughter, but mostly chugging drinks. It was quite easy to spot where his group was and where they’ll go just by following the cloud of cigarette smoke.

But there was one social circle that always seemed to take the limelight and attention, and that was the one surrounding Leon. I noticed it was always mostly girls that crowded near him, erecting quite the impenetrable wall around him of girlish giggles and cheap perfume. I tried a few times to scale over that wall in an attempt to thank him for the wine, but there were all pretty much unsuccessful attempts.

The one time I somehow got within six inches of him was when he was two heads in front of me during an intense game of tug of war, where my team suffered a resounding defeat of zero to five because of course fuckin’ Nick was on the enemy team, literally and metaphorically pulling their asses to victory.


Fun and games all around basically to which I enjoyed myself immensely. I drank, I laughed, tried a puff of Tyler’s smoke-never again, by the way-and in a spur of bravado or maybe alcohol, possibly both, I dragged Amanda away from a detailed discussion of the history of Elvenkind because a catchy dance-y tune was shaking the walls at that precise moment.

“Same song you and Ash were dancing to at the arcade, remember?” I said as an explanation to her understandably bewildered expression. “C’mon, you know all the moves, don’t you?”

“H-Hey, no, wait, hold on!” closing her fists, alarmingly swerving her head, Amanda tried to say, “Bad time! I said bad time! Irene’s still here, don’t make it weird!”

Despite her protest, I was already swaying us in tune as best I could with her feet dragging against the floor.

“You pick a seriously bad time growing some balls, you know?” She said in an exasperated whisper. “Of all the times to act so bold to me, it had to be when we’re in full view of your other romance? Have some tact.”

“I’m dancing with you, not flirting, not kissing,” I said, gently placing a hand on her hip which caused her to spaz like a bolt of lightning had just shot through her body. “As scandals go, this is far from the most incriminating thing I can do with you, I’d argue.”

“S-Still...” Her gaze was still elsewhere, still whispering, unable to look away from that lone figure huddled away at one end of the dining table. “She’s watching, and just thinking how she must be feeling seeing you-”

“Oh, trust me, you’re nothing but a source of pure envy in her eyes,” I interjected, still trying my darndest to make it so it didn’t look like I was dancing with a literal mannequin as a partner. “She’s actually surprisingly more petty than you when it comes to me. Just don’t start singing, alright? That will really do it.”

“If you know that, then why are you...?”

“If I have to consider everyone’s feelings every time I want to do something with someone,” I cut her off again. “Then I may as well not do anything at all in the first place. Be passive, be dense... you want me dense? I can be dense.”

“You already are dense,” She flashed a reproving look. “I just... look, I just don’t want her to feel bad. It’s not a very good feeling... I’d know...”

“Yet alas, that’s just the romance game if you dare play. You win some, you lose some,” I slid behind her, twirling her once before pulling her close. “And you’ve been on quite the losing streak, haven’t you?”

From behind, I saw her slant her head downwards, and faintly, she gave a snort. “Oh is this what this is now? You feel bad for me? Want to try and give me an easy win?”

“No,” I twirled her again, tossed her far, catching her in intertwined fingers. “I just felt like dancing with you, is all.”

But looking at her again, there was still quite the furrowing in her brow.

“I don’t want you to feel like you have to just because I want you to, you know?” She said to me. “I’m okay with losing... so long as you’re happy, I-”

I pulled her in again, closer, tighter, quietening her. I didn’t wanna hear about my happiness no more.

“With you, Amanda,” I said. “I am happy.”

Slowly, gradually I felt her body begin to relax, her hand in mine losing its stiffness. From what little I could see from her face hidden in her flowing blonde curls, in the corner, there was the slightest curve of her cheeks.

Then, with her body still closely pressed against mine, I heard her give a sniff. Then another. And immediately, that curve inverted. I think she was frowning now.

“Are you drunk?” She asked.

“No,” I said, spurring us into movement again, with inches of space apart. “Of course not, how could you even say such a thing about me? You know me.”

“I know Tyler,” She glanced over my shoulder, where outbursts of jovial cheers and clinking of glasses loudly erupted. “And I know he’s been dangling you along beside him for quite a while now.”

“Best friends forever now, he says,” I smiled. “How could I not be by his side?”

“Right...” She blinked at me. “So, um, this sudden urge to dance, saying you’re happy with me and all that, it’s not because...?”

“I meant it!” I blurted. “All this, all that, every word, and nothing but the truth! I mean it, you’re my angle, Amanda.”


“Angel!” I hastened to correct myself. “You’re an angel, my angel, an earth angel... sent here to this plane be the most loveable creature you can be.”

Again, she just blinked at that. “That doesn’t even make sense.”

“Exactly,” I nodded, nearly stumbling from a misstep she did, or I did? Maybe both. “Just like how much I love you doesn’t make any sense, y’know?”

Amanda loudly sighed, and she must have been feeling pretty tired, for she rested her head against my shoulder and just laid it there without moving.

“Wait...” I frowned. “Let me try that one again.”

“Ah well,” She muttered. “A win is a win, I suppose...”

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