My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 670

Chapter 670: Tree Time, Part

In a life chock-full of boundless arrays of world-ending catastrophes, evil ominous beings lurking in the infinite, and malevolent magic-wielders operating from behind the shadows, why is it that what actually gets my blood-pumping and hysterics on the rise the most is a visitation from a loved ones family members?

Like, there is no greater primal fear than the raw, unbridled horror of being part of a larger extended family of absolute strangers... strangers you’re obligated to love, but have free reign to scrutinize the absolute shit out of you with no restraint.

It’s happening with Amanda. Now that nightmare has come to loom over my relationship with Adalia like a stormy cloud coming over the horizon.

At least with Amanda’s parents, I won’t have to worry about being Vlad Tepes’d, but Amelia was a whole different story here.

It was a shock to the system, a grim reminder of my perilous situation, and now I couldn’t help but ask, “Didn’t you say you were handling it?”

Adalia continued slowly draping her branches with gleaming red balls, its bright shimmer reflecting the absolute non-concern showing in her eyes.

“I... am...” She answered.


Well, shucks, could have fooled me.

“Also didn’t you also say Tyler asked Amelia out for Christmas or something like that?” I continued asking, suddenly remembering. “But listening to his story... he never mentioned anything along those lines.”

Another red shiny ball silently reflecting another vacant misty stare.

I pressed further. “You lied?”

“Tyler... did ask...”Adalia spoke up “... just... not Christmas...” the reflection in the balls turned along with her gaze directly towards me. “I said... she should go... on Christmas... to enjoy with him... I said she’ll... like it... she said... she will think... about it...”

Just what the hell was this elaborate scheme of love she’s got going on here?

“What for?”

“To keep her away... from ... you... for Christmas... when you’re with... me...”

Right, Christmas... her and I... yeah, I can’t imagine how it’d be for an irate little sister to come gatecrashing on such a special occasion.

But still, was this seriously her way of handling things? For years to come, do whatever it takes to keep Amelia and me from seeing each other. Not the best plan, in my opinion.

“My sister... does not go along... well with... most people...”

Understatement of the year.

“She is... abrasive...” She muttered on. “Before... to protect me... she has to be... and vampires are territorial... by nature... possessive...”

“And here comes little ol’ me strolling by,” I said, reading between the lines. “Getting my grimy hands all over her beloved sister.”

She paused for a moment as if to consider me. “Your hands... are not grimy...”

“Figure of speech.”

“Your hands... are nice...”

“Figure of speech, Adalia,” I repeated. “Anyway, so is that why I haven’t been seeing much of your sister lately? You’ve been keeping her away from here somehow?”

“I visit... her... now...” Adalia affirmed. “She doesn’t... visit me...”

“And she’s fine with that sudden change of arrangement?”

“I... insisted...”

“And she never once asked about me? Not suspicious at all?”

Another pause. “I never... tell...”

I sighed. “Maybe you should. I mean, can’t really keep us a secret forever from her. Better to just get the whole thing over with, don’t you think?”

“I will... tell her...” Adalia said. “Soon...”

“And when’s soon?”

“Soon...” She said again, fixing a slanting miniature tree hanging from one of her branches. “After Christmas... when it is... over...”

Then from around a corner, Tyler popped up to play announcer again, proclaiming to everyone, “Got ten mins left, folks! Step it up now! Also to whoever stole my fuckin’ Santa sleigh, your mom’s very proud of you! Good for you!”

The loud, remorseless laughter I heard joining in with the others from Sammy’s side was pretty telling of who it could be... won’t be naming names though.

Anyway, after that eruption of an announcement, Adalia seemed pretty intent on working on her finishing touches, speaking no more than she already had, so for the time being, I decided to let her be and continue our discussions afterward.

‘Sides surprisingly, Sera has been doing quite a good work salvaging the mess on our sides. Despite being mute, people just immediately crumble beneath her gaze.

I saw her go about plucking ornaments from the other teams and no one dared even say a single word to her. As a result, she had amassed quite the collection... all she needed was a little helping hand aligning them properly from being all manners of crooked.

Got to work with what little time remained, readjusting and sprucing up as best as I could, and it was in the midst of that, as I was leaning left, and Adalia on her side was leaning right, that I heard her speak again.

“Tell Tyler... I will talk to my sister... for him...” She said. “I think that... she should see him again... too...”

Soon enough, the allotted ten minutes were all spent, Tyler came chiming in to round us all up to one side as the prestigious Game Master himself decided upon the one true winner.

Then after much deliberating and tree-circling, Amanda’s team emerged as the grand victor by a mile and a half – five hundred pretty dollars each bestowed onto them straight outta Tyler’s pocket.

Adalia and Hayley came in second place, with a salty, simmering Sammy wheeling in a distant third.

She never quite figured out why a bunch of decorations inexplicably began tumbling down last-minute, and frankly I haven’t a single clue either.

Cough, cough...

As for Sera and I, oh well, guess fourth place ain’t too shabby... especially considering what we had to work with.

Sera herself looked quite pleased admiring the result of her handiwork and had no further interest in anything else beyond just staring at the tree in all its garnished glory.

Yet despite all our combined efforts, there were still big chunks of empty space left present, and a hefty abundance of decorating left unhung... not to mention there were still the lights... but like everything else, I suppose we can always get to them soon.

“Yo, hey, gg, huh?” Tyler said, making a straight beeline for me after the champion ceremony ceased, and doing a horrible job pretending he was immune to being anxious. “Was really rooting for you there, Big Man! But ya know, Amanda’s just got that womanly touch we don’t, and Adalia’s one was simply overloading with style. Can’t play favorites here either! People might think I got a hard-on for you or something, know what I’m saying?”

Sentences I wish my ears could unhear – number one: that shit.

“No dice on your crush coming over tonight, Tyler,” I said, walking over and settling myself on the dining table for a drink. “But Adalia’s in your court. She’ll advocate for you the next time they talk.”

I expected Tyler to look a little disappointed, and while, yeah, he wasn’t exactly jumping out of his shoes, he still had the biggest smile I’ve seen on him since he got here.

“Couldn’t have asked for more, Big Man,” He said earnestly, gripping my shoulder in thanks. “Can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

“Yeah, can’t even begin to fathom it either,” I remarked, leaning back on my seat. “Seriously, just what is it about her that you find so captivating?

“That’s the thing, bro, ain’t got fuckin’ clue,” Tyler said, chuckling lightly. “That’s why I’m trying so hard here so I can figure out why.”

He left shortly after expressing his thanks again, melding into his pack and leaving me alone to gulp down the rest of my grape juice over the rims of a plastic cup.

I had only just got done downing it all completely when I then heard the scrape of a chair, felt a hard rattle on the table. I darted my eyes across and I found the stiff, stoic gaze of a giant staring back from the other end.

I stifled a hiccup, lifting the pitcher of juice right next to me. “Care for a drink, Nick? Victory chug?”

He shook his head, and opting for silence, he continued to make even more cryptic movements, shifting about, rustling his hands, before he suddenly sent something careening straight at me to which I barely manage to halt in time before it went falling over the edge.

“Huh? What? Nick, what’s this?”

My bewilderment sunk in at an instant. What was this, a drug deal? A launder? Why did he just send his prize money sliding literally into my palms?

“I don’t need the money,” His low voice boomed, rising back up on his feet. “Use it for Amanda.”

“What?” Again, I was drowning in pure astonishment. “Five hundred, just like that? Nick, I can’t take this.”

“Either take it or I give it back,” He said. “Your choice if you want to put this money to good use.”

“You put it to good use,’ I retorted, raising the thick stack of cash back at him. “It’s yours.”

“Yours,” He insisted, his resolve overpowering mine. “If you won’t take it for nothing, then take it as a gift. Merry Christmas.”

Then before I could say another word, Nick stalked off, his rumbling stomps fading into the ambiance of music and chatter, while I was left with my jaw on the table, holding a clump of cash in my hand like a dumbfounded idiot who just took out a loan from a shady trench coat fellow in a rundown alley.

Did that seriously just happen? I’m not sure what’s what anymore at this point.

Y’know, I could fight him on this... but something tells me he’ll just continue to be as adamant and inflexible as ever. If he really insists, if he really saw this as better use to me, then fine, guess Merry Christmas it is.

First things first, I can’t just go walking around cash-in-hand the entire time.

Without being seen nor heard, I crept up the stairway unbeknownst to the rest of the party members to my room where I think I might have left my wallet strewn atop the bedside drawer there.

From above, the bustle of the party was like a distant echo the deeper I ventured across the hallway... practically inaudible as I slowly swung my bedroom door to a close.

And for a moment, just for a moment, I took reprieve in the peace and silence my four private walls of comfort and safety offered me.

Only for a moment, however... meaning to say... of course it wouldn’t last.

It couldn’t last.

“I knew it.”

A voice spoke hiding behind the quiet.

“You smell of it. You reek of it. That vile stench permeating off your very being.”


Aggressive. Abrasive. And very, very angry.

“My suspicions, my worst fears... and she thinks me still remaining ignorant of her deception? Your treachery? I think not.”

All the crude words starting with the letter ‘A’ that could only begin to describe her... slinking out of the shadows of the darkness corner, cladded in black, her eyes gleaming with the raven-dark of night that completely pierced into my soul.

In a blinding disorienting whirl, suddenly I felt myself pressed back against my bedroom door, face-to-face inches away from horror-incarnate, the glint of pointed nails pressing down the skin of my neck, while from down below, I heard the resounding click of my door locking shut.

Sorry, Adalia... but I think ‘soon’ just came a whole lot sooner.

“Well, then? Care to explain this?” Amelia asked, dragging the tip of her nail to the side of my neck. “Just why exactly do you have the Mark of Matrimony branded onto you?”

I think I could feel my blood trickling...

“Please do tell what my dear beloved sister refuses to shed light upon,” She urged on, her lips widening and unveiling fangs. “Why, I’m utterly dying to know...”

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