My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 171 Akira Takes Over


Daxia’s cry echoed out in the ocean. Even though I could feel my ear drums bursting, I didn’t move to cover them. Akira’s attempt at manipulating Daxia seemed to be going on well enough, so I wouldn’t dare to even ruin his plans.

“Come on, come on. Everybody wants someone strong on their side.”

‘I’m sick and tired of you overpowered freaks doing whatever you want. I just want to go to Atlantis.’

“Eh? Why would you want to go to such a boring place? Atlantis is just filled with snobby brats hiding behind shiny armour.”

‘Well, snobby brats aren’t causing my mana to run rampant, now, are they?’

“Come on, we both know you aren’t interested in Atlantis. People like us prefer the wild, where no tamed men stay.”

‘I hate the wild. I almost died on more than a hundred occasions in the wild in only under a month. I want tamed for once.’

“So, you admit that you’re just like me. Born and bred in the wild.”

‘You’re only hearing what you want to hear.’


‘AH! You admit it!’


I swam off, not wanting to deal with idiots… well, Akira swam off. He was in control of my body whereas I was just watching everything happening. It felt like I was in a dream off sorts, meaning Akira and I switched positions for the day. It felt weird being at the back, but I guess I would leave it to Akira then.

I looked in the darkness of my brain and before m there was a door. I opened the door, walked in in stared wide-eyed at the shocking sight.


Yosh! Akira speaking here today, I have successfully taken over Tori’s body for the day. Unfortunately, with it came Tori’s feelings. Wow, Tori was really reserved not just shouting at anyone. Anyway, I had a bit of a problem on my hands for the day. That is the problem child, Daxia.

Oh, how I hate problem children. Especially the overpowered types. Those selfish brats were the worst. Except Minerva. Minerva was cool. She gave me a home, gave me food, gave me my first friend. I was seriously indebted to her. I’d have to pay her back and that is what I was trying to do now. I need to get that royal wish from the capital, but this Daxia problem child was stalking me.

I mean, what kind of freak stalks a bird for 4 days straight. Imagine polluting like 50 percent of the ocean just to find one bird. One bird! She found me and what does she want? To control me. For crying out loud, I was getting tired with all of this. At least give me a year before you throw some crap on me, yeah?

C-Calm down, Akira.

Ak-kun pleaded with me, however Akkun was not seeing what I was seeing. I had come to realise one common feature amongst these overpowered freaks. For instance, people like Minerva, Zana and herself were extremely lonely and simply looking for someone who wouldn’t look down on them or even think of their power for a second. Two, their prides were basically non-existent in the face of things weaker than them. And three, they just seemed to like me.

Keeping them craving was the best way to make sure they would join me without switching their minds later. I wanted to get Zana as a servant, but what Hinotori did was essentially the same with a bit of a twist. It carried no difference in the grand scheme of things, but it did give Zana more benefits than a regular servant. I didn’t like the thought of giving authority over the servants to a newcomer, but hopefully Zana wasn’t the type to stage a coup of sorts. Well, if it ever came to that I could use [Absolute Command] to kill her on the spot.

“Oi, oi, oi. Listen to me.”

Daxia swam up in front of me and raised her hands, making me stop.


“Come on. You know my offer was tempting.”

‘Eh? Tempting? Why would I want you when I’ve got even a kraken on my side?’

Well, I did have a baby kraken on my side, but there was no need to specify. That baby kraken was possibly stronger than Daxia.

“Oh? So that’s what you used to defeat my men? But the damage was so negligible. Must’ve been a baby or you were holding back. Either way, what you did wasn’t really impressive.”

Huh? J-Just what was she saying? I know she’s hypothesising, but saying the damage I caused wasn’t impressive, wasn’t that a bit of a stretch? Like, come on. I tried ok? I really did, although my main aim wasn’t to really kill anyone. It was good enough for chaos, right?

‘So, you’re saying you are stronger than my kraken?’

I asked her, hoping to receive an answer that wouldn’t scare me.

“Well, if they aren’t stronger than Kragavishte, I can beat em real easy.”

She responded after giving a bit of thought.


<<In the past, Kragavishte was a name used to scare men from traveling across the sea.>>

‘Eh? In that past?’

<<Approximately 100 years ago, a kraken named Kragavishte would go up to the surface and torment sailors. It would destroy their ships or even sometimes destroy Port Cities. It was silenced by a Paladin 100 years ago and ever since has been presumed dead.>>

‘W-Wait… if you’ve heard of such a thing, then shouldn’t you know about Amethyst’s mother?’


“I don’t know if I pronounced the name right. She’s the mother of all the Krakens and lives in the Bloody Sea. I beat her up real good and we became friends, I guess.”

She interrupted my thoughts, stating something scary.

‘B-Beat her up?’

“Mhm. I cut off lots of tentacles. There were a lot… speaking of which, she only became my friend after I beat her.”

An inhumane grinned found itself on her face and her eyes distorted once she laid eyes on me. When I looked at her, all I saw was a darkness surrounding her and her eyes and mouth grinning at me madly like some Ripper.

[Warning! A massive surge of Chaos Energy is being shot your way.]

[Warning! Prolonged exposure will cause irreversible damage to you]

[Warning! The Chaos Energy is corrupting your [Sacred: Legend of Pandemonium]]

[Warning! Please take evasive actions]

[Warning! Your mind is being overloaded]

Several alerts were coming and I could feel myself slowly blacking out.

[The unique skill [Evolver] is taking effect]

[The unique skill [Evolver] was blocked]

W-What? E-Evolver?

[The unique skill [Evolver] is taking effect]

[The unique skill [Evolver] was blocked]

[The unique skill [Evolver is taking effect]

[The unique skill [Evolver] was blocked]


Akkun’s voice came in, but even though it was in my mind, I wasn’t receiving it as well. [Evolver] kept on acting up. Ten more times, hundred more times, thousand more times. In the end, I lost count and passed out.


Elriek Sox Den Anon Yorul III POV

It was dizzying and blinding.

As princess of Atlantis, the City of Magic Progress, Elriek Sox Den Aon Yorul III had the benefit of having various magical experiences. She had sometimes been the first to see magical breakthroughs and scientific advancements, even before her parents. She had always dreamed of becoming a researcher herself, just so she could make such advancements herself. Unfortunately, when she came of age, it was revealed that her class was [Orator]. A class only good for its administrative abilities.

This made her lose any hope of becoming a researcher. Instead, she found a new goal. She had watched her parents and it finally clicked to her. She would become the one to lord over magical research. She would become the Queen of Atlantis. And even though she couldn’t become a mage herself, she had still done a lot of studying.

That was why she knew for a fact, that the portal that the ugly courier had conjured up was of the worst quality she had seen. It felt insulting to even call that thing a portal. It didn’t care for its user’s safety or comfort. It could have popped up anywhere as long as it was close to Atlantis.

Once she recovered, she looked back at where the portal once was. Now all she could see was blue. She clicked her tongue with distaste and said,

“Good riddance.”

Then she looked the other way. Towards the dome floating in the centre what looked like the middle of nowhere.

The dome covering Atlantis was a magic spell of a spatial nature. It actually contained a much larger space within it, possessing close to 500,000 civilians within it. That was the capital city of Atlantis, Yorul, named after one of the first 3 fishmen created by the Primordial Sea Goddess. Surrounding the dome, were some golden pillars that had runes carved into them to power the dome. These domes were guarded by some of Atlantis’ best soldiers, the Pillar Men.

Said to have the best training conceivable, a force that has never been repelled. Although, it was impossible to actually test their true strengths given the fact that none has ever made it close enough to one of the Pillars to attack a Pillar man.

She prepared her hair and cleared her throat. All she needed to do was make it back to the city and she would be safe for a while. Susu was already there and she knew some people present who would die for her. That meant, the moment she was through the gates leading to Yorul, she would be safe. It was a bit of a nuisance that she wasn’t sent right in front of the gate, but at least she was at a good enough distance.


Just as she was about to head towards the city, an angry sounding voice thundered behind her. When she looked back, what she saw was horrific. The creature’s form was a shapeless blob. Tentacles were swarming about the creature as some parts of it drooped like mucus. The form kept shifting, it was like people were trying to escape from it, but the creature kept rejecting. It beat them into it, constantly switching till it was a linear pole.

“You left my mawstewr there!”

Limbs formed from the pole. Her body was now like that of a human’s. Elriek had heard of humans before and had seen pictures too, so she would know.

The creature’s skin was still covered in slimy mucus. Her body was being beaten about, forcing curves into being. A slender up and a thick lower. Thighs formed as did a chest. A head was being moulded slowly, like the work of an artisan, but instead it was devilish clay being used.

The process was breath-taking. The princess was uncertain whether to be amazed or disgusted. However, she snapped out of her state, realising the immediate danger.

“You. You’re the slime, right?”

Her voice was collected and focused. She had the air of a person completely in control of the situation. If her opponent was someone else, they would have hesitated. However, her opponent was not someone else. Her skill proved to be useless, leaving the princess guffawed.

“I will kill you.”

A dark aura was starting to envelop her body.

‘W-What the hell is with this thing?! That’s so terrifying!’

The princess was starting to lose her cool in her mind while maintaining a confident exterior.

“What would you gain from killing me?”

The slime didn’t respond. Rather, it shot off a heated shot of boiling water in the princess’ direction. It hit the princess right on the arm, but due to her tough exterior, the damage was closely negligible. She glared at the slime.

“I command you to stop this nonsense!”

She used her skill, [Command]. An advanced skill for Orator’s that required their user to at least have a level of charisma around them. Sadly, this did nothing to Kawaii. Kawaii formed a sword in her hand. It was the Demon Longsword her gentle master had blessed her with. She would use it to take revenge, then go out to find her master. In fact, absorbing the princess wouldn’t be a bad idea. It would simply be another addition to her skills.

Elriek clicked her tongue one she realised there was no breaking through to the slime. She swam away towards the city gates. Once the guards saw her, they would come to her rescue. Even the slime would be at the mercy of Atlantis’ fine guards.

‘How did things end up this way?’

The thought ended up crossing her mind as she tried to escape. Instinctively, she dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding an acid spear. She dared to look back and there, the slime was now nothing more than a black goo. One side with a beautiful shape, the other a grotesque monster.

The monster bolted off towards the princess. Elriek would have to admit, she was not the fastest or strongest merman out there, but she had to admit that the slime was incredibly fast. Within a minute, it had caught up to the princess.

‘W-Was this thing really on the surface before?’

Was the only thing she could ask. According to Susu, those who are on the surface find their speed and strength severely reduced. This was because of a difference in pressure between both places. According to Susu, those in the Mass Blue were naturally stronger than the surface walkers, but for some reason there were some extraordinary people. An example was the boy who came to Atlantis in their time of need 5 years ago.

His name was one the princess could never forget. Hiro Tatsumaki. He called himself a hero who simply came to help them with their foe at the time.

When she looked at the slime, a sword was rushing for her neck. All she could think about was Hiro. She wanted Hiro to save her just like he did when came the first time. She closed her eyes, praying for his dashing figure to appear before her once again. To save her with his overwhelming combat prowess.

Tears formed at the corner of her eye when she realised that if the sword connected, she’d die.



An ear-splitting noise was produced, sending chills down the princess’ body. The sword hadn’t connected and she couldn’t feel anything. Slowly, she opened her eyes. With a red cape at his back and silvery white floating in the water, her saviour had stopped the sword from connecting.


She yelled in joy. The man repelled the blade with a fluid movement. His sword glowed a dull red as he sent various stabs in the way of the slime, creating multiple holes in it. Around the slime, multiple elemental spears were formed. Water, acid, ice and lightning.

Elriek noticed the lightning spear, it being one of the most potent forms of magic in the Mass Blue.

“Hiro! Don’t tr-”

“Leave it to me, my lady. I will deal with this quickly.”

His voice came, and the princess immediately realised it wasn’t who she was thinking of. His hair wasn’t silver or white. It was green fur. His face was that of a dog fishman’s. No. It was fiercer than a dog fishman. A new type of fishman? She could have sworn she had seen something like him somewhere before.

After giving his promise to her, he waved his sword in a circular motion, willing for the water to form a wall around him.

Elirek knew this form of swordsmanship. It was the [Imperial Dragon God Swordsmanship]. A technique that the entire royal guard is taught. It wasn’t something just any patrol guard would be taught, which meant he was someone she could trust. Still, she hadn’t seen him before. Was he on a sort of mission all this while?


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