My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 148 The Cursed Executioner Pt.III

Stab. Judge. Kill.

Stab. Judge. Kill.

Stab. Judge. Kill.

Stab. Judge. Kill.

That was Rulis’ life now. However, this Rulis was different from the one that came through on the day of the summoning. According to Jeanne, the Rulis they all met was dead. Something else was in her body. Excelcior on the other hand couldn’t care less. She was efficient. She killed without mercy. She could never harm innocents. Human emotions never clouded her judgement. It were as if she was an Automaton made my Kaleb Zen himself. He couldn’t be any happier to have summoned her and her prowess in battle was basically prodigious.

Neburis on the other hand was not comfortable around such a presence. Rulis had become the very thing she despised. Her father.

Hiro had disappeared one night. Not even his clan members had heard anything from him. It caused tensions between the Dhijan Hero Nation and The New Kyoto Empire. However, Excelcior couldn’t care less. All he could think about was cultivating the strength of his three daughters. If he made them strong enough, his Kingdom’s power would reach the level were even Empires would think twice before attacking. Of course, their political power and history alone ensured that they would not be messed with by the Empires, but having enough military power would make situations much better in his eyes.

A kingdom that matched empires. That was Excelcior’s dream.


On a quiet evening, there was a meeting happening between five very important people seated around a round table. However, there was someone who rushed in. He was a haggard looking man who kept breathing heavily.

“Aah! I-It’s her! She’s here.”

The man kept panting. Pyke’s guards grabbed the man when he slammed the desk.


Pyke sat up straight then looked at the grunt. He was considering just discarding of the man depending on the answer. He had caused quite the uproar during his meeting.

“T-The Executioner. She’s here!”

All those present in the room then looked at one another nervously. Pyke kept his face expressionless while looking at the grunt. He leaned back in his chair and started thinking. He started playing with his dagger unconsciously.

“Where’d you see her?”

He asked.

“S-She struck the farms two days ago.”

“Two days ago? Ya was scammin’ us, Pyke?”

One of the present members stood up immediately and pointed his finger at Pyke. He was Lucien, one of the most feared Drug lords. His men pointed their swords at Pyke nervously. The others in the room all turned their attention to him as well.

“Please take your seat, Lucien.”

Pyke’s number 2, Tolken, suggested with a wave of his hand. Lucien then looked at Pyke’s number two as if he had been insulted.

“Why should I listen ta any of ya? We is all gonna die!”

“We were not aware of this, Lucien. Our farms are quite far from this location if you hadn’t realized.”

“For all we know, ya twits intentionally called us here just ta get us killed.”

“And for what reason would we do that, Sir Lucien? If you, our buyers, get caught, we lose everything as well.”

“Not if em’ palace folks are offering ya em fancy coins.”

Another member spoke out.

“Not you too, Sir Holst.”

Tolken then focused his attention on Holst. The owner of one of the biggest slave rings. He had even managed to start forming connections in the Mexar Empire. He was now peaking in the underworld.

Holst took a sip of his cup of beer then scoffed.

“Think for a second, you two. What reason would Pyke and his men have to get us all caught by The Executioner, huh?”

Spen who was the newest member spoke out. This was his first meeting, since he recently inherited his father’s job. A small time company that sold extremely potent poisons to the underworld. He had a tricky look on his face that made it hard to discern whether he was being serious or joking.

“Why’re ya talkin fresh meat? It wouldn’t be da first time Pyke’s done us dirty.”

Holst spoke out.

“Indeed, I am not aware of the specifics, but you are here, still doing business with him, is that not so?”

“Of course. Da best business partner ya could ever have is Pyke an’ the crew.”

What he said confused both Lucien and Spen. Lucien looked at Spen.

“Then why were ya talkin smack against him?”

“Cause, I hate it when Pyke does this.”

Holst took another gulp from his cup then slammed the desk.

“This is good beer. Get me more!”

He raised the cup to the sky for one of the maids to come attend to it.

“What do ya mean?”

“First of all, sit down.”

Pyke finally spoke. The sense of authority that came with his command made Lucien sit without any questions asked. Pyke himself then stood up and started to circle across the room.

“I’ve been thinking, boys. These meetings we hold occasionally are quite useless, no? Poisoning the drinks we bring…”

He brushed his hands on Spen’s shoulders.


Holst coughed out the alcohol he was wolfing down.

“Sending in spies to infiltrate our businesses to gather information we don’t feel like sharing.”

Pyke played around with Holst’s grey hair then passed by.

“Trying to destroy a business “partner’s” farm.”

He then patted Lucien’s shoulders.

“We been doing this for ages now. So why would the new kid on the streets suddenly be so good at tracking us to the point of finding one of my farms?”

He then put his arm across Tolken’s shoulder.

“Come on lads. This is an easy one. Ain’t it, Tolken?”

All eyes were suddenly at Tolken who had a completely unfazed grin. Pyke then sat back down and put his legs on the table.

“I’d want to say that we have a spy, but I know for certain none of you here are spies for the “pretty folks”. So I’ll just do you all a favor right now.”

“And what’s that?”

Spen asked with a straight face.

“Why are you so serious all of a sudden, kid? You have no reason to be.”

“I don’t like yer tone, Pyke.”

Holst threatened, but Pyke simply rose his hands in surrender with a smile on his face.

“What I’m saying is, we’ve got no shot. We’re definitely not making it out of here today. The Executioner’s here already.”

“WHAT?! How’d you know?”

“She must’ve followed that one after burning the farm. We’ve got no chance of escape. Just say your prayers, boys. Was a pleasure working with ya lot.”

There was a reason a veteran like Pyke had completely given up. The others in the room probably wouldn’t understand him, but Pyke had seen The Executioner’s power up close. At the time, he was lucky that The Executioner was not chasing after him. Afterwards, he did much more research on The Executioner. He remembered her words very much when she killed the last person.

“You are before the Judge and Jury. Make your plea.”

His research was extensive. It took seven months to be precise, but he dug up everything he could concerning that phrase. What he discovered was more horrifying than he could imagine. That was why when he heard the Executioner was here for him, he knew that there was no escaping this.

“That thing, will hunt us down to the very Underworld just to pass judgement on our souls, boys. There’s no escaping it.”

Just as he said that, the ceiling collapsed and everyone ran away from the portion that broke down. When the dust cleared up, they saw a little child with white hair in a jet-black battle gown. Her eyes were like blood-red rubies that stared at Pyke’s very soul. She then switched to Holst who was simply staring in shock. She rose her hand and a sword formed in it.

“My name is Rulis Tepe Miksari Eldiro Furialt. Sir Holsten Wagner. You are before the Judge and Jury. Make your plea.”

Holst’s body flew right into the blade and was stabbed immediately. The others wasted no time in escaping the room. However, Pyke and Tolken grabbed both Lucien and Spen and pinned them to the ground.

“Tolken?! Pyke? What’s the deal?!”

Lucien cried out.

“Silence. The goddess is busy.”

Hesitantly, Lucien looked at The Executioner. Horns glowed on her head and her eyes were now silver in color.

“You have been judged as Unworthy for Life.”

She retracted her sword and Holst’s body fell to the ground lifelessly. Rulis' attention then changed to all four in the room.

“Why would you stop them from running?”

“We only live to serve, Oh Goddess.”

Pyke praised her and offered his free will to her. The lolita looked at him expressionlessly, trying to understand what he meant, but decided to shrug it off. She could tell that he was being very honest, so either way, it worked out for her. Although if it were a lie, the end result would be no different. They would all die.

“Very well. I am not certain what you mean by, “Goddess”, but I will accept your help.”

Rulis lifted Spen up then stabbed his heart. She repeated this till she eradicated the entire Crime Syndicate running in the Sundane Nation. It didn’t take long for tales of her exploits spread throughout the lands. The Executioner that wiped out the biggest crime syndicate in the history of the world. People who claimed to have seen her started to spread rumors of her curse.

That was how she was dubbed The Cursed Executioner amongst all members of the Crime World. However, to those who did no "evil", they had given her a different title. The Heavenly Judge of Blood Red Flames.

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