My Reincarnation as a Chicken

Chapter 145 Seiko Sotomura - The Hero Princesses

“Master Seiko, your breakfast is ready.”

One of the maids said to him. Seiko was sweating intensely while performing some lift-ups in the training area. He jumped down the moment he heard the food was ready and moved to grab a towel. The maid snuck glances at the bare-chested young man and smiled wickedly.

The way his muscles moved with every swing. The eight-pack on his stomach as well as the big chest he carried under his broad shoulders. The scar over his heart which showed he had been in a near-death situation at least once. And the way all the sweat on his body made it seem like he had been washed in oil to show his body well.

‘So hot!’

She screamed internally with hearts for eyes, while maintaining a straight appearance.

Seiko however, noticed her secondary thoughts, but voiced nothing while feeling incredibly uncomfortable.

‘I need to find a new training spot.’


Someone cried out his name and the doors leading to the room burst open with a purple shimmer. Jasmine came through the door at full speed, twisted mid-air to avoid an incoming shot which hit the walls of the training room and caused a crack.

‘Oi, oi. Those walls were made to be resistant to the Paladins’ power in case of sparring.’

Upon closer inspecting, Seiko noticed that the wall was now dripping.

‘D-Don’t tell me she actually went and did it.’

“Seiko, help me.”

She ran behind Seiko and grabbed him by the shoulders while trying to conceal her presence.

“You didn’t do that, did you?”

“Um… I don’t know what you are talking about…?”

“Jasmine! Come out here, now!”

Lady Veronica’s roar boomed in the halls. She came through the door with her sword in hand and an aura that was slowly growing. She was obviously not in the mood for jokes.

“She’s right here.”

Seiko pointed behind him and Veronica grinned.

“Come out now, and I won’t create a permanent wound on your body.”

“Seiko! Why would you betray me?”

She whispered with a bit of hurt in her voice.

“Why are you whispering? Lady Veronica can already see you.”

“I know, but if I’m right next to you, she can’t get me.”

Seiko sighed and kept wiping his body.

“What did you even do?”

Veronica approached the duo and sheathed her sword.

“I- um, that’s a bit… you shouldn’t ask a lady such questions, you know?”

Lady Veronica was now in front of Seiko. If she tried moving to the left, Jasmine would simply move to the right and when she tried vice versa, Jasmine moved to the left. Attempting to get a hold of her as well as Seiko was a no go. There was no real reason to it, just that touching Seiko made her feel weird. A way she had never felt before which she could say was “un-ladylike”.

Realising there was no other option, with this being the only practical opportunity she had, Veronica breathed in.

‘[Quivering Water Technique: Bridge].’

She activated her technique, effectively creating multiple versions of herself going after Jasmine. In fear, Jasmine let go of Seiko and made to run for it, but Veronica had predicted that move and had careful bent right around Seiko’s waist and grabbed her leg before she could move. She pinned Jasmine down and formed a whip out of water.

“You evil brat.”

Veronica whipped Jasmine’s butt and the girl cried.



“Yip! Yip! Yip! Lady Veronica, is this the kind of play you like? Your husband must be very durable then. You could even say immortal, like Seiko there.”


Lady Veronica’s face turned red and she looked at Seiko unconsciously. The boy was already tired of their play and was walking towards his chambers so he could take his bath, then go eat his breakfast. He had no interest in whatever the hell they were talking about.

Jasmine used this opportunity to get up and run away.


Lady Veronica grunted and chased after the girl once again.


Seiko went to take his bath. He threw off his pants and slowly entered the warm pool. He stretched out his body and simply let himself relax, sinking into the fragrance and the silence.

“Why can’t it always be like this.”

“I agree.”

“Hmhm. It’s always travel, inn, adventurer’s guild, mission, fight, repeat over and over again. The most annoying feeling ever.”

“True. It is even more annoying for women, since most people still see the idea of a female solo adventurer as whimsical.”

“You guys must have it rough.”

“Not really. I just beat those who make light of me.”

Seiko stretched his legs out in the water till he felt someone over them. He met a smug expression on a naked blonde’s face. Her dazzling blue eyes were staring dreamily at him whereas his eyes only glared at her.

“Oi, Jeanne. This is my bath.”

“Is that so? I told the maids to prepare it for me though.”

“I see. I’ll take my leave then.”

He pushed her over into the bath then stood up.

“Rude much? Now stay. I don’t mind. We can even do that thing we normally do.”

“Used to do. You can keep your body to yourself, Jeanne. I’m not interested.”

Seiko grabbed his towel and rubbed his body.

“Come on, Seiko. I made the bath just how you like it.”

“Whatever Jeanne.”

“Oh, come on. I have news for you.”

“Whatever it is, it can wait till later.”

“Really? But it involves Hiro and Ciel.”

Seiko froze in his footsteps then groaned. Reluctantly, he returned to the bath and Jeanne sat over him and rested her head on his chest.

“I’ve missed you,

“What’s the news?”

“Wash my body first?”

She seductively whispered into his ears. Seiko didn’t flinch a single muscle. He just glared at Jeanne, albeit a futile attempt at getting her to spill.

“Fine. If you won’t speak. I’ll leave.”

His voice echoed in Jeanne’s mind and she wrapped her hands around his neck. Seiko stood up, hoping that she would fall, but she kept clinging on to him.

“Damn it. You’re supposed to be some saint, aren’t you?!”

“You know I don’t care for such titles.”

“Get off me!”

He grabbed her by the waist and tried yanking her off his body.

“Noooo! I don’t want to leave you! I love you~”

She moaned out, forcing Seiko to put his hand on her mouth to silence her.

“What is the point of this?”

She mumbled something with his hands over her mouth. He let go of her and she licked her lips.

“Welcoming gift.”

“Ah. I’ll tell Hiro about this if you don’t stop.”

“Using Hiro’s name on me after I tried doing that to you… we’re more alike than I thought. Fine. Another time then.”

She dropped then walked back into the bath.

““Ciel has been captured by the Dark Church. I have the Kazoku including my younger sister, Shiro. I will send them to the nearest nation then return to free the Empire. Send Seiko to pick them up for me.” Was the message Hiro told me to pass on to you. My job is done then.”

“Thank you.”

Seiko grabbed his towel then walked out of the room once again.

“Hey, Seiko. Is there really no chance between us again?”

She asked, but her question met deaf ears and a slammed door. Jeanne smiled broadly and relaxed herself in the bath. When she opened her eyes, a single tear drop ran down.

“Now I have to patch Rulis up.”

She sighed then dove into the bath.


After dressing up, Seiko went to the dining area and partook of his breakfast. Although it had grown cold due to the disturbances. Neburis sat across him, also trying to enjoy her breakfast.

“How was your morning session?”

Neburis asked, taking a sip of her tea.

“Normal. How about yours?”

“I have made slight progress with my spatial magic, but I will keep striving for higher lengths.”

Seiko broke his bread and ate it.

“Knowing you, it’s probably being able to summon one more blackhole.”

“Five actually.”

Seiko’s eyes widened in shock. Neburis then smiled and both of them burst out laughing.

“I’ve missed you, Neburis.”

“So have I, you, Seiko. Sorry I couldn’t attend to you yesterday. I believed you were much too exhausted for any of that.”

“If it was you, surely I wouldn’t have even felt a tiny bit tired.”

“You think too highly of me, Seiko. It’s not like I’m the king of a nation.”

“So says the future Queen of the Dhijan Hero Nation.”

“You flatter me too much.”

Seiko cleared his throat and beat his chest.

“Speaking of which, where is his majesty? I should have paid my greetings to him.”

“Worry not. My father is currently training.”

“Why is a man as strong as him still training?”

“Because humans are naturally weak. We stop training and our bodies lose their edge, then we get weaker. Monsters on the other hand, if they get old, they simply evolve into a younger more powerful species. To combat this, we humans must never stop training, even for a moment! Or so he says.”

A new voice came in the room. Both members were shocked and when they looked back, there was Rulis, dragging her ginormous sword behind her with her hair in a mess and her bangs covering one eye. Her face was dirty and she rose her hand to make a peace sign.

“Finally got control back!”

She said confidently, making Neburis drop her cup of tea.


"Yeah. And I've got important news, regardin-."

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