My Daily Cultivation Life with a Clumsy Female Disciple

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

It was obviously not the Devouring Demon Willow, since it did not look like a willow tree at all.

It only had stiff, withered branches extending in the fog, twisting and turning. It did not even have any leaves.

Its fluffy withered branches were like Einstein's white explosive hair in his old age.

In the fog, its branches were faintly visible, like a withered tree.

But it was obviously not a withered tree...

It was not only not a withered tree, but also extremely powerful and ferocious! Facing the five exploring members fleeing towards it and the tentacle monsters, it took initiative to attack!

Each of its seemingly withered branches began to move, rapidly extending, also like tentacles attacking over...

No, those were not tentacles, but more like spears.

Thousands of those spears flew quickly over, and in the instant Qin Ran glanced over, they had already reached right in front of him.

He simply did not have time to react and make an evasive maneuver. His body could only instinctively utilize the Mirage Shift, turning his body into water form.

Just as Qin Ran was gritting his teeth, preparing to endure the pain of those withered branch spears piercing his body...

The imagined pain did not arrive.

Qin Ran was startled, and when he looked closely, he discovered that the withered branches did not assassinate him. They only interweaved into a cage, trapping him inside. When he looked to the side, he discovered that the others, including Su Changqing, were also caged by the withered branches.

And while they were "kindly" locked up, those pursuing tentacle monsters that followed them here did not share that good fortune. The sharp withered branch spears nailed those tentacles in midair.

"So powerful!" Qin Ran thought to himself, but at the same time utilized the Mirage Shift, turning himself into water, attempting to flow out through the gaps in the withered branches.

...This was completely impossible!

He did not know what level this withered tree had cultivated to. The cage it had interwoven seemed to have dense holes everywhere, but it was like a formation, impossible to break through no matter what.

This withered tree was not an ally! Qin Ran's heart sank.

Even though the withered tree had attacked the tentacle monsters and harbored enmity with them, its attitude towards the group of five was not friendly at all.

After struggling fruitlessly for a while, Qin Ran could only give up. Looking again towards the tentacles suspended in midair, he discovered that the tentacles nailed by the withered tree branches had already withered away in the short span of time...

The flesh and blood, along with the demonic energy inside, had all been absorbed by those withered branches!

Absorbing flesh and blood?! Qin Ran was shocked in his heart. This was surely not anything benevolent.


At this time, from within the fog came the pained cries of the tentacle monsters. In the next moment, all of the tentacles impaled by the withered branches snapped off simultaneously. Every single tentacle, including those not impaled, all retreated back faster than when they were chasing Qin Ran and the others.

That tentacle monster was afraid of this withered tree!

Hearing the cries of the tentacle monster and seeing the speed of those retreating tentacles, Qin Ran's expression greatly changed. Exchanging a glance with Su Changqing, he instantly understood...

That tentacle monster had been toying with them the entire time!

The cries of the tentacle monster were still audible from not too far away, indicating that its movement speed was actually not slow! With tentacles that could move so quickly, it meant that it could have caught up to Qin Ran's group long ago. But it just hadn't...

If not for this withered tree, their ultimate ending would be toyed to death by those tentacles.

It was truly a narrow escape... Not at all!

They had been terrified the entire time!

Just what was up with the fog in this land of ancient remnants? One bizarre and horrifying organism after another!

And now, firmly captured by this withered tree, it seemed their fate would not be much better than being toyed to death by those tentacles.

Escaped from tentacle play, only to fall into imprisonment play!

Qin Ran was utterly hopeless.

After driving away the tentacle monster, the withered tree shook its branches, pulling Qin Ran and the others below its tree trunk. Then its branches quivered as it unleashed some unknown arts, summoning something.

Could it be not imprisonment play, but sacrificial offerings to someone instead?

Qin Ran's mind raced as he desperately sought a way to escape...


He suddenly recalled that this was a tree. No matter how powerful, it should still fear fire.

And he still had Earth Flame Pellets on hand.

As the year was almost over, Qin Ran hurriedly took out an Earth Flame Pellet from his Universe Bag...

"I presume Your Excellency is the legendary Blood Dragon Bone?!"

At this time Su Changqing suddenly spoke.

Qin Ran froze in place, halting his actions. Blood Dragon Bone? Su Changqing knew this tree's origins?

The withered tree stopped shaking its branches. It had no visible reaction, but Qin Ran had an odd feeling that it was looking towards Su Changqing.

"Legend says that deep within the Hengduan Mountains, there once existed two ancient, peculiar trees. One was the world devouring Devouring Demon Willow, the other the Blood Dragon Bone that had absorbed the corpse of a true dragon."

Su Changqing's bright voice rang out in the fog, possessing a wonderful charm.

"For trees to gain sentience and become demons is a rare occurrence indeed. For two trees that became demonic to encounter each other could only be the heavens bestowing great fortune and luck. Thus, they became sworn brothers, addressing each other as fellow daoists as they exchanged cultivation insights."

So Su Changqing did know about this tree. Qin Ran thought to himself. Looks like they would not die and there would be no imprisonment play after all.

"While a tree's cultivation method is extremely stable, it is far too slow. They had always sought quick ways to cultivate, but even after countless years obtained nothing. Until that day..." Su Changqing looked towards the Blood Dragon Bone. "A corpse of an immortal cultivator fell from the sky, crashing deep into the Hengduan Mountains.

The moment they sensed the immortal energy emanating from the corpse, both trees knew... the method to quickly cultivate was consumption!

One relied on devouring the flesh and blood of living creatures to grow, while the other buried a dragon's bones underneath its roots to grow, thus setting their cultivation paths to eternally require consumption.

If they could absorb that immortal's corpse, then their powers would surge and they would finally find a chance to ascend..."

Su Changqing's words clearly struck true, as the Blood Dragon Bone's branches began to tremble again while the cage holding Su Changqing tightened inward.

The ownership of that immortal corpse was obvious - one was the soon to advance Devouring Demon Willow, while the other was the unknown withered tree shrouded in fog...

"Your Excellency need not be angered. I presume you know that after obtaining that immortal corpse, the Devouring Demon Willow's cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds. In little over ten thousand years, it was on the cusp of ascension...." Su Changqing was not nervous at all, steady as an old dog as he slowly spoke. "And in order to achieve the strongest possible advancement, it intends to devour the accumulated resources of the past hundred thousand years within the Hengduan Mountains.

We are here... to stop it!"

Upon hearing this, the Blood Dragon Bone's branches instantly ceased trembling.

Su Changqing righteously declared, "We absolutely cannot allow it to succeed!"

And at that moment, the fog suddenly parted, opening a small passage. Everyone present simultaneously sensed a divine presence descend. Su Changqing halted his words, gazing towards that passage...

Within the dense fog, a colorful butterfly slowly emerged from the passage's depths, gracefully fluttering as it approached.

Lithe and elegant, its wings slowly fanned through the air, almost ascending in beauty!

Everyone watched its fluttering wings, its flight trajectory, seemingly glimpsing the Way from its movements...

It was indescribable by words, the true essence of cultivation!!

That was the Dao.

All were enraptured, watching as the colorful butterfly emerged from the passage, flew through the air and gently alighted upon the withered tree's branches, folding up its wings.

Only then did everyone awake from that ethereal state...

"What is that, who is it?!" Qin Ran wondered to himself.

Unable to find an answer, he looked to Su Changqing and saw a pondering expression in his eyes. So Su Changqing knew of this butterfly's origins as well.

Blood Dragon Bone, colorful butterfly, the matters between the Blood Dragon Bone and the Devouring Demon Willow...

Su Changqing still hid many things unsaid.

After the butterfly stilled, the Blood Dragon Bone's branches gently shook, clearly communicating with it.

A while later, the branches loosened and Qin Ran's group was let down.

Then the butterfly once again spread its wings, taking flight from the Blood Dragon Bone's branches. It opened up a passage in the fog and flew inside.

Qin Ran and the others vaguely understood something and hurriedly followed...

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