My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 94 Flying Sword —Part 2

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma stood in awe, their eyes wide with disbelief. Never before had they heard or seen a human soar through the sky without the aid of a magical beast. 

It was an unimaginable feat, one that surpassed the capabilities of even the most accomplished mages.

Lily's eyes sparkled with excitement as she gazed at Yuan, her mind racing with possibilities. If Yuan could fly, then why couldn't she? With determination in her voice, she looked at him and said, "Yuan, if you can do it, then I believe I can too. I want to fly alongside you in the sky."

Anna, Grace, and Emma, captivated by Yuan's airborne prowess, joined Lily, their curiosity piqued. They approached Yuan with anticipation, their eyes filled with wonder. 

In unison, they asked, "Yuan, how did you manage to fly? We would love to learn how to do it as well."

Each of them yearned to defy gravity and explore the boundless expanse of the heavens.

In the midst of their excitement, Xi Meili, who had remained silent until now, interjected. As a Spirit Master at the Sixth Level, she felt compelled to join their discussion. 

"I should be able to fly too," she declared. "Although I lack a flying sword, my level of cultivation should grant me the ability to take flight."

Lily and Emma, brimming with anticipation, raised their eyebrows in surprise at Xi Meili's revelation. 

They both exclaimed in unison, "Spirit Master realm?" 

The thought of reaching such a prestigious level in their cultivation journey filled them with a mix of admiration and aspiration.

Yuan looked at Lily and Emma with empathy, understanding their disappointment at not being able to fly just yet. 

With a gentle smile on his face, he addressed them, "In order to fly using a flying sword, one needs to be in the Spirit Master realm." he explained. 

"Only Spirit Masters possess the ability to manipulate the Spiritual Energy inside their bodies—it's a prerequisite."

Hearing this, Lily and Emma's spirits dampened, a tinge of sadness washing over them. Their hopes of soaring through the sky were momentarily deferred. 

However, Anna and Grace, standing beside them, couldn't contain their excitement. They exchanged glances and Anna eagerly exclaimed, "So does that mean we can learn how to fly since we broke through to the Spirit Master realm last night?"

Yuan nodded, affirming their newfound potential. "Yes, you can," he confirmed. "Once we've had our meal, I will gladly teach you the art of flying." 

Observing Lily and Emma's gloomy expressions, Anna and Grace exchanged knowing looks. 

Anna stepped forward, her voice filled with reassurance, "Don't be sad about it. As long as you cultivate diligently and work towards reaching the Spirit Master realm, Yuan will teach you how to fly." She placed a comforting hand on Lily's shoulder, her gaze warm and understanding.

Grace chimed in, emphasizing Anna's words. "That's right. You're both very close to reaching the Spirit Master realm." 

"So, don't worry too much for now. Just focus on your cultivation journey, and soon enough, you'll be soaring through the skies with us."

The atmosphere lightened as hope rekindled in Lily and Emma's eyes. They realized that although they couldn't fly at this moment, their progress was steadily propelling them towards their ultimate goal. 

They felt a renewed determination to cultivate diligently and break through to the Spirit Master realm.

With their spirits uplifted, Grace suggested, "Since the meal is ready, why don't we savor it while it's still hot?" 

The enticing aroma of the food wafted through the air, tempting their senses. The thought of indulging in a delicious meal created a sense of anticipation among them.

After satisfying their hunger, Anna and Grace couldn't contain their excitement as they looked at Yuan, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. 

Anna spoke up, her voice filled with eagerness, "Now that our stomachs are satisfied, how about you teach us how to fly?"

Yuan nodded with a smile. "Certainly, since we have nothing else to do at the moment except for cultivating, I can teach you all how to fly."

Yuan then accessed the system shop, searching for a storage ring specifically for Xi Meili. He wanted to ensure that everyone had a means to carry their belongings securely. 

«Ding! Tier 3 Storage ring will cost 15 SP, Are you sure you want to purchase it?»

"Yes!" Exclaimed Yuan. 

«Ding! You have purchased the Tier 3 Storage ring with a capacity of 25 cubic meters for 15 SP, the item has been placed inside the system storage!»

Once he found the suitable ring, he made the purchase and handed it to Xi Meili.

Xi Meili's eyes lit up with delight as she gazed at the storage ring in Yuan's hand. 

Blushing shyly, she spoke up, "Husband, why don't you help me put it on?" 

She extended her hand towards Yuan, her expression filled with affection.

Yuan and the others couldn't help but smile at Xi Meili's adorable request. Yuan took her hand gently and carefully placed the ring on one of her fingers. 

However, he didn't put it on her ring finger, as he had other plans for that finger—a symbol of their love and commitment.

Yuan then retrieved his old sword from his system storage, he handed it to Xi Meili. He explained, "Since I now have a soul weapon, I have no use for this old sword. You can use it."

Xi Meili's face beamed with happiness as she gratefully accepted the sword from Yuan. She expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Hubby."

With the preparations complete, Yuan turned to the group and said, "Now that we're ready, let's begin our lesson on flying." 

Excitement filled the air as they gathered around, eager to learn and embrace the exhilarating experience of soaring through the sky.

After retrieving their swords from their storage rings, Anna and Grace stood beside Yuan, eagerly awaiting his instructions. 

Yuan looked at them and said, "Now, throw your swords into the air and focus your minds. Try to manipulate the spiritual energy in your body to keep the swords suspended in the air."

Following Yuan's guidance, Anna and Grace threw their swords into the air, their eyes focused and their minds determined. 

They concentrated on channeling their spiritual energy, attempting to maintain the swords' levitation. 

However, their first few attempts ended with the swords falling back to the ground. Undeterred, they persisted, trying again and again.

With each successive attempt, their control improved, and finally, the swords remained suspended in mid-air. 

Overwhelmed with excitement, Anna and Grace exclaimed in unison, "We did it, darling!" 

Their eyes sparkled as they marveled at the sight of their swords floating before them.

Meanwhile, Xi Meili, who already possessed knowledge of flying using a sword, effortlessly replicated the feat with a single try. She smiled, proud of her progress.

Lily turned to Emma with a serious expression. She suggested, "While Mom Anna, Mom Grace, and Xi Meili are learning to fly using the swords, why don't we dedicate this time to cultivation?"

Emma nodded enthusiastically, agreeing with Lily's suggestion. "You're right. Let's make the most of this opportunity. If we push ourselves to our limits, we might come a step closer to reaching the Spirit Master realm."

Inspired by their determination and motivated by their shared goal, Lily and Emma sat down together, focusing their energies on their cultivation. 

They immersed themselves in the practice, dedicating every ounce of their concentration and willpower towards advancing their abilities.

As Grace looked at Yuan, she asked, "How do we do it? Should we jump on the sword?" 

"Un" Yuan nodded in confirmation and replied, "Yes, once you jump on the sword, you need to control the spiritual energy in your legs and feet to maintain your balance in the air."

Excitement filled the air as Anna and Grace exclaimed, "Let's give it a try!" 

Their eyes sparkled with anticipation as they turned their gaze towards the flying sword, ready to take the leap.

With determined hearts, Anna and Grace prepared themselves and leaped onto the sword. 



However, their initial attempts resulted in falls and a few encounters with the ground. 

They laughed and brushed off the minor setbacks, their determination unshaken.

Xi Meili, observing from the sidelines, also took her turn to balance herself on the flying sword. Like Anna and Grace, she too stumbled and fell a few times, but she persisted, driven by her own determination.

Through countless trials and errors, Anna, Grace, and Xi Meili gradually honed their skills and found their balance on the flying sword. 

A sense of pride and excitement filled their beings as they remained suspended in mid-air, defying gravity.

Looking at Yuan, their eyes filled with a mixture of pride and gratitude. 

They called out to him, "Look, we did it!"

Yuan smiled warmly at them and encouraged, "Now, try to move while manipulating the spiritual energy and stay on the sword. But remember, take it slowly." Anna and Grace nodded, ready to put their newfound skills to the test.

The flying sword began to move forward at a slow pace, and Anna and Grace adjusted their balance accordingly. 

"Hahaha, look we're flying-"

However, just as they were preparing to celebrate this achievement, a sudden loss of control caused them to fall off the sword once again. They let out a collective groan of frustration.

Meanwhile, Xi Meili effortlessly maintained her balance on her flying sword and glided forward with ease. 

Her proficiency impressed Anna and Grace, motivating them to persevere and master this skill.

Hours of training passed, and despite several more instances of meeting the ground rather ungracefully, Anna and Grace gradually improved their ability to fly on the sword without falling off. 

Yuan, observing their growth, decided to join them, taking out his Empyreal Oblivion—a magnificent soul weapon. 

He soared alongside Anna, Grace, and Xi Meili, their synchronized movements and exhilarating flight painting a picture of unity and strength.

Anna and Grace, now confident in their flying skills, pushed the limits. They increased their speed to 30 km per hour, a thrilling sensation of wind rushing past them as they effortlessly maintained their balance on the flying sword.


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