My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 88 Violent Red Boar

As the group continued their journey through the forest of spirits, the sunlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting dappled shadows on the path ahead. 

The sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere. Yuan, feeling the warmth of Xi Meili's embrace, couldn't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm.

Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma rode alongside them, their gazes shifting between the picturesque surroundings and the loving couple before them. 

Anna's eyes twinkled with a hint of playfulness as she teased, "Seems like someone is enjoying the ride a little too much, hm?"

Xi Meili blushed slightly but didn't loosen her hold on Yuan. "I can't help it, sister Anna! This is so exciting, riding through the forest with my beloved husband. It feels like a dream come true."

Lily chimed in, her voice filled with a touch of jealousy, "Well, don't get too comfortable, Xi Meili. Remember, he's my brother and also my husband too."

Emma nodded in agreement, adding with a mischievous grin, "Yes, we all want a turn hugging him like that."

Xi Meili giggled, understanding their playful banter. "Don't worry, sisters. I'll share him with you, but only when we're not on horseback."

Yuan chuckled at their camaraderie and glanced ahead at the winding path. "Speaking of which, how much longer until we reach Havenbrook village?"

Grace, always the one with knowledge of their surroundings, replied, "At this pace, we should arrive in about five hours. Havenbrook village is known for its serene atmosphere and strong connection to nature. It will be a nice change of scenery."

Anna added, "Indeed. The villagers there are known for their respect and reverence towards the spirits of the forest. It's a peaceful place, and I'm sure we'll find respite there."

Yuan nodded, appreciating their input. "Then, let's make Havenbrook village our resting place for the night. It'll be safer than camping out in the wilderness, surrounded by potential monster threats."

As the group rode onward, their horses carrying them steadily through the forest, they looked forward to the comforts and hospitality that awaited them in Havenbrook village.

As Yuan's divine sense alerted him to the presence of the massive boar ahead, he quickly relayed the information to the group. They halted their horses and gathered around, their attention focused on Yuan.

"A huge boar with red fur on its head," Yuan announced, his voice filled with caution.

Lily, well-versed in monster knowledge, immediately recognized the creature. "It's a Violent Red Boar, a C-rank monster known for its aggressive nature. It won't hesitate to attack anyone in its sight."

Grace's eyes widened in surprise. "A Violent Red Boar? They're incredibly rare! Not only is its meat considered to be exquisite and delicious, but it's also highly sought after by nobles. They would pay a fortune for just a taste."

Xi Meili, her eyes sparkling with excitement, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. She turned to Yuan, her voice innocent and filled with anticipation. "Husband, let's hunt it immediately! I've never tasted such rare and delicious meat before. It must be an incredible delicacy!"

Yuan couldn't help but smile at Xi Meili's excitement. Her childlike enthusiasm was infectious. 

He glanced at the rest of the group, taking in their expressions. Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma all seemed intrigued by the prospect of facing this formidable monster.

"Alright, we'll hunt the Violent Red Boar," Yuan declared, his tone resolute.

They dismounted their horses and made their way towards the location indicated by Yuan's divine sense. The forest grew denser, the sound of rustling leaves and the scent of earth filling the air. They moved stealthily, their senses alert for any sign of the monster.

After a few minutes, they spotted the Violent Red Boar in a clearing. It stood tall, its crimson hair on its head gleaming in the sunlight. 

Its muscular frame exuded power, and its fiery gaze locked onto the approaching group.

As the Violent Red Boar prepared to charge, Yuan acted swiftly, drawing his Empyreal Oblivion from his system storage. The gleaming sword radiated a powerful aura, reflecting Yuan's determination. With a focused gaze, he activated his sword technique, "One Sword, One Strike."

"Be careful, it's charging at us!" Yuan warned his companions, his voice steady and commanding. 

The group nodded in unison, understanding the urgency of the situation. Anna, Grace, and Lily swiftly retrieved their swords from their storage rings, preparing to face the formidable beast before them.

Anna's sword glinted in the sunlight as she assumed a defensive stance, her eyes fixed on their charging foe. Grace's movements were fluid and precise as she readied her sword, her posture reflecting years of training and experience. 

Lily's sword gleamed with cold energy and deadly intent, her eyes sharpened with focus and determination.

Meanwhile, Emma employed her martial art technique, activating her Iron Palm technique. She took a sturdy fighting stance, her fists radiating an inner energy. Her eyes locked onto the approaching boar, anticipation fueling her movements.

As for Xi Meili, she stayed near the horses, ensuring their safety. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and she kept a watchful eye on the unfolding battle, ready to provide assistance if needed.

With the group prepared, the Violent Red Boar lunged forward with thunderous force. Yuan, with his Empyreal Oblivion in hand, deftly intercepted the charging beast. His sword technique, allowed him to strike with remarkable precision and power.

With a single, swift stroke, Yuan's sword cleaved through the air, meeting the boar's charge head-on. The clash of steel echoed through the forest as Yuan's strike landed true. 

The powerful aura radiating from his sword intensified, engulfing the area in a blaze of energy.

The boar's momentum halted abruptly as Yuan's strike connected. The beast let out a thunderous roar of pain and fury, its wild eyes reflecting its impending defeat. Sensing its vulnerability, the rest of the group sprang into action.

Anna, Grace, and Lily moved in a synchronized dance, their blades striking with precision. Each swing of their swords was calculated, aimed at exploiting the boar's weaknesses. 

Their coordinated efforts wore down the creature's defenses, leaving it increasingly vulnerable to their onslaught.

Emma's Iron Palm technique proved equally effective. Her strikes were swift and powerful, each blow resonating with the force of her martial prowess. The boar found itself reeling under the combined assault, its once formidable strength waning.

As the battle reached its climax, the Violent Red Boar finally succumbed to its injuries. It collapsed to the ground, its heavy breathing gradually growing weaker. The forest fell into a hushed silence, broken only by the victorious exhalations of the group.

Yuan sheathed his sword, his chest heaving with exertion. He turned to his companions, a mixture of relief and satisfaction evident on his face. "Well done, everyone. We've defeated the Violent Red Boar."

If Yuan had desired, he could have dispatched the Violent Red Boar with a single strike of his sword. However, he chose not to, understanding the importance of his wives gaining experience and coordination in battle.

Yuan stood near the fallen beast, his gaze shifting to Xi Meili, who looked at him with eager anticipation. A smile played on his lips as he spoke to her, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "Well, my dear, it seems your wish has come true. We have indeed succeeded in hunting the legendary Violent Red Boar."

Yuan chuckled softly, his eyes filled with affection for his beloved wife. "You're most welcome, my dear. It was a team effort, and we all played our part in this victory. Now, let's prepare the boar for a delicious feast."

Anna, always practical and efficient, took charge of the situation. She stepped forward and stored the entire boar inside her storage ring, ensuring that their path forward was clear. "Now that the boar has been taken care of, we should resume our journey," she suggested.

The rest of the group nodded in agreement, recognizing the need to keep moving. Grace adjusted her grip on her sword, her eyes scanning their surroundings. "We can't afford to linger for too long. The forest may be home to more dangerous creatures."

Xi Meili, her excitement undimmed, urged the group forward. "Let's continue our journey, then. I can't wait to see what lies ahead."

With renewed determination, they mounted their horses and resumed their journey. The forest of spirits stretched out before them, its mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

After a few hours, as they rode further, Grace pointed ahead and exclaimed, "Look, there it is! Havenbrook village."

The village appeared in the distance, nestled among the rolling hills. Cozy cottages with thatched roofs dotted the landscape, and smoke rose from the chimneys, adding to the idyllic atmosphere.

As they approached Havenbrook village, the villagers noticed their arrival and greeted them warmly. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of laughter from children playing.

Yuan, grateful for the welcoming atmosphere, couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility. He dismounted his horse and extended a hand to help Xi Meili down, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


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