My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 180 You Spoke Too Much

The sword arc vanished into thin air after cleaving through the golem, but to everyone's astonishment, the golem remained standing tall. 

'No matter how hard you try, my golem won't fall easily,' Lord Harrison confidently thought as he observed the seemingly intact golem.

"Hahaha! Did I not tell you that no matter how..." Lord Harrison's triumphant words were abruptly cut off. His expression shifted from confidence to disbelief.

Cracks started to appear, accompanied by faint sounds of crumbling. The golem that he had boasted about was now deteriorating before his eyes. Within a matter of seconds, the once-mighty figure turned into a pile of dust, and the shattered core of the golem rolled to a stop at his feet.

Seeing the golem crumble to dust after Yuan's powerful strike, both the Monore family and Yuan's wives breathed sighs of relief.

"Thank goodness he's alright," Anna murmured with a smile of relief on her face.

The other wives nodded in agreement, their faces lighting up with relief upon seeing their husband emerge victorious against the earth golem.

Madam Layla's relief was apparent as she watched Yuan, her worry dissipating. A proud smile formed on her lips.

"Unbelievable! He actually defeated Lord Harrison's golem. My son-in-law is truly extraordinary," Madam Layla whispered, a mixture of disbelief and pride in her voice.

"Oh my god! He really defeated the golem! He's so cool and handsome!" Julie exclaimed in excitement.

'I'm just glad he's okay,' Ava thought, her relief palpable.

"I can't argue with that. He looked incredibly handsome as he struck down the golem," Ava agreed with a smile.

Observing Yuan unharmed, Rose's sigh of relief was almost audible.

The area fell silent as everyone's attention remained fixed on the pile of dust. The fearsome earth golem had been vanquished by a single strike from the young man.

"Oh my god! He actually defeated the golem with just one attack! What kind of magic was that?"

"Unbelievable! That was a Tier 6 golem summoned by a complex spell, and he destroyed it!"

"This young man is incredibly powerful. No wonder he faced Lord Turner's threat so boldly. I'd do the same if I had that kind of strength."

"He looks so young. How old is he? Such strength at a young age is unheard of."

"Lord Turner really stirred up trouble with the wrong person. It's good if this young man deals with that arrogant fatty once and for all. He's gone too far."

As the onlookers exchanged whispers, they shared their astonishment and thoughts. Meanwhile, Lord Harrison, his butler Geoffrey, and the soldiers stared at the remains of the golem in shock and disbelief.

Their shock was undeniable. How could this seemingly insignificant individual have defeated their formidable summoned earth golem? It defied all reason.

'My golem was defeated? How is that even possible? It had the power of a nearly-mastered mage... It can't be!' Lord Harrison's mind raced in disbelief.

'Dear God! What have I just witnessed? My Lord's summon defeated by this young man? How is that even possible?' Butler Geoffrey stared at the remains of the earth golem in disbelief.

The golem's strength rivaled that of a master-level mage, surpassing even a sixth-circle mage or level six knight. Yet, it had been bested by a mere youth. This was an embarrassment.

"T-T-This is impossible! My golem can't be defeated by a nobody! I refuse to believe it. It must be an illusion..." Lord Harrison struggled to accept the reality, clinging to disbelief even as he saw the proof before him.

Butler Geoffrey shook his head inwardly. He wouldn't have believed it himself if he hadn't witnessed it firsthand. After all, it was a Tier 6 summoning spell.

Geoffrey then turned to the dumbfounded soldiers and bellowed at them, "What are you all waiting for? He must be exhausted now, attack him!"

Snapped out of their daze, the soldiers obeyed, charging towards Yuan with their weapons ready.

"Let's kill him! He's exhausted now, hahahaha!" One of them shouted with determination.

"Yeahhhh!" The other soldiers joined in, their voices raised as they rushed at Yuan.

Yuan faced the charging soldiers with a fierce smile, his grip on his sword tightening as he prepared to face them.

"Killing me? With the likes of you? Keep dreaming." Yuan sneered at the soldiers, his body suddenly launching into motion with incredible speed and precision.

In an instant, Yuan landed amidst the soldiers, who were taken aback by his swift arrival.

Seizing the opportunity, Yuan gripped his sword tightly with both hands and swung it parallel to the ground in a fluid motion.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill that bastard!" Lord Harrison roared in anger, but his command was already too late.


In a fraction of a second, Yuan's sword severed the heads of over nine soldiers in a single sweep.

Thud! Thud!

Bodies and heads fell to the ground with a heavy thud, blood spilling onto the earth.

"This...!" The soldiers looked at Yuan in disbelief. Their once proud expressions had given way to fear—the fear of imminent death.

"No! Don't..." One soldier began to plead, but Yuan's swift sword silenced him by severing his head from his body.

Without hesitation, Yuan continued his onslaught, methodically slaughtering the remaining Turner family soldiers without mercy.

"P-Please spare my life... I have a wife and children at home..."

"D-D-Don't... Don't kill me... I don't want to die..."

One by one, the soldiers begged for their lives, but Yuan regarded them with cold indifference. They were not deserving of mercy for the sins they had committed under the Turner family's orders.

"You're the only one left," Yuan declared to the last surviving soldier, pointing his bloodstained sword at him.

Trembling with fear, the soldier clutched his sword, his legs quaking as he stared at Yuan.

As Yuan aimed his sword at the soldier, the soldier's fear became too much to bear, and he urinated in his pants.

'This one is as good as dead,' Yuan thought, hurling his massive sword at the soldier's head, ending his life instantly.

A collective gasp filled the air as everyone present took in the sight of the dead soldiers. 

"Oh my god! He killed them all! He slaughtered the Turner family soldiers right in front of Lord Turner! I'm at a loss for words!"

"40... He eliminated a total of 40, including 10 mages."

"He was so swift that the mages couldn't even react before meeting their end. This is unbelievable!"

"This young man is both powerful and ruthless, not sparing a single one."

"His bravery in this moment shows why Miss Rose fell for him. Now it all makes sense."

"Of course, how could a weak man be worthy of Miss Rose's affection?"

While the crowd whispered amongst themselves about the situation, Lord Harrison's face turned incredibly sour at the gruesome scene. The corpses of his soldiers lay strewn about, surrounded by pools of blood, creating a horrifying tableau.

Lord Harrison was shocked! Had he just witnessed the deaths of all the soldiers he had brought with him? The very soldiers he had believed to be the most powerful of all? They were now lying lifeless on the ground, their arrogance and strength obliterated.

Yuan fixed Lord Harrison with a mocking smile. "Where's the arrogance you flaunted before? Is that all you had to boast about?"

Every word that Yuan spoke hit Lord Harrison like a poison-tipped arrow, inflicting deep humiliation upon him.

'T-This... I've never experienced such humiliation in my entire life. All my efforts to strengthen my soldiers have come to naught. This is utterly unacceptable!' Lord Harrison fumed inwardly, his eyes fixed on the corpses of his once-proud soldiers.

Unfortunately for him, his butler Geoffrey had different thoughts.

"I apologize, my lord. It appears we underestimated our enemy. Should we consider retreating for now and regrouping with greater force?"

Geoffrey's words left Lord Harrison staring blankly, as though he had unintentionally swallowed a fly. Soon, his face began to flush red in mounting anger.

When his rage reached its boiling point, he let out a roar that reverberated through the air. "Retreat? There's no way I'm retreating! I've already lost too much face today. I can't rest until I've killed this vermin bastard!"


Butler Geoffrey had anticipated this reaction. It wasn't surprising considering the magnitude of his lord's losses. Geoffrey had no power to quell the raging storm of his master's vengeance.

"Since you've tried to kill me twice and failed, it's my turn now," Yuan suddenly shouted, lunging at Lord Harrison and swiftly closing the gap between them.

"Watch out, my lord..." Sensing the impending attack, the butler quickly positioned himself in front of Lord Harrison and activated a protective shield.

"It's useless..." Yuan's voice cut through the air as he swung his massive sword downward.


The sword easily cleaved through the protective barrier and bisected the old butler, leaving him without a chance to utter a word.


The butler's body fell to the ground. Lord Harrison stared at the lifeless form with disbelief, his voice stifled as though he had lost the ability to speak.

"Y-Y-You killed my butler Geoffrey... You must die... I'll kill you! I'LL KILL YOU!"

"Earth Magic: Ear—" Lord Harrison began to chant, but suddenly felt a chilling sensation around his neck.

'What is this? Why can't I speak? Why can't I feel the rest of my body?' Lord Harrison's thoughts raced as he grappled with the sudden strangeness he was experiencing.


Moments later, Lord Harrison's head rolled to the ground, severed from his body. His lifeless form followed suit, the light in his eyes vanishing.

"You spoke too much..." Yuan's voice was calm as he wiped the blood off his massive sword, the deed now done.

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