My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 172 Something Has Changed

In the morning, in a massive king-size bed, Yuan woke up from his sleep feeling something heavy on top of his body. He could sense something soft pressing against his chest and both arms. 

As he opened his eyes, he saw that Xi Meili was sleeping on top of him like a cute kitten, her relaxed smile indicating that she was resting in utmost comfort.

'So cute! She must be feeling very comfortable on top of my body...' Yuan thought inwardly with a warm smile on his face, admiring the peaceful sight of his sleeping wife.

"I won't disappoint you like last night once you step into the Grandmaster realm," Yuan murmured in a low voice, gently kissing Xi Meili's forehead as he made a promise to himself.

Turning his gaze to his left and right, he noticed his two mothers, Anna and Grace, hugging his arm between their bosoms. Their heads rested on his shoulders, displaying serene expressions as they slept, using his arm as a makeshift pillow.

'They're smiling even in their sleep, they must be very satisfied after what happened last night,' Yuan thought inwardly, his heart warmed by the contentment evident on their sleeping faces.

Meanwhile, Lily was sleeping in a rather unconventional position, sprawled out with her arms and legs spread carefreely, displaying a lack of ladylike comportment.

Yuan's attention then shifted to Emma, and he realized that she was already awake. 

"Oh, Emma, I didn't realize you were already awake. Good morning!" Yuan greeted Emma with a smile.

"Good morning, Husband. I woke up a few minutes ago while you were gazing at Mother-in-Law Grace and Anna with a smile," Emma responded with a smile of her own.

"Their sleeping faces were so cute that I couldn't help but stare at them for a moment," Yuan confessed with a chuckle.

Emma gazed at him for a moment and then leaned closer to give him a quick morning kiss on the lips.

"I'll go get changed," she said after the kiss, getting up from the bed. Emma retrieved a fresh set of clothes from her spatial ring and began the process of changing. Yuan watched as she undressed and donned the new attire with a sense of surprise.

'Is this the same shy Emma I know?' Yuan couldn't help but wonder, noticing the change in her demeanor.

Yuan was taken aback by the shift in Emma's behavior. It seemed like something had changed within her overnight, after the enjoyable time they had together.

As the others began to stir in the bedroom, Rose's eyes widened in surprise upon finding herself sleeping among Yuan and his wives. The memories of the previous night rushed back to her, and her face flushed with embarrassment.

'I-I can't believe I really did that with Yuan last night! Ahhh, it's so embarrassing to remember! D-Does that mean I'm now Yuan's woman?' Rose's mind raced with confusion and embarrassment, her face a deep shade of red as the recollection of their intimate moments played in her mind.

Rose's thoughts raced as she attempted to sense her mana, only to find a strange energy coursing through her instead. This new sensation mirrored what Yuan had described about cultivation. However, she lacked any control over this unfamiliar force within her.

'So, I really lost my mana circle last night. Now I'm ready to become a cultivator like my husband and sisters.' Emma's excitement surged as she comprehended the implications. 

Her experience with Yuan had solidified her feelings, causing her to now consider him her husband rather than just a lover.

"Good morning, Rose. Are you feeling well? Any discomfort?" Yuan's concerned voice pulled her back to reality.

Emerging from her thoughts, Rose met Yuan's gaze and responded with a reassuring smile. "I'm perfectly fine, Husband. Your worries are unnecessary."

Yuan leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her lips, a simple affection that felt natural now that they had taken a significant step in their relationship.

The kisses continued, with Yuan showing his affection to Anna, Grace, Lily, and Xi Meili. The morning intimacy flowed seamlessly between them all.

Having concluded their shared expressions of love, Yuan got up from the bed and proceeded to change his clothes before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

A short while later, Yuan and his wives left the bedroom, making their way toward the manor's living hall. Upon entering, their eyes fell on Madam Layla, who held a cup of tea with grace.

Recognizing their presence, Madam Layla greeted them warmly, capturing the peaceful essence of the morning through her sip of tea.

Observing Rose, her gaze took on a contemplative edge. 'Why do I sense something different about Rose? Is it due to her transition into womanhood? No, that's not it. There's something mysterious that I can't quite identify,' Madam Layla pondered as her eyes lingered on her daughter.

A sense of unease filled Madam Layla as she realized that Rose's mana circle was absent, leaving a void where her energy should be. 

'What happened to her mana circle? Why can't I detect it? It seems she doesn't have any mana left within her body. What occurred last night?' Madam Layla's inner turmoil heightened as she grappled with these new revelations.

'Sigh. I'll have to inquire about this later,' Madam Layla resolved inwardly, promising herself to address the mystery at a more suitable time.

"Good morning, Madam Layla! It appears you have a fondness for morning tea," Yuan chimed in upon entering the living hall.

Madam Layla placed her teacup gently on the small table and greeted them with her usual warmth. "Fufufu~ You're right, I do enjoy my morning tea. It refreshes me before breakfast. Good morning to all of you!"

"Good morning, Madam Layla," Yuan's wives responded with smiles, acknowledging her presence.

Madam Layla's attention shifted to Rose, and her smile grew more playful. Rose's cheeks heated under the intensity of her mother's gaze.

"Rose, there's a newfound maturity about you. You've truly become a woman. No wonder I've sensed a change. I'm genuinely happy for you, my dear." Madam Layla's words carried a mix of warmth and playfulness.

Rose's blush deepened, and she wished she could disappear from the attention.

Madam Layla's thoughts drifted to Ava and Julie. 'When will they make their intentions known?' she wondered, reading Rose's blushing face as evidence of her transition into womanhood.

After a minute, Madam Layla turned to Yuan, her tone light and welcoming. "You've arrived at the perfect moment. Ivy is currently preparing breakfast for us. Shall we head to the dining hall?"

Xi Meili's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of food, her imagination already conjuring the flavors of their upcoming meal.

"That sounds wonderful. We're feeling a bit hungry as well," Yuan responded, ready to embrace the morning with a satisfying meal shared among loved ones.

Madam Layla led them to the dining hall, where Yuan spotted Julie and Ava already seated at the table. Their mother and big sister had arrived, and only James was yet to join them.

Ava and Julie's eyes brightened upon seeing Madam Layla, Yuan, and his wives enter the dining hall. Their attention, however, was primarily drawn to Yuan. "Yuan, good morning," they chimed in unison, smiles gracing their slightly flushed faces.

"Good morning to both of you. Have you had your breakfast?" Yuan inquired.

"No, we just arrived a moment before you. Ivy is preparing breakfast, and she'll be done in a minute," Ava responded before Julie could speak up.

As the conversation continued, Ava and Julie's gazes flickered toward their big sister, Rose. They sensed an unusual shift in her demeanor today and, curiously, they detected no mana emanating from her body.

"Hey, Ava, is it just me, or is there something different about Rose today? I can't put my finger on it, but her vibe seems changed," Julie whispered to Ava, their heads close.

"It's not just you. I've noticed it too. And you're right, I can't sense any mana from her either. It's the same as with Yuan and his wives," Ava responded, her voice barely above a whisper, as she exchanged the information with her sister.

Rose, aware of their hushed conversation and the furtive glances sent her way, couldn't help but frown. 'What are they talking about?' she wondered, slightly annoyed by the secrecy.

Meanwhile, at Turner Manor, Lord Harrison Turner sat at his study table, his expression heavy with grief after losing his beloved son, Henry Turner. His mind was consumed with thoughts of vengeance.

Minutes later, the study's door creaked open, revealing Geoffrey, the butler. He was well acquainted with Lord Harrison's grief and determination for retribution.

"Old Man, what's the progress of your investigation? Have you found anyone who saw my son's killer? Tell me who's responsible for my son's death!"

Geoffrey sighed inwardly, recognizing the turmoil his lord was going through. However, delivering the truth was not going to be easy. 'Given his current state, how can I tell him the truth?'

"Why are you silent? Who took my son's life? Tell me!" Lord Harrison demanded, his voice tense and full of desperation.

"Forgive me, My Lord. But the truth is, we haven't found a single witness who can shed light on the crime. We've questioned the entire village, but we're yet to uncover any clues about the perpetrator. I apologize for the disappointment, My Lord," Geoffrey replied with a remorseful expression.

Despite deploying over forty people to investigate Henry's death within the village, their efforts had yielded nothing but frustration. They hadn't come across any leads, let alone the actual killer.

"Useless! I might as well have employed a group of thugs instead of these soldiers. Utterly useless!" Lord Harrison's anger erupted as he slammed his hands down on the desk, his grief-fueled frustration spilling over.

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