My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 163 Revealing The Truth

Inside the bedroom, Rose was now lying down on the bed, revealing every inch of her body except for the lower part to Yuan's eyes, her delicate, beautiful milky white skin that was full of vigor, her delicate physique with perfect curves at the right place, and the pair of perfectly supple bosoms.

'So gorgeous! Her body is so beautiful, it's making me so excited...' Yuan muttered inwardly.

Everything about her was so perfect that Yuan couldn't help but stare at her beautiful physique in a daze, and he could feel that his body was getting excited looking at the beautiful half-naked beauty laying on the bed.

'He is staring at me! It's so embarrassing! Ahhh!' Rose's face flushed in red, feeling like Yuan was stung at her naked body, especially at her bosoms, which were now completely exposed.

Yuan stared at her large pair of bosoms and reached for his hand to touch them. Seeing that Rose wasn't resisting, he quickly grabbed them with both hands.

"Mmmm...! A soft moan escaped from Rose's mouth in pleasure as Yuan squeezed her bosoms gently.

Yuan smiled upon hearing the soft moan from Rose's mouth and started massaging her bosoms gently for the following moment, and the bedroom was filled with the voice of a soft moan.

A minute later, Yuan stopped squeezing Rose's bosoms and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead with a warm smile on his face. Her cheeks turned crimson from embarrassment, and she instinctively covered her bosoms with her hands.

However, in this moment, a crucial thought entered Yuan's mind, one that could shape their future together. He pondered for a moment, then resolved to share his deepest secrets with Rose before they went any further. He didn't want to jeopardize their connection over a lapse in honesty.

'I should confide in her about my relationships with my two mothers and my sister before we take the next step. It's vital that I reveal our secret before it's too late. I don't want her to resent me later for keeping this from her...' Yuan reflected inwardly.

Despite the brief time they had spent together, Rose had become extraordinarily significant to Yuan, as if their destinies were intertwined. Gazing at her with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, he softly called out, "Rose?"

"Yes? Why do you sound so anxious all of a sudden?" Rose inquired with confusion, puzzled by Yuan's sudden change in demeanor.

He hesitated briefly before voicing his thoughts, "Well, I've been thinking... Would you consider joining us, becoming one of us?"

This statement baffled Rose, and she regarded him with a perplexed expression. What did he mean by "becoming one of us"? Weren't they all essentially the same, except for their enigmatic abilities?

"What do you mean? 'Becoming one of us'? Can you clarify that? We're all similar, aside from our special abilities." Rose responded, her gaze flickering toward her prospective sisters, who observed her with subtle smiles.

Anna, with a warm smile, stood up and moved toward Rose, taking a seat beside her.

"By becoming one of us, you'd relinquish your ability to cast spells, manipulate mana, and cleanse mana from your body. But don't fret, my dear. This sacrifice would only make you stronger. With Yuan's guidance, you'd harness a power far beyond mana, one that holds boundless growth potential," Anna explained gently, her expression warm.

Rose was rendered speechless. The notion of giving up her ability to wield mana entailed dismantling her mana circle—essentially turning her into an ordinary person. It was a risky endeavor, often leading to injuries or even death. Were they genuinely suggesting she take such a perilous step?

"But wouldn't I become powerless after losing my mana circle? And I've heard that some individuals have perished due to its destruction. It seems too hazardous to destroy my mana circle... I wish to share my life with Yuan for years to come, not face the possibility of an early demise," Rose expressed with a tremor of anxiety in her voice.

There were numerous instances of deaths resulting from destroying mana circles, most occurring during battles where the mana circles were damaged, leading to catastrophic explosions that could claim many lives.

"Who said you need to destroy your mana circle? My dear has a special technique that allows him to cleanse every speck of mana from your body without harming you. Instead, you'll only feel pleasure. He did it with my daughter Lily here; you can ask her for confirmation," Anna said with a knowing smile.

"Indeed! It's a very pleasurable feeling, and I love it," Lily agreed, adding a seductive gesture that caught Rose's attention.

Rose stared incredulously at Anna and Lily. The words she'd just heard felt like a whirlwind, leaving her astounded. She couldn't believe it—Miss Lily being Miss Anna's daughter was a revelation she hadn't seen coming.

Rose's thoughts raced. Miss Lily and Miss Anna looked like sisters. How could they be mother and daughter? And if Lily was Anna's daughter, what did that make Yuan? The confusion knotted her brows.

'If Miss Lily is Miss Anna's daughter, then what about Yuan? What is he to them?' Rose pondered, her expression perplexed.

Taking a moment to process this revelation, Rose realized she wasn't repulsed by the fact that her future husband had formed a unique relationship with a pair of mother and daughter. In this world, powerful mage families often married within their bloodline to preserve their magical heritage. It wasn't uncommon.

After a beat, Rose turned her attention back to Anna. "If Miss Lily is your daughter, then what is your actual relationship with Yuan? He looks a lot like you."

Grace stepped forward, her smile warm as she settled beside Anna. "There's one thing you've got wrong, Rose. Lily is not just Anna's biological daughter; she's also mine. Meaning, Lily is both mine and Anna's biological daughter. And as for Yuan, just as Lily is our daughter, he is our biological son."

"Y-Y-Yuan is your... Son?... How is that possible?" Rose stammered in disbelief, her eyes wide as if she had encountered a ghost.

Rose was left dumbfounded. Not only was Lily their daughter, but Yuan was also their son? How could two people give birth to the same person? It defied all logic.

"H-How... How can you both be Yuan and Lily's biological mothers?" Rose asked, her confusion evident.

Looking at Rose's confused look, Anna began to explain their unique situation, sharing the story of her past condition, her two personalities, and how with Yuan's assistance, they had separated into two distinct entities, Anna and Grace.

Captivated, Rose listened intently, hanging onto every word from Anna and Grace, determined not to miss a single detail.

"Wow! I never thought such a magical thing could exist in this world. It sounds like it came right out of a fairy tale... No wonder you both look so alike, except for your hair and eye color, and also your demeanor, Miss Anna and Miss Grace." Rose's fascination with Anna and Grace's explanation about their unique condition was palpable.

"It does sound like a fairy tale, but it's the truth," Grace confirmed.

"At that time, I thought I would waste away in my bed. Who knew that my own son would cure our special condition and later become our spouse? Fate is truly unpredictable," Anna mused, her gaze affectionately fixed on Yuan.

"By the way, what is this 'cultivation' thing you mentioned? I didn't quite understand," Rose interjected, her voice tinged with curiosity. This term was entirely new to her.

"Darling, why don't you personally explain cultivation to your bride? I'm sure she'd be delighted if you taught her," Grace chimed in, her tone teasing.

"Absolutely! Yuan, don't waste any time and enlighten our lovely daughter-in-law quickly..." Anna joined in with a playful smile.

Yuan nodded in agreement, and Rose blushed, slightly embarrassed by her future mother-in-laws' playful banter.

"Before I explain everything about cultivation to you, Rose, I'd like to know—are you willing to become a cultivator like us?" Yuan asked seriously.

"I'm willing," Rose responded resolutely, her gaze locked onto Yuan's.

"Good, I'm glad you've chosen to become a cultivator like us, Rose. I'm very happy," Yuan said with a warm smile.

With that, Yuan began his explanation about cultivation and cultivators to Rose, omitting some intricate details that could confuse or burden her at this stage.

"It's all so mysterious and powerful. So, I can become an immortal after I become a cultivator like all of you, right?" Rose's voice brimmed with excitement.

She was thrilled by the idea of cultivation, intrigued by the concept of the mysterious energy in the atmosphere alongside Mana, something she had no prior knowledge of.

After Yuan's explanation, Rose now understood that he and his wives were not gods or goddesses as the villagers had described them. They had simply achieved a certain level of strength that allowed them to transcend the sky, utilizing Spiritual energy for the exchange. It was akin to casting spells, where mana was used for a specific magical effect called magic.

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