My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 151 A Fool's Act


The Monroe family, along with their few servants, were left speechless, witnessing Yuan step onto the massive sword that was hovering in the air, carrying both Henry and Peter with both hands. 

In just a mere seconds, Yuan had disappeared from their sight, as though he had traveled too far for them to notice him in just a few seconds. 

They were all stunned, struggling to believe what they had just witnessed. Just how fast was he when flying?

'So Ava wasn't exaggerating earlier when she mentioned that Yuan and his wives have the ability to fly. It turned out to be true... What an interesting lad. It's fortunate for us to have such a formidable son-in-law.' Madam Layla thought inwardly, her expression dazed as she stared at the sky above.

'He is willing to go to such an extent just for me. I didn't make the wrong choice by falling in love with Yuan... I'm really fortunate that I met you, Yuan.' Rose thought inwardly, her heart brimming with happiness.

However, just like her mother, Rose was also surprised to witness Yuan soaring into the sky for the first time. Yet, she didn't dwell on it, knowing that Yuan would explain one day anyway. There was no point in overthinking it now.

But unlike Madam Layla and Rose, Ava and Julie were quite surprised and excited as well, seeing Yuan soar into the sky with their own eyes. They had only heard rumors about it before from the villagers.

"Wow! Yuan really can fly, so cool!" Julie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"I agree! He's really cool! The way he acted to protect Big Sister's dignity, it was so cool! I wonder if he will do the same for me too..." Ava's voice was filled with excitement and anticipation.

"Big Sister Rose is lucky to have made him fall in love with her before us... I will not lose to her either!" Julie declared, determination evident in her voice as she set her sights on winning Yuan's heart.

"Hmph! I will not lose to you either..." Ava retorted.

Meanwhile, James stared at the sky with a dazed look on his face, lost in thought.

'It's no wonder a group of such beauties is accompanying him. With that kind of ability, he can have as many women as he likes...' James thought inwardly, an awkward smile playing on his lips, his feelings tinged with a hint of jealousy towards Yuan.

As for Yuan's wives, they stood there proudly, unconcerned about what the Monroe family might think of them. It wasn't their concern at all.

Meanwhile, Yuan took off from the Monroe manor, swiftly heading towards the mountain range not far from Pinebrook village on his flying sword.

Henry and Peter were utterly bewildered. Just moments ago, they had been kneeling in the Monroe family's front yard, and now they found themselves suspended in the air, Yuan's grip tight around their necks.

They were at a loss for words, doubting their own eyes. Could this be a dream?

'W-W-We're flying?! What in the world is happening?' their thoughts raced.

But in their current predicament, they dared not struggle or attempt to break free, petrified of the consequences of falling from such a height.

After a minute, Yuan arrived at a dense forest within the mountain range. He could hear the distant roars of wild beasts echoing through the woods with his heightened senses. 

Hovering several meters above the ground, Yuan released his grip on Henry and Peter, allowing them to plummet to the earth. 

The impact sent shockwaves of pain through their bodies, and they groaned as they crawled on the forest floor.

"Aghhh!!" their voices mingled with the sounds of pain.

"Y-You heartless bastard! How could you drop us from that height? We could have died!" Henry's voice was a mix of pain and anger as he struggled to stand.

Unlike Henry, Peter's focus was on the surroundings. He saw nothing but thick trees blocking out the sunlight and heard the ominous growls of nearby wild beasts. He turned to Yuan with a look of horror.

"Y-Y-You monster! Where have you brought us? What do you intend to do?" Peter's voice was filled with panic, his gaze darting around frantically.

Henry's gaze followed Peter's, and he was horrified to find himself in the heart of a forest within mere minutes. Tremors coursed through his body as he realized the dire situation he was in. He understood the fate that often awaited victims in such secluded places, and he knew that there was no one to come to his rescue here.

His voice trembling, Henry turned to Yuan, a mix of fear and desperation in his eyes.

"W-Why are you doing this to us? What grievance have we caused you to go to such extremes? If you release me, I promise to ask my Father to reward you with 10,000 gold coins for sparing my life. How does that sound?" Henry's tone was supplicating, his posture submissive as he attempted to avoid any rash actions.I think you should take a look at

But Yuan remained silent, leaving Henry to continue his plea.

"Think about it, 10,000 gold coins is an immense sum for a commoner like you. With that much wealth, you could lead a life of luxury. Don't be foolish. Accept the offer and escort me safely home."

Yuan was left flabbergasted and speechless. Was Henry truly this dimwitted? How could someone be so obtuse? Was this the future lord of the Turner family?

'Is he truly this much of a fool? Can he not comprehend the reason for my actions? And what about Rose's kiss just moments ago? Did that mean nothing to him? Does he conveniently forget after witnessing my punch? I've encountered my fair share of imbeciles in my past life, but this... this is on another level. I'm truly at a loss.' Yuan's internal lamentation resonated.

However, Yuan remained unaware of the chaotic whirlwind of thoughts that churned within Henry's mind. He couldn't fathom how someone could disregard such a significant gesture as the kiss from Rose.

And it wasn't just Yuan; even Peter, Henry's loyal servant, found himself equally dumbfounded by the absurdity of the situation.

However, Yuan wasn't convinced by Henry's words. He knew better than to believe that someone as obsessed as Henry could conveniently forget about the kiss from Rose. 

He had seen firsthand how Henry's obsession had driven him to act irrationally, despite Rose's clear rejections.

'Do you take me for a fool? Do you think a mention of gold coins would easily sway me? You've chosen the wrong person to try and deceive,' Yuan thought inwardly, a wry smile playing on his lips.

"So, have you come to your senses and agreed?" Henry inquired, wearing a smile and attempting to present himself as friendly as possible, hoping to win Yuan over.

'Impressive, Young Master. You're doing well. Convince him to take us back home, and once we're safe, we can dispose of him as we please,' Peter thought inwardly, impressed by Henry's performance.

It seemed that Henry's abilities were underestimated. His act was convincing, and he proved to possess a talent for deception.

However, Yuan was far from swayed. He was about to shatter their hopes with his next words.

"Do you take me for a fool? Do you think a mere offer of gold coins could buy me? And after the disrespect you've shown to my dear Rose, do you think I'd spare your lives to see the light of day again? Your delusions are laughable. Today, both of you will meet your end by my hand," Yuan's voice was cold and stern, akin to the frigid gusts of a snowy mountain that could freeze one's very soul.

Henry and Peter's expressions froze, realizing their desperate plan had crumbled.

Yuan continued, "I must admit, you've put on a convincing act for someone so foolish. Had it been someone else, they might have fallen for your ruse of amnesia. But you've chosen the wrong person to deceive, my friend. Such a trick won't work on me."

"Now, are you prepared to meet your end?" Yuan lifted the Empyreal Oblivion with one hand, its blade glinting ominously as he pointed it at Henry and the trembling Peter beside him.

"P-P-Please, spare my life... I-I promise I'll never trouble Rose again. I-I'll stay away from her forever," Henry pleaded, his voice shaking with the fear of death.

"I beseech you, kind sir, please spare us. Let's talk things out, shall we? Isn't that right, Young Master?" Peter fell to his knees before Yuan, his voice laced with desperation.

"... Yes, we can discuss this—"


Before Henry could finish his sentence, he witnessed the unthinkable. Peter's head was abruptly severed from his body, falling to the ground and rolling several feet away.

"Huh?" Henry's mind reeled in confusion. What had just happened? How could Peter's head be on the ground?

Henry's gaze remained fixed on the severed head of his servant lying on the ground, his mind struggling to process the gruesome reality before him. His confusion was evident, his thoughts tangled in a web of disbelief.

As if awoken from a stupor, a chilling sensation brushed against Henry's face, and he instinctively raised his hand to his cheek. His fingers came away stained with a wet, sticky substance – blood. A jolt of terror surged through him as he realized the implication.

"B-B-Blood? D-D-Does that mean Peter... Is dead?" Henry's voice quivered with a mix of fear, shock, and realization. 

The weight of the situation crashed down upon him, and a torrent of emotions swirled within.

"Hmph! A lowly servant dares to seek compromise with me? How utterly foolish," Yuan's voice, devoid of mercy or remorse, sliced through the air.

Henry's head snapped up, his wide eyes locking onto Yuan's figure.

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