My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 145 Have You Done It Already?

A few minutes later, Rose emerged from her bedroom, wearing a beautiful casual dress that was comfortable and easy to move in. Taking a break from her work as the acting head of the village, she had opted for a more relaxed outfit, eschewing the usual professional attire that had often burdened her.

As Yuan laid eyes on her, he was rendered speechless, captivated by her beauty. Despite being a mere mortal, her allure was one-of-a-kind, comparable to that of his wives, who were cultivators.

'Even in a casual dress, she looks stunning. And she left her hair open just for me, how thoughtful of her,' Yuan thought inwardly, his heart swelling with happiness. He felt like the luckiest man in the world to have such a thoughtful and beautiful lover.

"You look gorgeous with open hair, Rose, just as I expected," Yuan complimented her with a smile.

Hearing his words, Rose's heart brimmed with joy, and a faint blush adorned her cheeks. When she had chosen this look, she had secretly hoped for his admiration.

"Why thank you, Yuan. I'm glad you like it. At first, I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it seems it turned out well," Rose replied, her smile brightening.

"Now then, I suppose we should head to the living hall where the others are waiting for us, shall we?" Rose suggested, mindful that keeping them waiting could lead to misunderstandings and awkwardness.

'Being alone with a young man in a bedroom for too long could be easily misunderstood,' Rose thought inwardly, slightly flustered.

"Naturally!" Yuan nodded, and they both made their way back to the living hall where the others were eagerly waiting for their return.

Meanwhile, back in the living hall, Yuan's mother, Anna, couldn't help but feel a bit worried. It had been quite a while since Yuan left to wake up Rose from her sleep in her room.

"I wonder what's taking Yuan so long. He should've returned by now," Anna murmured in a low voice, her concern evident and audible to the others in the room.

"I wonder why it's taking this long to wake her up. Perhaps they were discussing something fairly important, or I'm not sure what else," Madam Layla said with a sigh, expressing her concern about the delay.

She was also worried because it had been a surprise for Rose, and Yuan waking her up in her bedroom could potentially create awkwardness or even make her angry at him.

'I hope she's handling things fairly well. She's not very experienced in matters of love, which is why she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, despite being desired by every man. If I were in her place, I would probably have more than 10 boyfriends by now. Alas, I wasn't blessed with such beauty. What a shame I fell in love with her father and got married soon after,' Madam Layla thought inwardly, reminiscing about her past.

"I suppose you're right, Madam Layla. Yuan isn't the kind of person to assault a defenseless woman, no matter how beautiful she is," Anna said with a smile, defending her son's character. She had full faith in Yuan's integrity, knowing he was different from the despicable nobles' brats.

Madam Layla was impressed by Anna's trust in Yuan. She thought, 'How beautiful, she trusts him so much that she isn't mad at him for visiting my daughter's room at all. He must be quite exceptional for her to believe in him like this. I wasn't wrong in choosing him to be my daughter's husband.'

"Let's wait a few more minutes. They must be on their way here by now," Madam Layla suggested to Yuan's wives, who nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later, Yuan and Rose arrived at the living hall together, side by side. They noticed that Madam Layla and his wives were having a conversation over tea.

Madam Layla immediately stood up and welcomed them, playfully saying, "You guys are here at last. I wonder what took you two so long. But Yuan, your wife Anna here was quite worried about you, you know?" Her tone was light-hearted, teasing Yuan a bit.

Rose blushed, fully understanding what her mother was implying, and feeling slightly embarrassed, recalling the passionate kiss they had shared in her bedroom.

Seeing her daughter's blush, Madam Layla smirked playfully and thought, 'So, something did happen between the two of them, huh? How wonderful, it seems that my daughter is on the right track.'

Yuan's wives also noticed the blush on Rose's cheeks, and they exchanged knowing smiles, realizing what had transpired.

'As expected of my darling, no girl can resist him. He's too handsome for them to resist, and I'm proud of him!' Anna thought inwardly, feeling a sense of pride in her husband's charm.

'Oh my, looks like dear has already made his move on her. At this rate, it won't take him too long to claim their virginity, hehe!' Anna giggled inwardly, feeling amused by the developing romance.

Lily's thoughts were filled with amusement and anticipation.

'At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Rose loses her virginity to him tonight. How can she refuse my handsome little brother?' she mused inwardly, believing that there was a high chance of intimacy between the two tonight. 

Yuan's charm was undeniable, and Lily was well aware that most women wouldn't be able to resist him if he made advances.I think you should take a look at

"I'm surprised to see him making his moves on Rose so quickly. I wonder when he'll pounce at the other two, Julie and Ava. Those two are much bolder than Rose," Lily whispered with a hint of curiosity.

Emma couldn't help but smile at Lily's comment, knowing Yuan's assertive nature. She believed it wouldn't be long before he made advances on Julie and Ava as well.

Meanwhile, Xi Meili wore a proud smile on her innocent face, as if she had expected everything to unfold this way.

Hearing Lily's hushed voice, Xi Meili turned to Ava and Julie, who were sitting beside Madam Layla. Their hungry gazes were fixed on Yuan, as if he were a delectable piece of meat.

'Hmph! These lowly mortals, how could they possibly resist the charm of my hubby with their weak minds and bodies? It's impossible for them to resist his temptation with their pitiful strength,' Xi Meili thought arrogantly, looking down on their infatuation.

Xi Meili then shifted her attention to Rose and pondered, 'However, unlike her sisters, Rose definitely has a strong mind and will. She can resist his charm, or perhaps her shyness plays a role. I wonder what it is, but one thing is for sure: Rose is quite special, unlike her sisters.'

Meanwhile, Madam Layla approached her daughter with a playful smile on her face. Rose knew her mother well and sensed that she was up to something mischievous. Whenever Madam Layla smiled like that, it usually meant she was planning to tease or embarrass someone.

"Now tell me, my daughter, what happened with you and Yuan in your bedroom? Did you two already do it? I didn't expect you to be so fast to reach that point already. Tell me, how was your first experience? Was he good in bed?" Madam Layla bombarded Rose with a series of embarrassing questions.

Hearing her mother's blunt and intrusive questions, Rose's face turned crimson. She never expected her mother to ask such personal and embarrassing queries in front of everyone. How could her mother just ask such awkward questions out of the blue like that?

'I was expecting her to ask something embarrassing, but this is on a totally different level. Doesn't she feel embarrassed asking her daughter such silly questions in front of her future sisters and future husband?' Rose inwardly lamented, feeling utterly mortified by her mother's audacity.

"Oh my, I didn't expect Madam Layla to be so blunt with her words. Talk about surprised," Anna said with an awkward smile on her face, taken aback by Madam Layla's straightforwardness.

"Agreed," the other girls chimed in, sharing Anna's sentiments.

"To be asked such awkward questions, Rose must be feeling very embarrassed right now. It's not a subject that can be asked so bluntly," Emma said with a knowing smile.

"Naturally," the others nodded in agreement.

Feeling the teasing smile on her mother's lips, Rose couldn't help but grit her teeth in frustration. She was utterly embarrassed by her mother's bold questioning.

'I never expected Mother to be this shameless. How could she ask such an embarrassing thing in front of everyone, especially Yuan! She must be amusing herself by teasing me like this. Ugh, I hate this!' Rose cried inwardly, her face flushed like a ripe tomato.

"Don't you feel ashamed of asking such an embarrassing thing to me so bluntly, Mother? I didn't expect you to be this... this shameless!" Rose exclaimed, her frustration evident as she glared at her mother.

"And besides, I wouldn't tell a single thing even if you begged me, Mother!" Rose declared firmly.

"You're no fun at all, Rose dear. Fine, I won't ask if you don't want to tell me," Madam Layla said with a pout, realizing her teasing had failed to elicit more information from her daughter.

"Humph!" Rose huffed and looked away, still feeling a bit flustered.

'This family is really a weird one,' Yuan thought to himself, wearing an awkward smile.

A moment later, Ivy entered the living hall and informed them, "Madam Layla, I've completed preparing the supper for everyone. The servants are arranging the plates as we speak."

Madam Layla nodded and turned to Yuan and his wives. 

"The supper is ready. Let's go and enjoy the food while it's still hot, shall we?" she suggested with a warm smile.

The awkward moment was soon forgotten as they all made their way to the dining area to enjoy a pleasant meal together.

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