My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 124 Unimaginable Prowess

The Mages, the Hunters, and the guards immediately retreated toward the village entrance, feeling overwhelmed by the radiant golden light that enveloped the area.

After safely distancing themselves, they cast confused gazes at Yuan, their expressions mirroring their lack of understanding regarding his intentions.

In the midst of their confusion, the monsters suddenly erupted into violent screams of pain, disregarding their ranks. The cacophony filled the air, as though a slaughter was unfolding before their very eyes.


With a sickening splat, the monsters within Yuan's Heavenly Sanctuary met their demise. The weight of an ancient, formidable pressure crushed them into mere meat paste. The scene resembled an invincible mountain suddenly descending upon the monsters, squashing them flat.

Within a matter of seconds, the 50-meter radius surrounding Yuan held only the flattened remains of the once formidable creatures.

'...I never imagined this technique would possess such overwhelming power... I am left speechless,' Yuan contemplated in astonishment, his mind reeling from the surprising outcome.

The area fell into an eerie silence, the monstrous roars fading into the background. The onlookers stood in awe and disbelief, having borne witness to the shocking event and the terrifying prowess Yuan displayed despite the absence of mana.

Rose's eyes widened as she took in the scene, struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what she had just witnessed. Over 500 monsters reduced to mere meat paste within a few fleeting seconds, and Yuan accomplished it with seemingly effortless ease.

'Just how strong are you, Yuan? How can you possess such unimaginable power?' she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of daze, surprise, and incredulity.

A moment later, Rose snapped out of her daze and exclaimed, "This is it, everyone! The number of monsters has significantly decreased, and it's our best chance to attack them!"

"Let's show those mindless creatures their place! EVERYONE, ATTACK!" Rose's resounding voice sparked excitement within the crowd. They rallied behind her, unleashing their fury upon the remaining monsters.

Meanwhile, Yuan's two mothers, Anna and Grace, his elder sister, Lily, and his beloveds, Emma and Xi Meili, were equally astonished by Yuan's display of power.

"What kind of technique did he just use? I've never seen him utilize it before..." Anna muttered, still in a daze.

"I, too, have never witnessed such a technique from him... The destructive force it possesses is truly terrifying," Grace added, her eyes filled with awe.

"It must be something he obtained from the ancient ruins," Lily conjectured, recalling the numerous techniques and treasures they had acquired from the ancient treasury.

"Whatever it is, Yuan has done an excellent job in reducing the monster numbers! Now, let us unleash our full power as well!" Xi Meili declared, charging towards the monsters. The others nodded in agreement and followed her lead.

Xi Meili summoned her Primordial Chaos Flames, engulfing more than fifty monsters in one fell swoop. The sight left the onlookers speechless.

"What kind of flames are those? I can feel the heat from here, and it's terrifying how effortlessly they turn the monsters into ash!"

"I-I don't know, but that's definitely not a spell or magic... I can't explain it, but it's undeniably formidable..."

People trembled in fear as Xi Meili's flames incinerated the monsters, regardless of their ranks or power. The absence of mana within the flames only deepened the mystery, leaving many questions unanswered.

Meanwhile, Anna and Grace prepared to unleash their own techniques upon the monsters. Holding their swords firmly, they took aim with unwavering determination.

"Lotus Blossom Sword Dance..." both whispered in unison.

With swift and graceful movements, they lunged at the monsters, each strike resembling a beautifully choreographed dance. Their elegance captivated the attention of onlookers, momentarily entranced by their skill and precision.

A moment later, Lily turned to Emma and suggested, "Let's join in on the fun! We can't miss the opportunity to show our progress to Yuan, right?"

"Absolutely!" Emma nodded, determination shining in her eyes.

Lily wielded her sword, unleashing a brilliant arc of blue icy light that sliced through a multitude of monsters rushing towards her. The sword's ethereal glow left a trail of destruction in its wake, claiming the lives of nearly eighty monsters.

Meanwhile, Emma employed her palm technique, effortlessly decimating more than twenty monsters with each swift movement of her wrist. She continued her relentless assault, annihilating over three hundred monsters within a matter of minutes. 

Onlookers could only stare in shock and awe, astounded by her ability to dispatch the creatures with such ease.

'What kind of technique is she using? I can't sense any mana, yet with every palm strike, she reduces more than twenty monsters to pulp... I'm at a loss for words!' Rose observed Emma's seamless slaughter, her mind filled with amazement.

'Each of them possesses their own unique technique and prowess, and the most terrifying ones are Xi Meili and Yuan! I can only hope that they can defeat the wyvern...' Rose mused, her thoughts wandering.

Just then, Yuan approached Rose and declared, "This will take forever if we continue fighting like this..."

"Tell everyone to retreat!" Yuan abruptly commanded.I think you should take a look at

"R-Right away!" Rose nodded, her words catching in her throat after witnessing Yuan's earlier display of power.

"Retreat! Everyone! Fall back to the entrance!" Rose's voice rang out, commanding the warriors to disengage from battle. Relieved and exhausted, the fighters hastened towards the village entrance, grateful for the respite.

However, some high-ranking mages and hunters were left dumbfounded by this sudden change of plans.

"What the heck? What about the monsters?"

"Does it even matter? We're being paid, so let's do as we're told!"

"Whatever! I could use a break!"

Rose paid no attention to their muttered complaints and turned to Yuan. "Yuan, everyone has retreated to the entrance!"

Yuan nodded, gripping his sword with both hands, and raising it high, its sharp tip pointing towards the heavens. His body erupted with immense spiritual energy, surrounded by a divine aura. His sword, Empyreal Oblivion, radiated a blinding golden light, so intense that the blade itself became indiscernible, as if transformed into a pillar of light.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan swung his sword with the intention to cleave the very seas and sever the heavens themselves.

"Empyreal Severing Sword Strike..." Yuan whispered in a low voice.

A colossal golden beam of light shot forth from his sword, hurtling towards the remaining monsters. The creatures stood frozen in terror, their trembling legs refusing to obey their commands.

The massive golden beam of light consumed every monster in its path, along with half of the mountain. 


The monsters vanished as the beam of light obliterated them, leaving behind a swath of destruction that extended over two miles of wilderness.

"No way!" Rose collapsed to her knees, overwhelmed by the devastation caused by the Empyreal Severing Sword Strike.

'With such power, he could easily erase an entire city from the map in an instant!' Rose inwardly exclaimed.

'It appears that the mastery of this technique has significantly increased its destructive power after leveling up! I must exercise caution when using it, lest I inadvertently turn a city into a colossal abyss...' Yuan contemplated to himself.

The crowd stood in awe, staring at the colossal crater before them, unable to comprehend how a mere human could unleash such devastating power without the use of mana. It seemed impossible, almost godlike.

"T-This must be the power of a... God! No human could possess such might!"

"I've heard of a similar phenomenon occurring in Clover Town near the border! They say a lone individual created a spectacle like this to defeat the Orc Lord there!"

"THE LORD OF THE MOUNTAIN IS HERE!" A thunderous voice echoed through the air, drawing everyone's attention.

"That's the wyvern...?" Yuan uttered, speechless as he observed the massive winged lizard engaging in battle with a group of mages and hunters not far away.

Rose nodded solemnly, her expression grave. "Indeed! That is the wyvern, and it appears to be on the brink of advancing to the S-rank. No wonder it dares to threaten our village. It will be a formidable adversary to overcome."

"Do you believe you can defeat it, Yuan?" Rose turned to him, concern etched across her face. She worried that her request might be asking too much of him.

"It is undoubtedly much stronger than the Orc Lord I vanquished. However, I will exert myself to the fullest to defeat it," Yuan replied after a moment's consideration.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Yuan! If you cannot triumph, prioritize your own safety and flee. Remember, you have a family and a life that is not solely your own," Rose urged, her voice filled with genuine care.

"How could I possibly retreat when I know that this peaceful village will be annihilated if I do not defeat the wyvern!" Yuan vehemently shook his head in response.

'If I fail to vanquish the wyvern, you will perish, Rose...' Yuan silently pondered, a sense of determination settling within him.

"Yuan..." Rose's gaze softened as she looked at him, a passionate glimmer in her eyes, as if experiencing love at first sight.

"Hubby! Allow me to aid you in eradicating this DISGRACE! I cannot bear the sight of it!" Xi Meili's voice suddenly rang out from behind.

"I understand!" Yuan nodded, fully aware of Xi Meili's motivation to eliminate the wyvern swiftly. Its possession of dragon blood was an affront to her pride, and she could not tolerate its existence.

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