My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 118 Miss Layla

A few minutes after Ava left the bedroom, Grace expressed her opinion about Ava's character.

"This Ava girl is quite interesting, don't you guys think?" Grace remarked, looking at her companions. "In her place, if it were someone from a noble household, they would ask you until you reveal everything. But unlike them, despite being the sister of such a huge village's head, she knows when to stop herself."

Hearing Grace's opinion about Ava, the girls nodded in agreement, recognizing and appreciating Ava's good manners and self-control.

"I couldn't agree more, Grace," Anna chimed in with a smile. "Ava's humility and self-control are truly admirable. It's refreshing to see someone who doesn't let their status or background dictate their behavior."

"Absolutely," Emma added, her eyes brightening. "It's rare to come across someone who can balance their position and personality so well. Ava seems to understand the importance of respect and dignity, regardless of one's social standing."

"And she doesn't have that air of entitlement that many people from noble households possess," Lily chimed in, nodding in agreement with Emma. "Ava treats everyone with kindness and fairness, regardless of their background or status. It's quite impressive."

Xi Meili, though not showing any particular expression, spoke up. "I agree. Ava's ability to empathize and connect with others is remarkable. She doesn't let her own privileges cloud her judgment or create a barrier between her and those around her. It's a trait that is often overlooked but highly valuable."

As they discussed Ava's admirable qualities, the girls couldn't help but appreciate her genuine character and how she differed from the typical behavior associated with noble households. Ava's humility, respect, and ability to treat others fairly left a lasting impression on them.

"Ava's behavior truly reflects her character," Yuan remarked with a slightly dazed voice. "She understands the significance of genuine interactions and the positive impact they can have on people. It's truly refreshing to encounter someone who isn't consumed by their own status and genuinely cares about others. I wonder if her elder sister, Rose, possesses the same traits. Perhaps they inherited them from their mother or father?"

Yuan's thoughts wandered, contemplating the differences between James and Julie's demeanor and that of their sisters, Ava and Rose. It intrigued him to observe such distinct qualities within the same family.

After a few minutes, Yuan climbed into bed, removing his clothes except for his pants. He chose not to undress completely out of respect for being in someone else's home. The last thing he wanted was to be caught sleeping naked with five women, which would surely tarnish his reputation.

"Well, let's get some sleep," Yuan suggested, his voice laced with weariness. "As Ava mentioned, it's quite late, and we may face hordes of monsters tomorrow. Who knows what will happen?" 

He settled himself onto the soft, plush bed, finding comfort in its embrace.

Miss Rose previously explained to them that she had received information that the Wyvern and its army might attack the peaceful village either tomorrow or the day after. The uncertainty of the exact timing posed a challenge. Therefore, it was imperative for them to prepare for the invasion in advance, rather than passively waiting for the monsters to draw near the village.

His wives joined him on the bed, their bodies intertwining as they embraced him closely. Seeking solace and security in each other's presence, they prepared to rest.

As time slipped away, Yuan and his wives succumbed to slumber on the shared bed, their bodies entwined and their minds temporarily at peace. Little did they know of the trials that awaited them in the days to come.

In the morning, as Yuan awakened from his slumber, he leaned over to each of his wives, giving them a tender peck on their lips—a sweet gesture to start the day. With hearts warmed, they proceeded to the dining hall of the Monroe family after being informed by a maid that Miss Rose was eagerly waiting for them to join them for breakfast.

Moments later, Yuan and his wives arrived at the grand dining hall of the Monroe family. Upon entering, their eyes fell upon the large dining table where Miss Rose and her family were already seated. However, among them sat an unfamiliar face—an individual they had not yet met.

"Oh, so you're the guests my daughters have been raving about since yesterday," a sweet and mature voice resonated, drawing the attention of Yuan and his wives towards a middle-aged woman seated at the table. Her resemblance to Miss Rose was striking, as if she were an older version of her.

"You all are truly as beautiful and handsome as my daughters described," the woman continued, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Initially, I didn't believe their words, but now, seeing you with my own eyes, I must say that you are too beautiful and handsome for mere mortals like ourselves."

Miss Rose spoke up, addressing Yuan, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili, "I hope you all had a restful sleep. Allow me to introduce our mother, Layla. And, Mom, these are the ones I've been speaking of—the ones who will lend us a helping hand in defending the village against the impending Wyvern attack."

Yuan and his wives nodded with a smile, acknowledging Miss Rose's introduction. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Layla..." he said, extending his hand in greeting. He then proceeded to introduce himself and his wives to Miss Rose's mother, engaging in friendly conversation with her. 

Sometimes later, Miss Layla expressed her gratitude, saying, "I can't thank you enough for extending a helping hand to defend our village. After my husband fell ill a few years ago, my eldest daughter Rose took over the responsibility of managing the village. I have been occupied with caring for my ailing husband. Everything was going well until a group of powerful mages from the empire arrived in our village. They angered the Lord of the Mountain by taking his child, as the royal prince wanted the lord to serve as his mount to display his fame."

She continued with a heavy heart, "We were powerless against the mages from the Empire and couldn't prevent them from taking the Lord of the Mountain's child. They didn't consider the safety of the villagers when they made that decision, knowing that the Lord of the Mountain would attack our village if he didn't find his child by his side."

"And that's exactly what happened. A few days ago, the Lord of the Mountain warned us to return his child, or he would destroy our village. We almost lost hope of survival until we heard that six individuals descended from the heavens at the village entrance..." Miss Layla's voice filled with sorrow, and a tear escaped her eye.

Sometimes later, Grace spoke up, saying, "That's the nature of royalty. They only care about themselves, constantly engaged in internal conflicts, killing and plotting against each other for the crown. This village is nothing more than a remote place to them, and they disregard the lives of the people who reside here. They gain nothing by caring for the people's lives. It's a sad reality of this world."

A heavy silence enveloped the room, each person reflecting on Grace's words. 

'Does Miss Grace somehow belong to any royal family?' Miss Layla silently thought. 

Miss Layla couldn't help but wonder how Grace possessed such vast knowledge about royalty. The question lingered in her mind, curious about Grace's background and the source of her insights.

Sensing the shift in atmosphere, Miss Rose decided to lighten the mood and suggested, "How about we continue this conversation later and enjoy our breakfast while it's still warm? Shall we?"

Everyone agreed, and they started eating their breakfast. The dining hall was filled with the sound of utensils clinking and occasional laughter.

After a few minutes, they finished their meal and left the dining hall. 

Miss Layla, seizing the opportunity, approached Yuan and asked, "By the way, Yuan, since you look so young and powerful, how old are you really? And not to mention you already married five beauties. I'm quite curious to know your age."

"I'm currently 19, and I will turn twenty in three months." Yuan calmly replied. 

"19?!" Miss Layla exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief. 

Miss Rose, James, Julie, and even Ava stared at Yuan, equally astonished. How could a 19-year-old possess such strength? And on top of that, how could he already have five wives?

"Unbelievable!" Miss Rose muttered, shaking her head in disbelief.

"How is that possible? You're the same age as our Ava. How can you be so strong at such a young age, and not to mention, you already have five wives? Look at my useless son who hasn't even found a girlfriend yet, and you already have five of them," Miss Layla said, pointing at her son, James.

"Mom! Why are you trying to embarrass me in front of everyone?" James exclaimed, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"If you feel embarrassed, then why don't you find a daughter-in-law for me? What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Miss Layla retorted, teasing James.

"I-I... I will try to find a girlfriend..." James muttered sheepishly, feeling ashamed in front of Yuan's wives.

"And also Rose, you're also at the age where you'll be getting married soon. Is there someone you have in mind?" Miss Layla turned her attention to Miss Rose.

Blushing, Miss Rose's cheeks turned rosy as she stole a glance at Yuan for a moment.

'Oh, I see... So our Rose has already fallen for this boy, huh? Why am I not surprised? He's truly handsome. No wonder Rose has taken a liking to him,' Miss Layla thought to herself, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

Yuan, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as Miss Layla's gaze lingered on him. 

'Why is Miss Layla staring at me like that?' he wondered to himself, feeling slightly uneasy in her presence.

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