My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 115 Rose Monroe

"Mr. Yuan, Mrs. Anna, Mrs. Grace, Mrs. Lily, Mrs. Emma, and Mrs. Xi Meili, since you've been traveling for a long time, I assume you must be feeling very tired. We have prepared rooms for you as soon as we receive the news from the guard," Ava said with a warm smile, showing great hospitality to the esteemed guests. She didn't want to disappoint such powerful experts.

"Ivy, please show our esteemed guests to their resting place," Ava instructed the maid named Ivy. She then turned back to Yuan and his wives and added, "We will talk more over tea later. In the meantime, please make yourselves at home."

With a nod, Ivy addressed Yuan and his wives, "Esteemed guests, allow me to show you the resting place that Young Miss has specially prepared for you."

"Alright, please lead the way," Yuan replied.

Ivy then lead Yuan and his wives to the bedrooms that the Monroe family had prepared for them.

Yuan and his wives followed Ivy down the hall to a large room. Ivy gestured towards the room and said, "This will be Lord Yuan's room, and the next row of rooms will be for the ladies."

The girls felt a bit disappointed knowing that the Monroe family had arranged separate rooms for each of them. Grace, in particular, had hoped for some intimate moments with Yuan.

"Can't you arrange a bigger room with a bed that could fit all of us together?" Lily asked Ivy, not wanting to be separated from the warmth of her little brother. She knew that if she wasn't present, her mother Grace would try to sneak into his room and keep him all to herself. Lily was well aware of her mother's sly and playful nature when it came to Yuan.

Ivy was taken aback by Lily's request, and her cheeks turned slightly red. Were they suggesting... all of them together? How much stamina did Yuan possess to handle all five of them at once?

Soon, Ivy snapped out of her daze and replied, "That's okay too. The bed is large enough to fit eight people, after all..."

A few moments later, when Yuan and his wives entered the room, they were amazed by its spaciousness, beautiful decorations, and flower vases adorning each corner. The flowers were fresh, filling the room with a sweet floral fragrance.

"What do you think, esteemed guests? Is this room to your liking?" Ivy asked, curious about their reaction.

"We love this room! The bed is quite spacious, so it's perfect for all of us!" Lily exclaimed with a delighted smile.

"In that case, I will leave you all alone. If you need anything, please call my name, and I will rush here immediately," Ivy said before leaving the scene. Yuan approached the large, comfortable bed and settled onto it.

"It seems we've found ourselves a very comfortable place to rest!" Yuan remarked, glancing at his wives.

"And the best part is that we don't have to pay a single coin to stay here," Grace added, joining Yuan on the bed. The others followed suit, getting onto the bed and positioning themselves closer to Yuan, ensuring that Grace wouldn't have him all to herself.

Yuan gazed into Grace's eyes, noticing the unmistakable lustful glimmer within them. It was as if she were a predator fixated on her prey, and he knew exactly what she had in mind. She was contemplating pouncing on him like a hungry lioness.

Cupping her cheeks gently in his hands, Yuan leaned in closer and whispered, "Since we're in someone else's home, and there's a chance that someone might come in at any moment, I hope this will be enough to satisfy you..."

With those words, Yuan closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss. Their connection was filled with desire and longing, but tempered by the awareness of their surroundings.

After a few minutes, their lips parted, but Yuan continued to caress Grace's cheek, his gaze filled with tenderness. 

"We'll have our time, Mom Grace. But for now, this is all I can do to satisfy you."

Grace nodded, her eyes still gleaming with desire. She understood the need for restraint, even if her longing for him was palpable.

"I'll be patient, Darling! But don't keep me waiting for too long," Grace replied, her voice laced with anticipation. 

She recognized the importance of respecting their current situation and couldn't afford to be stubborn now.

"What about us, dear? Aren't you going to go give each of us our share of the kiss?"

Anna pouted as she said that, looking at Yuan kissing Grace so passionately, she also wanted Yuan to give her a kiss, not only her but Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili also feeling the same as Anna. They wanted their share of kisses from him. How can he kiss only one of them and leave the others hanging?

"Haha, Why would I leave any of you hanging? Come here; I have a nice kiss for each of you." Yuan chuckled and said to them. 

"That's what I'm talking about, dear!" Anna jumped at Yuan, pressed her lips against his, and kissed him passionately.

After separating from Anna, Lily hugged him immediately and pressed her lips against his. He knew she was getting impatient to kiss him, and the two of them kissed passionately for a moment before separating from each other.

After Yuan was done with Lily, he moved to Emma, kissed her passionately, and slid his tongue inside her mouth. She also did the same and put her long snake-like tongue inside Yuan's mouth, which gave him a one-of-a-kind experience. With his tongue inside her mouth, he could actually feel her venomous fangs inside her mouth with his tongue.

A few minutes later, he was done with Emma and moved on to Xi Meili, who was still a virgin, as he wasn't ready to have intimate moments with her.

Xi Meili eagerly waited for her turn to kiss her husband, just like her sisters had. When the moment arrived, she couldn't contain her excitement and jumped into his arms.

"Hubby, kiss me just like you did with the others!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anticipation.

Yuan smiled affectionately at his cute wife. 

"As you wish, my dear," he replied, leaning in to press his lips against hers. Their kiss was sweet and passionate, a tender exchange of affection.

After they broke the kiss, Yuan looked at Xi Meili with a smile. "Are you satisfied now, my dear?" he asked, his eyes full of warmth.

Xi Meili beamed, a sweet smile gracing her features. "Very much!" she replied, her voice filled with joy and contentment.

"Now, let's take some time to cultivate and recover our spiritual energy. We have a meeting with Village Head Rose and Ava later," Yuan suggested, knowing that they were all feeling exhausted after their long flight.

Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili nodded in agreement. They settled into a lotus position on the bed, focusing their minds and channeling their energy to replenish what they had lost.

Several hours passed, and they could feel their spiritual energy restored to its fullest capacity. They opened their eyes, ready to face the upcoming conversation.

Suddenly, a gentle knock echoed through the room, their heightened senses allowing them to perceive it clearly.

"Esteemed Guests, Eldest Miss Rose would like to have a chat with you. She sent me to lead you to the living room," Ivy announced, her voice respectful and careful not to offend them.

Yuan turned to his wives, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "Quickly fix your appearance, we're going to meet Ava's sister, Rose, the head of the village."

"Give us a moment, it won't take long!" Anna replied, and they quickly adjusted their clothes and tidied their hair, not wanting to meet the head of the village in a disheveled state.

After a minute, they emerged from the room, finding Ivy waiting for them just outside the door.

"Please lead the way." Yuan said to Ivy, his curiosity piqued about the person who managed the sprawling village that could almost be considered a city.

"Please follow me, esteemed guests," Ivy responded, leading the way toward the location where the head of the village awaited their arrival.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a spacious room where their meeting with the village head, Rose, and her younger sister, Ava, would take place.

"Esteemed Guests, Eldest Miss Rose has been waiting for you inside," Ivy announced, gesturing towards the room.

Yuan and his wives nodded in acknowledgment and entered the room, their curiosity piqued. 

"Oh! Esteemed Guests! You're finally here!" 

They were greeted by a beautiful woman with an alluring figure, dressed in luxurious official attire. She bore a striking resemblance to Ava, but with a mature and sophisticated aura. She approached them with a beaming smile on her face.

Yuan and his wives returned her smile, taking in her graceful presence. They could sense the welcoming atmosphere in the room.

"Once again, welcome to my humble home, and thank you so much for accepting our request despite being so busy yourselves," Rose expressed her gratitude, extending her slender hand for a handshake.

Yuan accepted her gesture, his smile never fading. "Don't worry about it, and we're not actually as busy as you might think. It's our pleasure to be here," he reassured her, his voice calm and composed.

As Rose held onto Yuan's hand, a subtle change overcame her. The sight of his sweet smile and his exceptionally handsome face caused her heart to race, and a blush crept onto her cheeks. She couldn't help but be captivated by his presence.

Observing Rose's reaction, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili exchanged glances, their brows furrowing slightly. It was clear that they were not pleased with the display of affection between Rose and Yuan.

Unaware of the brewing tension, Yuan continued the conversation, his attention still focused on Rose. "We look forward to discussing the matters at hand and finding a way to assist your village."

Rose quickly composed herself, although her heart continued to flutter. "Thank you for your willingness to help. I believe our meeting will be fruitful."

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