My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

The 'penetration' of Hans's magical power by the one who read it was not perfect.

As a vampire, that ability related to bloodline was more effective against weaker opponents, but almost useless against stronger ones.

It simply made rough judgments about something massive.

Moreover, even if Hans were not a vampire, there would still be errors in adapting to their level system.

Ideally, measuring the vampiric factor and dividing levels would be the proper way.

However, none of these details mattered to them at the moment.

An overwhelmingly powerful adversary was right in front of them.

[Hooh... You've learned dark magic,] Hans exclaimed, looking at Gamma.

The energy I hadn't felt when facing as Heinz now faintly registered.

However he couldn't escape the gaze of Hans, who had already risen to the ranks of dark magic.

"Grr, how did you pierce through my concealment?"

Gamma, unaware of the means, just grit his teeth.

The bloodline ability 'concealment' and the dark magic it hid were both now exposed to Hans's eyes.

[Interesting. A new system of dark magic. Today is truly my lucky day.]

While maintaining public order, Hans had occasionally encountered users of dark magic.

Most of them were crazy individuals with a taste for dark magic, and Hans gladly absorbed their knowledge.

'I've gained quite a bit of accomplishment thanks to them. But to discover a new system here...'

I paused, thinking up to that point.

These vampires were supposed to be stepping stones for Heinz's growth, weren't they?

'If Heinz was exposed to dark magic while sucking, his blood would be damaged… In the state of death from bloodsucking, memories cannot be read, and there are limits to mind control. What should I do?'

As Hans hesitated with this sudden dilemma, Gamma and his underlings took advantage of the opportunity, dispersing and starting to flee.


[You're making useless resistance. This place is already my territory. Without my permission, no one can escape.]


Hans lightly tapped the ground with his staff, and ripples of dark magic spread around him.



"Eek! What are these things?"

The undead, their body parts stained pitch-black, attacked those fleeing through the walls, ceiling, and floor shrouded in darkness.

While Heinz observed them, collecting information, Hans wasn't just hiding within the barrier.

During the wait, a discreet operation unfolded, overlaying his own territory within the barrier.

It was evidence that Hans's dark magic was growing day by day.


"Stay together! If it spreads, we'll be torn apart!"

Just as I had seen during the earlier commotion with Jinsol, these beings, being returnees, exhibited various abilities.

Natural abilities like fire and ice, telekinesis, instant acceleration, and even...



Right before Hans's eyes, there was even a body enhancement ability swinging a fist.

'He was Jinsol's comrade. Was it Minyeong?'

Entering combat stance, Minyeong's form transcended human appearance.

Muscles bulged violently, face contorted grotesquely, and shark-like teeth crowded the mouth.


Boom! Boom! Kwaaang—!

Hans's defensive barrier repeatedly trembled under the explosive speed of Minyeong's pummeling fists.

With unique speed, dodged the undead, crushed emerging hands from the floor, and relentlessly continued the assault.

"Hmm, seems like that's the characteristic of the vampires over there. They evolved more towards enhancing physical abilities... Interesting."

As a fellow vampire, Heinz could discern that it wasn't a mutation caused by supernatural powers but rather a common feature among vampires from another dimension, similar to Outerica's 'Slaves.'

Coupled with the unique skill of physical enhancement, the synergy was considerable.



Of course, there were limits to it. Black thorns extending from all directions pierced Minyeong's entire body.

While I had intended to capture the vampires as intact as possible, it seemed some losses were unavoidable.

[Dealing with them is tougher than expected.]

If I had only planned to eliminate them, it might have been over by now.

However, each of them served as nourishment for Heinz's growth, making the confrontation more challenging.

It was like the difficulty of organic farming.

In that moment, Heinz employed 'Acceleration,' rolling across the floor.


A crimson blade swept past the location where Heinz's neck was, carried by the assassin who had come with Jinsol.

'This is really no walk in the park.'

If it weren't for the abyssal space unfolded by Hans, he might not have detected the surprise attack, and Heinz, who shared the thoughts with him, was able to time his evasion thanks to Hans recognizing the assassin's hiding place.


The unsuccessful surprise attacker clicked their tongue, immediately disappearing.

Heinz's senses still felt nothing.

'Was the plan to create a gap?'

Since there was no apparent way to escape, the assassin might have attacked Heinz, who seemed to be on the same side as Hans, hoping to shake things up.

Perhaps they aimed to incapacitate him and use him as a hostage.

'Just getting your throat cut doesn't mean immediate death.'

Well, they were veterans who had navigated various battlefields; they must have thought they could get away with a bit of arrogance.

[Even with some losses, we need to handle them properly for consumption.]

A stream of tangible dark magic emanated from Hans.

A chill spread in all directions, and an aura of terror infiltrated the space.


"This guy suddenly got stronger... Ugh!"

Vampires who were making advances and seeking an escape route began to fall one by one.

Even those at Level 6 were struggling to cope with the dark magic emerging from the surrounding darkness.

The assassin who had hidden and ambushed Heinz was no exception.

While avoiding curses that could contaminate blood, Hans didn't hesitate to use dark magic that destroyed flesh.

Most of them won't die easily, so it would have been easier if I had done this sooner...

"There are still plenty of those we can consume in the future. We have some room to spare now. Should I take care of one for now?"

Heinz approached Minyeong, who, despite being pierced by thorns, was still vigorously resisting.

"Kraaaah! With this! Can you really capture me—!"

Even as he bellowed like a wild beast, black thorns were breaking through one by one, piercing his struggling body.

There was a chance he could escape on his own, but Hans, who had no intention of letting him go, wrapped his entire body with black chains.


Of course, Hans had no intention of letting him go like that.


His gruesome face strained to break free from the surrounding pressure, turning a deep shade of red.

Heinz circled around, grabbed the shoulders, and climbed onto the massive, 2.5-meter muscular figure.

"He's too big; it's hard to find the right angle for bloodsucking."

A muscle-bound giant standing at 2.5 meters, with Heinz attempting to sink his sharpened fangs into the thick neck.


Tough skin and steel-like muscles resisted the fangs.

Nevertheless, Heinz poured blood magic into his jaw and fangs, successfully piercing through the neck.

"Krragh! Is this lunatic trying to devour his own kind? Are you out of your mind?!"

Ignoring the protests, Hans continued to drain his blood, absorbing the essence of the vampiric powers that were the source of strength.

"Devouring one's own kind without purification is insane... How have I lived until now? I can't die like this. ...Betraying her with such determination... Betraying her and gaining power... even stronger power..."

His conscience, tainted with resentment, hatred, pain, and despair, was invaded by a flood of various emotions.

'Certainly much worse than when I devoured my own kind in Outerica. If I weren't capable of cleanly sieving with 'Mind Hub,' it would be problematic.'

Finally, the bloodsucking came to an end.

Minyeong, drained of all his blood, gradually turned into ashes.


The heart began to beat violently. Blood circulation accelerated, and the entire body felt like it was burning.

The skin turned a fiery red.

Different vampiric powers in the bloodstream combined, creating a sensation of mutation... no, evolution.


Steam escaped through the mouth.

Upon closer inspection, steam rose from every pore on the body, accompanied by heat.


Bones twisted, muscles contracted and relaxed, blood vessels burst, forming bruises that repeated the process.

How much time had passed?

[The vampiric powers possessed by the individual are evolving, blossoming into new possibilities. Acquired special skill: 'Blood Fusion Evolution.']

[New vampiric essence collected. Due to the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution,' the individual's physical abilities have explosively grown.]

Heinz felt lighter.

His skeletal structure had expanded, increasing both height and bulk.

The quality and density of his muscles had risen, providing a different force in his punches.


The 'Blood Fusion Evolution' I obtained this time was a skill that evolved continuously with each acquisition of a different vampiric essence.

Now, I understood why the bloodthirsty vampires had become problematic.

If individuals with such power ran rampant...

"Now, that power is mine, and there are still eight more to go."

[If the effects are this good, there's no helping it. After all, there will be plenty of opportunities for dark magic in the future. It's been quite profitable even now. Hehehe...]

All his subordinates had fallen, and the lone surviving Gamma, along with the assassin, resisted using concealed dark magic.

Hans, while pressuring Gamma, was using 'Vile Wisdom' to exploit the underlying circumstances.

"For now, these remaining eight here. After that..."

I decided.

I needed to devour the covenant.

I had already felt the need for a reasonably functioning organization.

If I could eliminate the hardliners trying to incite chaos and leave only the moderates, it would be perfect.

'In the process, those who resist will become my nourishment. Truly a perfect plan!'

Heinz approached the subdued vampires, his sinister smile widening.


[Due to the influence of the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution'...]

[New vampiric essence collected. Due to the influence of the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution,' enlightenment has been gained. Acquired skill: 'Penetration.']

Every moment felt like growth.

Each time I finished bloodsucking, the cells throughout the body evolved, becoming stronger.

There were times when I couldn't obtain a new vampiric essence, perhaps due to repeated dimensional origins.

However, even considering that, the reinforced effect of kin cannibalism was significant.

I also realized that there was a low probability of acquiring the opponent's 'Bloodline Ability.'

'"Penetration"... a useful ability. Was it a bloodline ability rather than a unique skill gained during awakening?'

Some vampires from certain dimensions were bestowed with unique abilities based on their bloodline.

That was the 'Bloodline Ability.'

Heinz, utilizing 'Blood Fusion Evolution,' could now plunder even their abilities.

'Although the probability increases with stronger opponents with a higher concentration of vampiric essence. This time, luck was on my side.'

The individual with the 'Penetration' ability, whose measured level with his 'Penetration' skill, wasn't such a formidable opponent.

By their standards, I'd say he was at Level 5 at best.

'Well, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. By the way, there were so many of them, and now only two remain.'

No, make that just one.

The assassin who attacked Heinz had been reduced to ashes.

Unfortunately, there were no new skills acquired this time, but I did gain a proficiency in manipulating blood energy that could be useful for stealth.

Of course, enhanced physical abilities and increased blood energy were the basic perks.

"You, you...! What on earth did you do? How can you perform kin cannibalism and still be unharmed? How?!"

Gamma, neatly subdued before Heinz, stared at me with bulging eyes, foam dripping from its mouth.

It seemed as if his mind had gone astray, witnessing someone else effortlessly achieving the goal he had staked everything on.

'Even though he has been quite helpful to me, providing valuable insights, should I satisfy his curiosity on the final journey?'

Whether intentional or not, I gained a lot from this opponent.

Gamma's contribution must have played a small part in Heinz's growth to this point.

"Fine, I'll tell you."

Feeling a bit soft-hearted, I decided to grant his last wish.

Until I went back and brought my fangs to his neck, Gamma, subdued and composed, patiently awaited only my response.

I responded sincerely, considering his expectations.

"To prevent mental contamination, block the thoughts that surge in during bloodsucking."

"What? What kind of nonsense is that?"


It's no lie.

I really told him properly.

[Due to the influence of the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution'...]

[New vampiric essence collected. Due to the influence of the special skill 'Blood Fusion Evolution,' enlightenment has been gained. Acquired skill: 'Concealment.']

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