My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

"Come on, here."

A man wearing a mask extended a letter envelope and a tablet towards me.

I flipped the envelope first to take out its contents.

Three Lotto slips accompanied it.

"Draw number and winning numbers. Check it now. Don't make excuses later."


The tablet displayed the Lotto information site.

It probably meant to cross-check and confirm it yourself.

I casually pushed the tablet aside and pulled out a Lotto slip from the previous draw that I had prepared.

Then, using the prepaid burner phone, I scanned the QR code and compared the three first prize slips.

"...Don't indulge in unnecessary tricks. This is also about trust."

There was nothing unusual with the QR code, and next was the amount.

28 billion, 22 billion, 15 billion.

Comparing the numbers on the site, there was a slight difference in the amounts, but no significant issues were found.

Next, I carefully examined each winning slip.

"Could there be some other trickery involved?"

"It's a skill you develop sizing up your opponent. I'm not exactly betting my life on it."

'He doesn't say he never does it.'

I scrutinized them carefully, leaving the envelope alone and pocketing only the winning slips in the dimensional bracelet.

For now, using Heinz's "Blood Magic," I couldn't detect anything unusual.

Even with the vampire's keen sense of smell, I didn't sense any special potion.

'I'll have to check again at home using Hans's "Dark Magic" from a distance.'

Hans, being more of a magic specialist than Heinz, would probably ensure a more reliable examination.

Regardless, it couldn't hurt.

"Oh, and I'm looking to establish a new identity. Can you help with that?"

I handed him the empty envelope and the tablet again as I spoke.

Since Hansung-hyun couldn't collect all three first prize winnings, we needed someone else to step in.

Even if Han Sung-hyun collected the largest amount of 28 billion, we still needed someone to collect the other two winnings on his behalf.

Moreover, having them could be helpful in various ways.

"...Isn't that more of your line of work?"

"It used to be. Until just before the storm hit this time."

Human trafficking and long-term secret transactions.

Naturally, I had to be closely associated with the "missing persons," and laundering their ownerless identities was also the organization's main business.

"I've got enough data, but the technicians have completely split. The remaining guys seem to be scared, not responding at all."

Reading memories wasn't all-powerful.

Forcibly rummaging through someone's mind could strain the brain, leading to information gaps.

So, setting priorities for extracting information was necessary.

At that time, there was little interest in small-time criminals making forged identities.

"Well then. I'll give you this as a service."

He then handed me a paper with names and contact details for a few people. I grabbed it and stood up.

"I'll be going now."

"Hope we can see each other again next time."

"Same here."

We exchanged brief farewells.

The parting joke of this underworld was, "Don't get stabbed and die somewhere; let's meet again."


As I opened the door, a seemingly ordinary young man outside guided me on the way out.

It had been a fairly satisfying outing.

'By the way, it would be convenient to have an organization. Where would be a good place? These guys seem quite useful, but...'

As I followed the young man's lead, I leisurely surveyed my surroundings, savoring the moment.



The man took off his mask and wiped his face.

Then, he drummed his fingers on the table, lost in thought.

"Um, Chief. About what that gentleman said earlier..."

One of the subordinates who had been assisting in the transaction cautiously spoke up.

"Yeah. I know. He doesn't seem to belong to Sanghoe, no matter how you look at it."

"Yes. That's right. ...Shouldn't we investigate, just to be sure?"

"Sanghoe" was the nickname for the now-fallen human trafficking organization.

Who on earth would lie and claim to be part of that organization?

"No, forget it. Just let it go."

"Really? Is that okay?"

"What's the worst that could happen? You were there too; you know. Let's not risk our lives unnecessarily."

What was the initial reason for dealing with them, carefully choosing their opponents?

Perhaps it's to avoid trap investigations or to ensure safer and sustained transactions.

"But no matter how you look at it, he is not the kind of person who would stay in the sun.."

"Indeed, when he threatened me earlier, it felt suffocating. I couldn't even see him on my end."

"Right? Probably because he's a mage. Maybe a vampire."

"Ah... was it really like that?"

The chief recalled that moment.

Pale skin, sharp blood-red eyes, and the scent of blood that seemed suffocating.

"He probably revealed his identity on purpose. Maybe as a warning. If he's a vampire, could it be a blood alliance? Or perhaps related to the Funchon Society."

"Since it's turned out like this, it doesn't matter what his real identity is. We got a new customer, completed the transaction smoothly. We've raised some profit this time, right? It would be nice if he became a regular."

There's no point in messing with dangerous individuals.

The wisdom of life of those who survived in the back alleys.


Beyond midnight, in the deserted outskirts of Seoul.





A group of undead beings surrounded an abandoned factory and rushed inside like a tidal wave.

"What about the support request? What happened?!"

"No response! Phones, internet, everything is dead! We're completely isolated!"

"Darn it! Everyone, prepare for battle!"

The manager of this factory, commonly known as the factory chief, shouted, his face grimacing.

Now in hiding, they had also experienced all kinds of trials and tribulations to survive.

They were beings with powers far beyond inferior humans.


The factory chief's body swelled, and his size increased.

He tore apart the tight clothes that constrained his enlarged upper body and ripped the hem of his pants.

He threw away the burst shoes and took deep breaths with a coarse exhale.

A muscular body over 2 meters tall, with a wolf's face, sharp teeth, the returnee from another world, 'Mine.'


"Hehehe. I'm going to kill them all... Hehehe."

His subordinates also didn't look normal.

Like the factory chief, some took on the form of werewolves, others were vampires with blood-red eyes and long fangs, or individuals with snake scales on their skin...

While there were still those retaining human forms, the madness in their eyes was no different from the otherworldly beings.


Finally, the undead that had been guarding the outskirts surged in, mercilessly slaughtering those who stood in their way.

Fangs and nails dripping with blood.

In between, there were familiar faces among those attacking the factory chief.

"Krrgh... Damn, I've really been caught."


There, the pale-skinned leader of the factory's outer guards, with blood streaming from every hole in his face, laughed.

He was a formidable force that even the chief couldn't compete with...

'Did they turn everyone into undead in this short moment?'

While they were figuring out the ambush and delaying time outside, it hadn't been long since they requested support.

Just as the factory chief was preparing for a decisive battle, a group of undead split apart, and a figure entered the interior.

Cloaked in a pitch-black robe with a hood covering his face, revealing an eerie smile.

Strange laughter echoed from the eye sockets, and a cold mist emanated from the hood.

He seemed like a creature crafted in the human form, embodying an unsettling presence.

'No, can it really be human?'

The factory chief shivered in the face of the encroaching terror.

The instincts that had strengthened upon becoming a werewolf were screaming in fear.

The being before him was an absolute monster, impossible to confront.

[Indeed, nothing more to see here. All of you are to be exterminated.]

Hans, the entity that attacked the factory, surveyed the surroundings.

Several Mines surrounded by undead, the space they occupied...

[The sound of the dead echoes from all sides. It's been a while since I've been in a space so filled with death.]

It was an ordinary meat-processing factory.

Except for the fact that the target wasn't livestock but humans.

From devices for extracting blood to machines for grinding bones, everything was in place.

"Hahaha! You, too, Mine, what's with the clean act while being a monster! It's a necessary evil for us to survive!"

"People slaughter and eat livestock. Why shouldn't we do it? Isn't survival of the fittest part of the natural order?"

Some of the defiant Mines, pushed back in momentum, shouted as if trying to shake off the fear...

But Hans didn't bother responding to their outbursts.

There was no need to engage in a conversation with the crazy ones who would soon die.

'Nevertheless, there are survivors. Perhaps they did it to maintain some semblance of freshness for themselves.'

Reportedly, the undead dispatched toward the warehouse discovered people trapped there.

Seeing that their health didn't seem too dire, Hans instructed to leave them be for now and guard the area.

Hans then looked at the Mines fervently arguing to assert their innocence.

[Yeah, survival of the fittest, right.]

A chilling voice, akin to a demon's whisper.

The ones who had been fervently talking involuntarily fell silent.

A moment of stillness hung in the air.

[Your bodies seem very suitable. You'll make excellent undead.]

Might as well rummage through their minds while we're at it.

Given the necessity of survival and the carnivorous nature, they shouldn't have any complaints.

Following Hans's command, the undead rushed towards them.



"Argh! Just corpses as subjects!"

[Hehehe! Hiyahahaha!]

"Uhhhh, tear them apart!"

Thunk— Bang! Bang—!

The Mines, having survived various battles and skirmishes, didn't fall easily against the undead.

Some even pulled out guns.

Seeing that the fight might drag on, Hans decided to intervene immediately.


"Ugh, these guys suddenly got stronger!"

A black crown appeared on Hans's head, and an aura as dark as coal spread out, enveloping the undead.


"Aaaah! It hurts! My body! My body!"

"I can't see in front! Can't hear anything! Am I, am I even speaking? Is anyone hearing me?!"

Various curses emanating from Hans's subtle gestures neutralized the Mines one by one.

Mines fell one after another.

With the factory chief captured last, there were no more resistors.

"Ugh... Hahoe mask was this powerful..."

The factory chief mumbled as he was dragged in front of Hans, subdued by the undead.

Though he had heard rumors about Hahoe mask, he hadn't expected the overwhelming might.

The factory was at quite a distance from the area where Hahoe mask was active, and it was well-hidden.

Hence, they hadn't anticipated the assault.

Hans hunting the Mines and tracing related individuals through memory reading is an incomprehensible fact to those who remain unaware.

[Well, don't feel too unjust about it. I am the ruler of death, and you will find peace and become my eternal strength.]

Hans spoke gently as he stroked the factory chief's head.

The trembling intensified, but it was just a reverse effect.

[Of course, before that, we need to settle the score, right? It might sting a bit. Don't worry, it won't hurt that much.]

The black leather gloves that had been caressing his head now gripped it tightly.

Dark magic immediately penetrated his mind.

[Of course, I haven't tried it myself. Hehehe…]


The sound of tearing screams and convulsing bodies filled the air.

The undead holding him down stirred.

As time passed, the prolonged screams, as resilient as the life force of a werewolf, gradually subsided.

When the undead restraining him stepped back, he rose, blood dripping from his entire body.

[Indeed, sturdy as expected. Now, who's next?]

The subdued Mines avoided Hans's gaze, sweating coldly.

Despite the brief respite, all they gained was a short reprieve.

For a considerable amount of time afterward, the only sound echoing in the factory was the emptiness reverberating with screams, encased in a barrier that prevented it from reaching outside.

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