Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 693

Chapter 693: Reason Why



“Whatever,” Chen’an brushed it off without any thought. The last thing she wanted and needed was any of these kinds of squabbles.

“Anyways, are you done with your questions or there are still more?” Ren inquired.

“No. I have more. I have a quick question though.”

He lifted her chin up to face him while his gaze lowered to her lips. Sensing more dangerous kisses coming for her, she moved her head away and used her elbow to block her lips.

“Okay, spit it out,” Ren remarked as he leaned back, resting his back against the soft pillows.


“You said back then at the park that you two were not bad, if you are certain those men were good, then why did they shoot you?”

“Umm, they thought I was a bad guy,” he responded truthfully.

“If they thought so, then are you?”

“What do you think?” She lowered her head at his question while her eyes flickered some side to side as her mind racked her brain for an answer. “Is that so hard to find an answer?

His deep voice broke her from her train of thoughts and she lifted her head again.


“Good, so my answer.”

“I just gave you an answer.”

His eyes widened a bit, finally realizing what she meant. That no was the answer. “Oh, I see. However, why?”

“Because, you would have either taken me, hostage, completely or hurt me when you first used me to escape, and then secondly, after breaking into my house, you had no idea who the owner was and you did not snoop around.”

“I was weak. How is that a judging criterion?”

“It is. Some persons might have gotten things from my house and when I came, just like this morning, taken advantage of me.”

I thought you indicated I did when I kissed you.”

“Yes, but that is you just being a naughty ass,” he explained briefly.

“Hahaha, what a nice description.”

“Okay, I would answer my questions when you answer your questions.”

“Fine. Ask away.”

“You did not know for certain if I was a bad guy or a good guy, why didn’t you report me for breaking in? At least with that, it was a good alibi even if our encounter at the park wasn’t.”

“Because I just did not think so much about it. You were hurt and my first thought was to treat you.”

“Great. Then what about treating me? Why did you not check me into a hospital or something? Better still, I know those men must have taken you that night to his house, I wonder why did you not call him? Or did you?”

“Are you not sure? Does it terrify you what my answer would be on that one?” Chen’an challenged him.

“No. I am not. Tell me. I always have a plan B.”

“What? You would run off?”

“Maybe, maybe not. Depends. If my life is in danger, I cannot take chances, darling.”

“Fine. I did not. Neither did I say anything much about you to them aside from the fact that you told me you two were both good people, both sides.”

“Hmm, good girl.” He leaned forward again and cupped her chin lightly. “I should reward you.”

Hitting his hands away, she pulled her chin from him again. “Not needed.”

“Fine then. My second question is, who or how did you get me treated?”

“Easy or wait, not too easy. I have a friend who is a doctor and he owes me a favour. It pays to be good to people. Back then in college, though he was my senior, he had it rough financially. We met casually one day and since then, I helped him.”

“Hmm, in what way?”

“Feeding, nothing much and he helped me study. Thankfully, he could scale through the session and he was grateful, starting if I needed help any day, I should call him.”

“I see. Thanks. I am sorry you had to use your favour on me.”

“It is okay. I needed his silence on this one. Anyways, it is better to save a life.”

‘Thank you, thank you very much.” He lowered his upper body, givinf her a bow to show his thanks.

“Hey! Not so fast, sit up straight.” He di as she asked and watched her with puzzled eyes. “I am not so generous anymore though. You on the other hand, you are going to pay me.”


“Yes.” She stretched forth her right hand as though she was about collecting money. “That would be a million yuan.”

“A million what!”


“Yup. For the treatment and care.”

“Treatment and care! Please. You just said it was good to do favours just now, didn’t you? So how come you want me to pay?”

“Doing favours for you, almost cost me. How dare you use me as a hostage!” She smacked him on the head, causing him to try and dodge her attack but it was too late.


“Do you think I would forget what you did and just let you go?” Chen’an scolded.

“Hey, be nice,” Ren half yelled.

“Nice? Gosh you are just so... Imagine they were the bad guys, do you know the kind of trouble u would have gotten into?”

“I know but they were not.”

“That is what you say. I forget.” She shook her hair and sarcastically smiled at him while waving her hands in front of him. “You are the bad guy.”

“Come on. You took care fo someone for a semester. So why is my own any different?”

“He was nice. He wasn’t placing me in danger, damn it!”

“Then let me go!” He made to get up so he could dress up and leave but wall he gotw as Chen’an pushing him back on the bed. “Where do your sorry ass think it is going?”

“Away. I do not want to cause you trouble. Besides, did your friend not tell that was no way to treat an injured patient? Ouchie, it hurts.” He squeezed his eyes shot and clenched at his side, pretending to be in pain.

“Chen’an, the injury hurts. Hurry, help me.”

She watched him carry out his acting and when he was done and got no sympathy, he pried his eyes open only to see her folding her arms in front o f her chest, staring at him.

“Urgh! I tried, you know.”

“Shut it. I feel for your sorry ass that is why you are still here. Regardless, you have to pay me.”

He face-palmed himself. There was no escaping her now, was there? “Fine. But I think it is because you miss my sweet kisses, that is why you are not sending me away.” Ouch!”

She impaled her fist on his thigh, far from where he got injured while grinning from ear to ear.

“You are wicked,” he accused her. There was nothing he could do however, he could only bear with it.

She was already generous enough to allow him stay here. Even gave up her bed for him.

Just then a thought came to his mind and he grinned mischievously.

Without saying a word, he lifted his head while showering her gaze with a beloved cold look in his eyes.

Before she knew what was happening, he wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her body down on his causing them to both fall on the bed.

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