Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 350 Grateful

Zhang Xiaoling was surprised with the note she got from Tang Enlai, plus his name that was boldly imprinted on the box.

His name was the first thing she saw on the box after seeing 'Glint' boldly written in a white-coloured beautiful font.

Feeling her heart flutter like the wings if a butterfly in her chest as her breathing hitched, she slowly raised the cover of the box.

'Did he being this for me?' She asked again in her head, while trying not to get her excitement high even though she looked a little confused.

So many thoughts swirled in her head as her eyes glanced at the make-up products lying on the bed.

Slowly, she reached out to trace then with her fingers.

'He said we would go together?'

'Why is he suddenly being kind to me?'

Last she remembered, she was mean to him, and she never apologized.

Perhaps, did he pity her and feel guilty for his mother's treatment?

Still, why would he go to this extent to make her happy?

'Make her happy?' That word sounded strange in her mouth as she said it.

Did Tang Enlai owe her happiness? She really doubted it and almost scolded herself for thinking too much yet, the special invitation from Glint was sitting in front of her eyes.

Releasing a deep breath as her gaze remained in the contents of the box, she slowly picked the personal letter and the private invitation card to read them.

First, she read the personal handwritten letter which made her question herself more. But at the same time, the letter made her feel that she was human and nothing was wrong with her.

Releasing another tired sigh, she dropped on the bed and went on to check the invitation card.

"Tang Enlai, what do you mean by all of this?" She muttered under her breath as her gaze shifted into the distance.

Although her husband's intentions was not known to her, her heart still felt a little warmed up.

'When last did I feel this way?' She thought to herself as her right hand slowly moved up her body to land on her beating heart.

Whatever this was, Zhang Xiaoling wanted it to remain so she could continue to feel warmed up.

Now sure that she was going somewhere meaningful, she put the box away in the inner room and walked out in her flat brown leather sandals.

Smiling to herself, she opened the door to her room and walked out.

Going down the stairs, she passed a few servants who offered greeting to her and unlike before, she replied with a warm smile on her face, which surprised them.

She smiled?

What's making her so happy?

Without caring to go to the dining room to have breakfast with the family, she told the housekeeper that she was going out.

Not dropping the name of where she was off to, she stepped out of the house and went straight for her car, still with a smile on her face.

There was no need cancelling some of her scehdule since it matched perfectly with the event.

Since she was going for the party, she figured that she really needed a makeover and as scheduled, she would go to the beauty parlour and fo a little shopping.

Getting into her car, she closed the car door and exhaled deeply as her mind wandered off to the box from Glint.

"That's right!" she exclaimed, hitting the steering wheel with her palms as she came to a realization.

She was still yet to thank Tang Enlai for his gift.

Without a second thought, she whipped out he phone from her bag and immediately found his contact. 'Tang Enlai'

How ironic that she chose to save his contact for formerly as if they only had a business relationship.

Wasting no second more, she clicked on the phone icon before placing the phone on her ear but then, she immediately lowered it and ended the call a second later.

"Omo! What are you doing?"

Zhang Xiaoling stopped herself from carrying on with the call as soon as the phone rang once.

She had only realised that she seems to be going too far as a result of her emotions.

She felt that she was taking things too far only because of the kind gesture from Tang Enlai. That move she wanted to make, was too soon.

'I almost made a mistake just now...' she cried in her head as she lowered iron the steering in regret.

A few seconds later, she heard her phone vibrating on her hand and quickly raised her head to glance at the screen.

Lo and behold, it was a text from Tang Enlai, the man she had called only a few moment ago just because her fingers had worked faster than her thoughts.

And seeing a text from him only made her to confirm that he saw her call.

Unlocking her phone, she clicked open on the message to read its content.

Only three words occupied her line of sight.

"In a meeting."

Tang Enlai was already in a small conference with a few people when he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket and immediately took it out to secretly take a look at it.

Seeing the call from his wife, he wondered the reason she phoned him.

She almost never phoned him, but being not in the condition to return her call, he quickly sent her a text and turned his attention back to the meeting.

Seeing this text from him, Zhang Xiaoling was left with no choice but to reply to him.

'Thank you."

While typing those two words, her fingers trembled and in order not to complicate matters the more, she kept things short.

At least he would understand the meaning when he sees it.

Forget the turmoil going on in her head, she was grateful for this little gesture of his even though she didn't know it would lead to.


Today was Glint's D-day. A day she would be launching into the market officially with distinguished guests, gracing the event with their presence.

Today was a really a special day for Zhang Liling.

Waking up without an alarm, but with a very big smile on her face.

Sitting up on the bed, she quickly took off the pink eye mask over her eyes, letting in the items in her room enter her line of sight.

When last did she wake up from sleep with a smile?

Waking up from sleep with a smile was very different from waking up from sleep and then choosing to smile because you remembered something good.

This was a sign from the heavens that Zhang Liling was going to have a big day.

"Today is a great day," She said out loud as she let her lashes close up on their own.

Next, her lips moved a few times before her eyes snapped open.

After saying a little prayer for her day to move smoothly, she got off the bed and got into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face before going back into her room to do some exercise.

Finally, she walked back into her bathroom to freshen up

At the same time, Song Jujing who was already awake, was busy in the kitchen making breakfast for them.

Since her arrival, there has been no need for the housekeeper to come since she was fine with cooking by herself.

Besides, she was happy with doing a little domestic work as she had nothing better to do. She hated being idle hence, she enjoyed the time she spent in the kitchen.

After making breakfast, she served it before going to Zhang Liling's bedroom to call her.

Knocking twice on the door, she bent the handle and helped her inside.

The first thing that came into her line of sight, was the young lady who happened to be her daughter, sitting in front of her vanity table, painting her face so early in the morning.

"What are you doing?" She inquired as she walked toward her.

"Good morning, Mum," Zhang Liling greeted while glancing briefly at her through the mirror. "I have to leave for the office this morning."

"Why so early? The event is not starting until 1 pm, what's the hurry?"

Song Jujing wondered the reason she was rushing off to work when it was only 7 in the morning. Could it be that there was still some work left to do?

Patting her face with her soft powder foam, she replied, "Mum, if I stay in this house any longer, I will surely go crazy. My mind can not be at ease until I am close to the Event centre."

As this was the first time Zhang Liling was organising an event, and that too her company's first event, she was bound to be a little tensed even if she looked forward to it.

Staying at home will only make her uneasy as she would be thinking in her head that she might miss out on something important if she didn't stay close to her company.

Knowing that her worries didn't make sense, she still wanted to ease out her stress.

Concluding that it would be better to leave the house on time just for her peace of mind, she packed her bags.

Understanding her plight, Song Jujing sighed. "That means you will get ready at work?"

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