Monster Integration

Chapter 394 Guild Challenge II

It is said that the Aferian is Grade 2 Ruin which had appeared two times before and only half of it has been explored while the others half remain unexplored.

As for what type of Ruin is Aferian Ruin, it is not mentioned in the free information.

Exploring ruin is a very dangerous matter, many people lost their lives inside it.

There are many forms of danger’s exist inside the ruins form the runic restriction to dangerous monsters but they are not the biggest danger there, the biggest danger in ruins is the Grimm race.

Grimm race can also travel to the ruins, like us they could also connect to the Ruin and due to them the advance knowledge and resources, their members always greater than us.

That is why every time when ruin opened there is always a huge bloodbath that occurred between the human race and the Grimm race, no one wants others to gain anything from the ruin.

That is why the most dangerous thing in the Ruins is not Runic restriction or monsters that present up there but the Grimm race that we fight constantly.

But despite knowing the Ruins are extremely dangerous, people madly go there, just so they could acquire that fate changing chance and even if they could not get the fate changing opportunity, their strength will increse relatively just surviving inside the ruin.

Only those who are extremely unluckily would return empty-handed.

"Any of you didnt buy Information right?" The team leader asked suddenly, we all shook our heads as we looked up from the projection.

"Why?" asked Sophia, the team leader wouldn’t have asked this question for nothing.

"Because it is Level 2 Ruin and to enter the Level 2 Ruin, You all need to have the strength of the to pass the Level 3 Challenge of the guild." said team leader.

"Level 3 Challenge, how much stronger we need to be to pass that?" we know that Guild had nine combat challenges and to go the certain restricted places like enter the ruin or do some other things like going to the Mid zone, we need to have the strength to do that otherwise we would just lose our life going there.

That is why guild had set up the challenge which is divided into nine levels, only after proving our strenth would the guild will give us permission so we will not lose our life uselessly.

"Currently all of you have strenth to pass the 1st challenge and as for passing 2nd and 3rd, you guys are very far."

"And as far answering your question about how much strength you needed to pass the 3rd chalenge, well you just need to defeat the Elite Brigadier stage Grimm Race monster, So I advise you think before you buy that expensive information," said Team leader.

Defeating Elite Brigdiar stage Grimm race monster, that is currently impossible for me. I could fight the Elite Colonel stage Grimm race monster without losing and if lucky then able to beat it but beating Elite Brigadier stage Grimm Race monster is a completely different thing.

The last three Stages of Knight’s stages are very powerful, the power increase many times, incomparable to the increse of strength in the other nine stages of Knight stage.

To defeat the elite Grimm Race monster of Brigadier stage, not only I will need a lot of fighting experience but I will also need to create five more seals at least and advance my rule comprehension, only then will I have the chance.

"As Sophia had said that the news will go public a month before Ruins opening, so you still have four days to think about whether to buy information or not." The team leader added.

"Team leader, can we chance to increse our strenth enough that we can beat the 3rd challenge in one month?" I asked the Team Leader.

"Nothing is impossible, all I can say that if you kept up the pace of your improving, then you guys will chance to beat the 2nd challenge by the time, I am done mentoring you." said instructor.

That means that if we kept improving at the current pace then we definitely able to beat the 2nd challenge in eleven days and there will again three weeks’ time for us to train.

"Really?" asked Sophia excitedly, to that instructor nodded.

"There is another option as well, which is to leave the guild and get permission from the adventurer’s paradise, for that you only need to have Level 8 access which you guys will get in few days." said instructor with a smile.

To that we all shook our head, leaving the guild will be an idiotic choice as its value isn’t less than some ruins and we don’t have to go that extreme option as we still have hope.

"Team Leader can we try Guild challenge now?" asked Sophia, "You can try, each member has one chance a week, so you can try." replied instructor to which Sophia started to tapped furiously on her holowatch.

"It’s available and there is no waiting line," said Sophia excitedly before asking us if we want to try as well to which we nodded.

We immediately left for the challenge as for reading about the Aferian ruin, we read all the free information that there is.

Soon we reached the hall where the challenge is done, one just have to scan their guild batch and enter inside the room.

I have read about this challenge before and was quite shocked to know about it as here one doesn’t have to fight any physical opponent.

There is special crystal inside it, once you concentrate on it, it will transfer your consciousness to a completely different place where you will fight your opponent.

The opponent everyone faces is different, it is said that there are more than ten thousand different kinds of opponents recorded there, so every time one challenge the Guild challenge one will face a different opponent, the only thing that will be common is your opponents strength at every level.

The strength of opponents would be the same but their fighting style will be different, this will similar from 1st challenge to the 9th challenge.

The S Class guilds are really something, this type of instrument only S Class guilds have, even adventurous paradise didnt possess such conscious drawing instrument.

"I’ll try first!" said Sophia and no one objected as she is the one to suggest is.

While Sophia was inside, we all kept discussing what we know about the challenge.

We were just discussing how much time will it take for Sophia to complete the challenge when Sophia walked out of the door with a little sad expression.

We all got surprised seeing her coming out this early as barely five minuits had passed.

"Why do you came back so early?" I asked feeling curious like everyone else, "Early, I had been there for least an hour." Sophia said.

"No, you were barely five minutes inside," Emma said, which shocked Sophia and she quickly looked at her holowatch.

"How is this possible?" whispered Sophia and we all also confused, as there could be a difference of five to ten minuits but an hour? This seemed very confusing.

"We are not fighting physically but mentally, our conscious is many times faster than our physical body that is why she fought for an hour inside the crystal but outside barely five minutes had passed." silent Reina explained in her melodic voice.

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