Monster Integration

Chapter 380 Gatormen

The team leader took us deeper and deeper in order to find a group of Grimm Race monsters that will fight us, we have once come across a group of six Grimm Race monsters but the team leader had turned them into ash saying they are too few for us to pose any challenge.

Till now the team leader has killed about 71 Grimm race monsters and the majority of them were at the Major stage.

It has been one and a half-hour since we venture into the Marsh but till now we have not come across a big group of Grimm Race monsters.

Suddenly the instructor stopped and a moment later I sensed multiple faint killing intent locked our group and when I count that, they are turned out to be a whopping thirteen of them.

Though many of them have varying battle power, one thing is common that all of them at the Major stage, there is one bad thing that two of the thirteen monsters here have similar battle power as the werewolf leader that I fought a few days ago, which means they definitely can call either spirit totem or can comprehend the

Team leader puts his thumb down and casual expression on his face turned little serious, "Be ready to fight, there are thirteen Grimm race monsters that will attack you all in few seconds." said instructor and took a high jump at very fast speed and in just a few seconds, he disappeared from our view.

We all became confused about him leaving suddenly and about to follow him, the Grimm race monsters came out of their hiding place and they are from the Gatorman tribe.

"Looks like that brat sensed us and ran away before we could attack." said one Gatorman who had sickly white skin to his mates, "No worries, the five of them are enough for us to have a light meal." another Gatorman said.

"I and Ritchie will handle three each!""I will handle two!""I will also handle two!""We sisters will handle three together!" said everyone one by after seeing Gatorman appear.

After the instructor told us that he is going to find a big group for us to fight, we had made a plan that as soon as we come across the big group of Grimm race monsters, we will quickly decide how many Grimm monsters we are going to fight.

And if any extra monster remains then we will ask instructors to help us but it looks like we can’t rely on instructor now, if we have extra monster left in the next battle then we will have to deal with it somehow.

In this battle, we are quite fine and if all goes well then we will be able to finish the battle within an hour.

"Juno, it looked like the tasty food think they can defeat us." One Gatorman asks other Gatorman beside him.

These two tall Gatorman seemed to the leaders of the Group as they are the two who are radiating highest battle power and these two are the only ones talking while other Gatormen stood ready to attack us.

"Then we should quickly beat them and eat them while they are alive for their impudence."

"Attack them and let them see the Might of our white Gatormen Tribe." said big Gatormen and as he said that all the Gatormen came attacking us holding big sawtooth Blades.

Its like they are following our arrangement, at two groups of three Gatormen, attacked Ritchie and Emma, while two Gatormen came attacking me and Ben while three gone for Sophia and Emma.

It was a good thing that two leaders of the Gatormen had gone for Emma and Ritchie, sensing their battle power I know that they could easily able to handle two Gatormen.

"Hehe, little snack after we beat you till you can’t remember your name, we will be going to eat you piece by piece while you are alive," said Gatorman as he attacked me with his partner.

I had already taken out my sword and shield while activating whole 100% of Sunfire when I saw sensed the Grimm race monster hiding nearby.

"Don’t worry, I’ll make sure both of you are alive when I harvest Mana Crystals from your bodies," I replied tauntingly and as the expected hearing mention of the Runic Disk.

Clank! Clank!

Both my sword and shield clashed against their sawtooth blades and I felt force traveling from my arms into my body but it was vaporized by the Sunfire that is present in my body.

Though these Gatormen are two are Major stage, these are just normal Gatorman. They are not the elite like the one I face a few days ago and their two leaders.

A normal Elite Grimm race monster is comparable to three to four normal Grimm race monsters of the same, so despite me fighting two Gatorman at the Same time, I am not feeling as much pressure as I felt when I fight against the Elite Grimm Race monster.

My Sunfire power would be enough to handle these two Gatormen that I am fighting.

Pachac! Clank!

Yes! I said out loud in my mind as I was able to hit the Gatorman just minute within starting the fight, though the injury is normal could be healed within a minute by the immense vitality that Grimm race possesses but still it is an accomplishment by me.

It is probably due to battles I fought with the Grimm Race monsters, as all the Grimm Race monsters I had fought, all of them were the Elite excluding the two from featherman race but they didn’t count as they ran away.

I had gotten used to fighting the Elite Grimm race monsters that fighting these two seem very normal to me and I think I will be able to finish the fight in much less time I had predicted a moment ago.

"You food!" said both of Gatorman in unison seeing my attack perfectly landing on them and increased the intensity of their attack

Clank Clank Clack.....

I effortlessly countered their intense attack with mine and started to find the chance to attack, this time I had set up a new target that is beat this monsters soon as possible.

The minute hadn’t passed and I found another chance and I took but who have thought that seeing my blade coming toward it, would take a step back to dodge my attacks instead of countering my attack.

Seeing that, Instantly used the speed skill that already been activated since the start of the battle, I flicked my blade little and used all the power of Sunfire that I had in this attack.


A slashing sound came and blood turned into the fog as Sunfire Rule started to infiltrate it’s, it won’t die from this attack but with this attack, it was nothing more than a dead dog.

I would have like to watch what happened to it but I can’t as a sawtooth blade of other Gatorman coming toward it.

This other Gatorman is quite selfish, it would have been able to save its mate from that life-threatening blow of mine if it had intervened but it did not, it sacrificed its mate so it could get a chance to attack which it going regret this very next second.

Clank! "Puchi!"

I defended its sawtooth blade with my shield and used my sword pierce its neck.

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