Monster Integration

Chapter 358 Occult Method II


I was busy with fighting tall Ratman when I heard quite weird squeak like a scream, it was quite irritating to ears.

Tall Ratman and I at the same time cast our looked toward the sound and when I saw the source of the voice I was quite surprised.

I was captain stage short Ratman and now it looked way different than it looked ten some minutes ago when the fight started.

It now looked like a barbequed Rat, not only it is burned every inch of its skin, there are even bullets hole all over its body.

From the look of it, it looks quite miserable as it is largely unsuccessful fending off against thumbnail size of fireballs of Ashlyn which are shooting toward it one after another like a bullet without pause.

This is special fireball that Ashlyn had derived in the past three months, these fireballs are concentrated till they became thumbnail size and the power of Sunfire is fused in them and they shoot like a bullet toward the opponents but that’s not the only thing special about them.

These fireballs came in two variations, one is bullet variation which strikes the opponent like the bullet and pierced through it while the second is also flies like a bullet but when it touched the skin, it explodes and covers the whole body.

The funny thing is both of the fireballs look the same and released the same way, so one cant identity what type of fireball is one facing against, one will only able to know when the fireball crashed against something.

One can save himself from piercing fireball but it is very hard to save himself from the exploding fireball as just as it exploded, it enveloped the whole body. Only a very good shield or defensive skill could save itself from the fireball’s explosion effect.

I definitely the inspiration she got for the bullet fireball is from my skill fire strike but I don’t where she got the idea of making fireball that explodes and then enveloped.

This effect of exploding and enveloping is very tricky, I have seen it tens of time but till now, I wasn’t able to figure how she made it and I didnt ask her, I have my own pride and will figure out how its make eventually.

The wretched barbequed condition of Ratman is clearly the result of an exploding fireball.

Just one look at their battle, one could easily tell that little birdy flying above the Ratman has already won the battle and now she is just playing around it.

I hope that Ashlyn didnt injured it too much, otherwise I will lose many Mana Crystals.

"Brother save me!" asked short Raatman in a squeaky voice as another fireball pierced through its skin.

Hearing it’s brother’s plea, the tall Ratman wanted to run toward its brother but just as it took a few steps, I stood in front of it blocking its way.

"Where are you going, our fight handnt finished yet," I said and launched another attacked at it.


With the clank, we both took several steps back.

"Let me pass!" said tall Ratman, intense anger apparent in its eyes. Seeing the anger appearing in its eyes, I became happy.

"No!" I replied to its statement dramatically as I sook my head saying it.

I want to make it angry and feel fear, let him think that its brother could die at any minute while it was fighting against me, this fear of it will downpayment for the pain it will face when I shove crystal disk inside it.

There is also the second reason which is that fighting angrily against me, it will make many mistakes which I will exploit it to finish it off.

"Very well, then you can only die!" It said and its movements became mysterious and blades which I was able to see clear became blur that even my eyes weren’t able to follow it.

Not only the movement of its blades became mysterious but its body’s movement also became mysterious that I am seeing its body moving both lefts and right at the same time.

Its movement making me confused despite my senses enhanced and intuition heightened.

I quickly searched for the possibility of what could cause that, it is not the skill as Grimm race cant use skills before breaking through the Knight stage.

It is not due to the summoning of Spirit Totem as whenever Spirit Totem is summomned they create a visual phenomenon.

I was just searching for what could it be when a thing I heard in Awakening Ground came into my mind and I read it about in the booklet given to us By Fort Cavendish and when I thought about possibility, I able so terrified that I started to build up the trump card that I have never used it against anyone.

" O occult Skill!" I shouted in a terrified voice, hearing my terrified shout.

"Hehehe!" The Ratman laughs weirdly hearing my terrified shout, "You are quite knowledgeable, yes this is Occult Dance."

"I am very lucky that I am able to comprehend Occult Dance from one my Tribes Table, though what I able to comprehend just a fraction of it, not even a percent but it is still enough to finish tens of you."

"Occult Dance: Flood of Knives" screamed Ratman in a squeaky voice and came at me with its mystical Occult Skill.

Occult skills are extremely terrifying from what I’ve heard and I did want to take any chances against it, so I used all my power.

I used both of my Rule power at their 100%, using both Rule power together is extraordinary mental energy as I have to keep both of those Rule power in balance.

It had taken me two months of constant practice to find a balance between them, so I could use both Rules together and I can use them together for just four minutes as it took tremendous mental energy to maintain the balance between them.

Both Rule Complement each other, one gave extreme offensive power while others gave enhanced senses and heightened intuition and their combination produce the destructive result.

I just hope that it will be enough against this mysterious Occult Skill, both of us came at each other.

It’s a movement which had become very mysterious and difficult to see, now had become slightly visible, though they are still unclear, I am confident to overcame this visible difficult with my heightened intuition that my killing Rule gave.

Every step had to be taken carefully, even a slight mistake will lead to death.

Finally, it came closer to me and the speed of its blades suddenly increased and its movements become more mysterious.

Although my eyes weren’t able to follow the blades of Ratman but my intuition able to tell me its general direction.

Clank Clank Clank Slash Clank Clank Slash....

Our weapons are clashing so fast that even I wasn’t able to see it them clearly due to their speed.

I am defending all of its attacks through intuition, though my counter is not perfect and every now and then deep slashes keep appearing on my body that within ten seconds nearly every part of my body cut by its blades including my face.

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