Monster Integration

Chapter 335 Initial Level of Lieutenent Stage

I hope today will be the day I would level up, I had thought that yesterday too but unfortunately I failed to level up yesterday.

It was likely because that energy of the Miracle fruit hadn’t full to its brim but I hope today will be a day It became full so, that it will initiate the level up.

"Ok, Micheal you can start," said my father, who was not far away from me looking at the various screen.

"Yes, dad," I replied and started performing Body Cleansing Technique.

I am currently in my father’s lab and there are some tiny devices had attached to my body to collect the data.

The fifth day after coming to my hometown, I came back to my father’s lab again to ask for his advice.

I wanted to know if Berserk Energy from monster cores is damaging my body somehow, I knew from Jim and reading all the books I have brought from Awakening Ground that as long as I have enough special energy of Supreme Combat Exercise to maintain the balance of my body and source.

When my father heard it that I am eating monsters cores to supply me of energy, he had lost control and started shouting at me about how dangerous the berserk energy is, that was the first time in my life I have seen my usually calm father, lost control over his emotions.

He would have not lost control over his emotions such way if it were any other people but when it compares to his family which he fiercely loves, he couldn’t help but lost control over his emotions.

He is only able to calm down after I explained to him how unique my Refinement engine is and how Special energy of Supreme Combat Exercise help in stabilizing my body and source.

From that day, I’ve started to spend a few hours of my in my father’s lab as he thoroughly wanted to see and if Berserk Energy is doing any damage to my body or not.

And unexpectedly, my father had developed the uncommon interest in Body Cleansing Technique that for more than a week, I have been performing Body Cleansing Exercise in my father’s lab.

I’ve become a lab rat for him that even my mother teases me by that name now then.

Like always, I didn’t feel anything at 1 st pose but at 2 and pose my body started to feel strain in my body as my cells started to saturate.

At the 3 rd pose, the strain had increased many times more which is unlike other exercises that increase the strain little by little.

At 4 th pose the strain had increased even more but I did not have much pressure, through the regular practice of more than two weeks, my mind and body had trained to experience such strain, I will only start to experience real pressure when I started to perform the 8 th pose and above.

I kept performing poses and after poses and at 6 th pose, I saw a large amount of Miracle Fruit energy started to come out from his hidden spot.

First, there were used to be a different type of energy into my body but now there are only two, one that of Energy of Miracle fruit and other is Berserk Energy while all the other energies which were is small amount got guzzled by the energy of the Miracle Fruit.

Now only two of them seem to exist in my body and every day, the energy of Miracle fruit eat some of the Bath berserk energy that came out from hiding.

If there were any energy in the place of Berserk Energy, I would have leveled up to the Sergeant stage a few days early.

It’s just that I could see that he t energy of Miracle fruit takes more time to guzzle Berserk Energy than any other energy.

Although the berserk energy is hard to digest this Berserk Energy after digesting, it also provides the largest amount of energy to the Miracle Fruit energy.

I couldn’t help but feel awe when I looked at Energy of Miracle Fruit, first, it was in a very small amount in my body but now its size had increased more than thirty times.

It is more than five times greater than when it was started to help me level up when I was in the Sergeant Stage.

The reason I am very sure that I will level up from two days this energy had started to act, it begins testing the barrier that is between Corporal stage and Sergeant stage, yesterday it had even cracked a little but unfortunately, its momentum was little less than it needed.

Today, I hope that it will guzzle enough Berserk Energy that it will get all the momentum it needed to break that Barrier.

As I performed 9 th pose, I started to feel immense pressure over my body, moving every part became difficult but I still kept going as I can feel inside me that the higher poses I perform, the more berserk energy will be Guzzled by the Miracle fruit energy.

I performed 10 th and 11 th pose and finally gone for 12 th pose, I can feel the maximum strain on my body which is near my limit but I can also see that as 12 th pose would not be enough.

Either I perform 13 th pose and give it enough time to guzzle Berserk Energy or I could keep performing this technique for three to four days more to level all it would depend on my perseverance.

I kept performing 12 th pose and as I finished it, the strain on my body many times more and I overcame with an extreme weakness that I was halfway into falling on the floor but I stabilized myself through my will.

I want to level up today no matter what and for that, if I have to perform the 13 th pose they By gods I will.

Bearing the foul smell that is coming from my body, I slowly started to perform the 13 th pose.

My speed of performing 13 th pose is even slower than the speed of snail walking and every moment I am fighting extreme fatigue.

I feel that if I gave up enough for second, I will fall on the floor and I will have to try this technique a few more days before I could level up to the Sergeant stage.

I could see that if I am able to persist for a few more minutes, I will be able to level up to the Sergeant stage today.

Time passed by at a snail’s pace as I keep performing the 13 th pose, with my every moment the strain on my body would increase more.

Every second is unbearable but I kept preserving as I am wholly focused my mind on the energy of Miracle fruit.

It shouldn’t take long for it to reach its limit, once it reached its limit, I am very sure that I will be able to level up to the sergeant stage in one go.

I finally performed the 13 th pose and I started falling down due to extreme strain I am feeling over my body but exactly the same moment I finished performing 13 th pose, the Energy of Miracle fruit stopped guzzling Berserk energy and move toward the Barrier with regaining momentum which was way stronger than that of yesterday.


The Energy of Miracle Fruits crashed against the barrier and crushed it in a single strike thus making me level up to the Sergeant stage.

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