Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 213: Gambling Venue (2)

Gambling Venue (2)

Johanna watched the gambling table with a slightly tense face.

The saying about beginner’s luck isn’t nonexistent; rather, it’s almost like a curse.

Probability dictates that with enough numbers, it will always regress to the mean. No matter how much Texas Hold’em is a game of skill involving psychological warfare and counting, if the cards don’t come, you can’t win.

Moreover, the endgame is much more important than the early game in gambling. Players loosen up, and the bold moves that weren’t there at the beginning start to shape the game.

That’s why novices, deceived by their own luck, end up losing everything they have.


However, as time goes on.

As the gambling continues.

Johanna becomes even more relaxed. She leans back in her chair, stretches a bit, loosens her neck, and even observes the mafia beside her.

[ Shion Ascal victory ]

Thanks to Shion Ascal’s overwhelming victories. The beginner’s luck is lasting a little, no, quite a long time.

The other players at the table are also seasoned, but when faced with a bluff, they catch on brilliantly and eat them up, and conversely, if they have high cards, they die off like phantoms.

It’s skill that surpasses luck.

[ Shion Ascal victory ]

“This is fun.”

That’s all Johanna said. The mafia executive put his hand to his forehead. It was quite a sight to behold.

“This is why gambling is interesting.”

Gambling is very honest. The greater the risk, the greater the return, and where there’s a loser, there’s a winner.

The reason Johanna chose Shion was simply because ‘his poker face is worth seeing’.

She discarded all her plans and made her last bet on Shion Ascal, and the result was.

[ Table 3 concluded ]

[ Winner: Shion Ascal ]

[ Round advancement confirmed ]

It came back as a victory. Johanna looked at the mafia beside her. To the guy who was trying to get up in a hurry, she said,



The executive was silent. Johanna continued in a low voice.

“If I win this bet, I will make a proposal to your boss.”

Her eyes inside the mask were filled with murderous intent.

“I can settle one hundred million ren of the three hundred million ren bet with your neck.”

This was serious. There was not a hint of falsehood. If she won the bet, she would definitely take Consigliere Eri’s skull.

Looking at the man’s stiff expression, Johanna smiled thinly.

“It wouldn’t be bad for you to deliver the message to your boss directly. Be happy that I’m valuing you at one hundred million ren. Go on.”

“……You’ve only advanced to the next round so far.”

“When will you ever be worth one hundred million ren? So smile. Be grateful.”

“……Let’s see if you can make it to the finals.”

Consigliere Eri said that, but his lips were trembling. Fear had already blanched the tip of his tongue.

“We’ll have to see about that.”

Johanna waved her hand dismissively and settled back into her chair.

“I don’t think I’ll lose, though.”

* * *

The fourth preliminary round was passed without much difficulty. The psychological warfare was definitely tougher, but the cards were surprisingly good.

I was becoming somewhat confident.

It seems that the class of [Bethune], the ‘Gambler’, applies here as well.

Of course, it’s only about 2-3 cards out of a hundred that stick well, but at a professional level, even a single leaf is as significant as a building.

“Congratulations. Here’s your round ticket.”

“Thank you.”

I received the round ticket from the organizers. As soon as I stepped out of the fourth preliminary venue, a limousine approached.


A car twice as luxurious as the one I had arrived in, equipped with all sorts of defensive magic spells, opened its doors automatically.


Inside was Johanna. A woman with her blue hair twisted up into a bun and secured with a hairpin, wearing a fluttering silk dress.

I naturally straighten my posture.

“Come in.”

At Johanna’s invitation, I sat down. Johanna smirked and extended her hand.

It’s a rookie mistake to take her hand here.

I handed her the round 6 ticket instead. Johanna asked with satisfaction.

“How was the preliminary?”

“It wasn’t difficult.”

“Ho. Is that so?”

Johanna examined the ticket from all angles. The organizer’s seal. The anti-counterfeiting formula. Shion Ascal’s name. After thoroughly checking, she handed it back to me.

“Don’t lose it.”


Then she took out a check from her inner pocket.

“Here’s your bonus.”

I accepted it while maintaining decorum. I didn’t even check the amount.

Johanna may seem like a woman obsessed with gambling, even to the point of looking like a homicidal maniac, but she values manners and etiquette.

She’s a bit different from Jade. Jade prioritizes respect towards himself over manners, but Johanna is fixated on overall demeanor.

Yet, because Johanna herself is so down-to-earth, there’s a whole truckload of people who have committed a faux pas in front of her and dropped dead on the spot.

“……You serve Zia?”


Just then, the limousine started moving. I looked at the passenger seat. I could see the back of the head of the balancer ‘Beckman’.

“Are you here at this gambling table on Zia’s orders?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Have you gambled before?”

Not in this life, but in a past life, quite a lot.

“I’ve played a ghost before.”


“Yes. During the college board process…”

Ghost Hotel.

Johanna shrugged with a look of not knowing.

“You seem to have talent.”

“Thank you.”

A bow. Not too deep, not too shallow, just the right amount of formality.

“If you serve Zia, it doesn’t really matter. After all, Zia herself will belong to the winner.”

Johanna said this and looked at me again.

“The report on the extreme mana stone was yours, wasn’t it?”

“……I was lucky.”

I maintained my humility. Johanna chuckled lightly, extending a finger to point at me.

“That. That’s my favorite phrase.”

At that moment, Beckman’s shoulder in the passenger seat gave a slight twitch. Johanna couldn’t see it, but I could.

An ominous feeling.

“There are many, many humans in this world. The difference in their caliber is actually not that great. There are limits set for beings called human. No one can become infinitely intelligent.”

Beckman is a ticking time bomb. Of course, Johanna probably already knows what he’s thinking. But at a time when each balancer is precious, she’s simply taking a risk.

“No human can transcend alone.”

At Johanna’s words, one person immediately comes to mind.

Jade of Libra.

“In the end, when viewed from a cosmic perspective, all humans are the same. There’s not even a dust-sized difference. However, ‘luck’ is different.”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes. Luck, no matter how much I think about it, seems like a cosmic force.”

Suddenly, Johanna was triggered.

“I’ve thought about it for a long time. Some people win a 100 million ren lottery. There are 12 of them a year. If there’s a set total and average for luck, then lottery winners should all become endlessly unhappy. But that’s not the case. You can trust this; I’ve investigated it myself. Of course, some lottery winners do go bankrupt from mismanaging their money. The media promotes these stories extensively to console the public, but in reality, that rate is only about 7%. The rest live exceedingly happy lives for the rest of their days. If the average human luck is 50, then at the moment they win the lottery, it’s already at 300. And this kind of luck can’t be increased with effort. It’s absolutely impossible. Some think intelligence or Spectrum is the same, but that’s incorrect. Genetic manipulation is entirely possible. But is luck included in genetics? It’s not. Therefore, luck is cosmic…”

Johanna’s eulogy to luck.

A story that must be listened to with the utmost interest and politeness, without showing any signs of boredom or dozing off.

After about 30 minutes of attentive listening, we arrived at the dormitory.

“…We’ve arrived.”

Johanna stopped right on cue. She pressed the button to open the door and said,

“Next round. Can I expect something?”


“Think of it as a bet.”

Johanna twisted her lips slightly.

“Depending on whether you expect something or not, a lot can change.”

I didn’t hesitate.

“Please, expect something.”

Today, I got a rough sense of it.

It seems likely that I’ll make it to the finals.

“Let’s do that.”

Johanna closed the door with a deep smile.

* * *

It’s a clear and blue weekend. Bell Moore is in the car. Riley is with him in the passenger seat, and nearby, SUVs filled with Chasers from Libra line the streets.

It’s the day to apprehend a branch family that has betrayed Libra.

“Shall we go?”

Bell Moore asked Riley. She nodded and got out of the car.

[ Libra Rehabilitation Center ]

The Rehabilitation Center. The person who has now become a cripple is unaware that they have been exposed.

Bell Moore went there with Riley.

Sonnet Revil. She was in the central garden, gripping her cane and walking with effort.

Bell Moore stopped in front of her.

“…What is it?”

Sonya looked up at him with a slight frown. Bell Moore fiddled with his gloved hand.

“Good day to you.”


Sonya’s expression hardened rapidly, realizing that something was amiss.

“What’s the matter?”

“Would you mind coming with us for a moment?”

“…I’m a branch family member.”

Sonya stared straight into Bell Moore’s eyes.

“I know. That’s why you’re being treated this way.”

“Do you not know who I am?”

“I said I know.”

Bell Moore’s smug tone irritated Sonya. She quickly took out her smartphone and called Derek.

“Derek is busy.”


“Would you prefer to be dragged away for interrogation, or.”

Bell Moore said, playing with his eyebrow.

“Would you rather come with us and have a conversation?”

“Explain what’s going on first.”

“You’ll understand once we get there. Well, it seems like you should have a rough idea already.”

“Shut up. A mere Chaser has no right. Explain first.”


Bell Moore let out a sigh.

“Branch family members never seem to grasp reality.”

Muttering to himself, he gestured with his eyes to Riley. Riley stepped forward and handcuffed Sonya’s hands.

Sonya glared at them as if she wanted to kill them.

* * *

At the same time, in Libra’s Aerial Garden.

Zia had just received news of Sonya’s arrest.

“…That can’t be.”

The charge was treason.

Collusion with Aventagher.

─Concrete evidence has been found.

The head of the personnel department, Jean, said so, but no matter how much Zia thought about it, it was hard to believe.

Sonya wasn’t that kind of person.

─She is currently detained at the underground Intelligence Agency.

Zia had a connection with Sonya. Of course, they weren’t friends. Zia didn’t have friends.

However, as the ostracized youngest member from both the branch family and the main house of Libra, they shared some inexplicable common ground. They often talked when they were younger, and Zia had always highly regarded Sonya’s abilities.

“Thrown away after being used… that’s what this is.”

Therefore, this is Derek’s act of discarding after use.

Zia had anticipated this from the start. There was certainty that it would come to this.

From the moment Sonya swore loyalty to Derek.

Derek cannot contain someone like Sonya. Derek, who must own all the merit, can never truly possess Sonya.

“What was the evidence…?”

─We do not know yet. It was handled in utmost secrecy by Derek himself.


Zia wants to save her.

But if this is a direct order from Derek, Zia must not get involved.

There aren’t many people who can save her within Zia’s reach.

…Not many at all.

There is one person that comes to mind, though.

* * *

Sonya was caught. She fell into a trap. The news was immediately disseminated through the Libra phones.

[ An investigation by Sonnet Revil and the Libra Disciplinary Committee is scheduled to proceed. ]

I looked at my Libra phone from the dormitory of the Knight Academy.

[ The disciplinary committee will consist of four direct members of Libra. ]

It went as expected.

The convening of the Libra Disciplinary Committee meant that, at the very least, her life would be spared.

It was probably about maintaining appearances.

I put down the Libra phone.

“It’s over.”

Can I now become Zia’s second-in-command?


The Libra phone rang again.

I looked at the message.

[ Chaser Shion Ascal has been selected for the internal investigation team of the disciplinary committee. ]

[ You are commanded to investigate the truth and authenticity of Sonnet Revil’s case. ]

“…Why me all of a sudden?”

I was dumbfounded.

The disciplinary committee in charge of Sonnet Revil’s punishment was selected to be the four direct members.

Even if from a branch family, she still has Libra’s blood in her veins.

Of course, the direct members were very busy, so they substituted physical meetings with video calls.

─Sonya will not be allowed to remain in Libra.

Derek argued for Sonya to be stripped of her title and permanently exiled, but Johanna demanded for a more thorough investigation.

─To cast out a collateral relative who has been loyal to you for so long. That’s just like you, Derek. So fucking annoying.

─Loyalty? Johanna, do you see loyalty in this letter?

On the other hand, Jade seemed uninterested. Instead, during the meeting, he proudly presented a report on his extreme mana stone and showed off the accounting analysis of this quarter’s profits…

It seemed he was in a good mood because his business was doing well.

─Use your eyes and see for yourself. This is the letter she exchanged with Aventagher.

Derek showed Johanna the letter. Johanna retorted sarcastically.

─What about the possibility of forgery?

─None. The handwriting can be forged, but the content of that letter contained information only an insider would know.

─Hmm. So there was a faction within Libra trying to set up this collateral relative. Was her achievement too great? Are you jealous? Since most of your achievements came from Sonya’s brain.

─…Johanna. Have you lost your mind?

Johanna was simply picking on Derek because she thought he was a dick, and Derek, knowing this better than anyone, was getting his blood pressure up.

─Lost my mind? I’m simply asking for a proper investigation. Not some half-assed investigation, but one that goes through a proper verification process. Not some shoddy method like showing off a letter.

Johanna, who knew better than anyone how to provoke Derek, grinned, showing her teeth.

─You fucking bitch.

Derek finally lost his temper.

─Don’t meddle. It’s my business. Since she was under me, I’ll handle it myself.

─Dear brother. Even before she was under you, she is our cousin with Libra’s blood.”

Derek and Johanna glared at each other through the screen, engaging in a silent battle of wills.

Zia had been quietly blinking up until that point, her lips sealed.

Suddenly, Jade spoke.

─…I wonder how many years the trend for high-priced mana stones will last. The price of the extreme mana stone will inflate two to three times more than it is now.

─Jade, just shut up. Write your monologues in your diary.

─Brother, why don’t you take a look?

Jade forcibly broadcasted the report written by his subordinate onto the screen, sticking it in front of the camera.

Derek let out a deep sigh.

─…Fine. Let’s say we go with Johanna’s fucking suggestion and investigate. Then who will do it? I don’t want to trust you, and you can’t trust me, can you?

Jade interjected.

─Brother, I don’t have time for investigations. I’m too busy with business trips because of the extreme mana stone these days.

─…I see, I’m envious.

─At last, you’re being honest.

Jade leaned back in his chair with satisfaction.


Derek looked at the youngest on the screen. Johanna’s gaze naturally followed.

─Yeah, Zia.

Zia trembled slightly, but she had expected it to come to this as soon as Derek and Johanna started their parallel arguments.

Johanna asked Zia.

─Zia, do you have someone suitable under your command to investigate the truth?

On the other hand, Derek seemed to doubt not only Zia but also the competence of her entire team.

─There’s no way.

“I do.”

Zia quickly responded. Derek frowned, and a mischievous smile appeared on Johanna’s lips.

─Who is it?

At Derek’s question, Zia cautiously called out the name.

“Shion… Ascal.”

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