Memoirs of the Returnee

Chapter 208: The Meaning of Villain (1)

The Meaning of Villain (1)

I quickly processed the list that Bell Moore had handed to me. Over the weekend, I visited seven individuals, and from them, I distilled and reported the presence of an industrial spy.

There was no sign of 「Vancheon」.

From the start, they were not a group that could be easily caught. Instead of inserting many at the bottom ranks, Vancheon preferred to elevate a select few elites like Riley to positions of great responsibility.

Take Cooper, for instance, who was a senior researcher at the Libra laboratory.

In any case.

Thanks to being criticized by the Intelligence Agency team leader for ‘overreacting,’ I didn’t have to go to the extreme of cutting off their arms. Instead, I just submitted affidavits and reports.

Later, I visited the hospital where Cooper was admitted. After disguising myself to look sufficiently ordinary, I found his room.

─…No, I’m telling you I’m fine, so why do you keep crying?

─Because I’m not okay. How on earth did this happen…

─It’s my fault. It’s my fault, so… don’t cry.

His arm had been cleanly severed, and his wife was by his side. She looked sad, but Cooper tried to smile at her.

Pretending to pass by their hospital bed, I placed a business card on the shelf.

[ Selfless Coffin ]

It’s Akane’s Selfless Coffin. Since her prosthetic arm functions like a real one, if he gets a transplant there, Mr. Cooper should be able to return to his everyday life without much difficulty.

Of course, I think I should talk to Akane in advance… Well.

She’ll help out on her own.

She’s quick-witted, after all.

I left the hospital. I walked down the alleyway.

In the late afternoon, the streets where the sun set quickly were filled with various street vendors. The smells of stuffed pancakes, fish-shaped buns, and hot dogs wafted through the air.


I feel quite gloomy. The shadowed faces of Cooper’s family keep flickering in my mind.

It’s something I was prepared for, but I guess it can’t be helped.

I picked up my smartphone out of a sense of futility.

[ What are you doing? ]

I texted Soliette.

She replied almost immediately.

[ Soliette: I’m with Orange. ]

She attached a picture of a cat. The furniture and wooden floors reflected in the frame looked cozy.

Still, she’s in the old building of Endex.

[ But why didn’t you come to the liberal arts class last week? ]

[ Soliette: I just wasn’t feeling motivated for liberal arts. So I took a walk with Orange. ]

That’s a lie.

She probably logged into Bethune.

But, I’m actually waiting.

Waiting for her to meet ‘Jared’ there.

To seek him out and share many stories.

Perhaps… to create longer-lasting memories, more time together.

[ You shouldn’t take the cat out for walks too often ]

[ Soliette: lol That’s a misunderstanding. My Orange is very different from other cats. Orange is a descendant of tigers. ]


That’s when I spotted a familiar back of a head up ahead.

Elise was there. She was looking at the paper envelope in her hand with a pleased expression.

“What are you doing here?”

I called out to her. In that moment, Elise spun around, her eyes widening as if they might pop out.


She was silent, hiding the paper envelope behind her back while her eyes darted around.

I asked her.

“Are you eating a stuffed pancake?”


“That’s a stuffed pancake, isn’t it?”


Elise reluctantly pulled out the paper bad and said,

“……I was going to throw it away. I just happened to pick it up.”

“Then throw it away.”


Elise bit her lower lip. I chuckled and asked,

“Hey. Have you eaten?”

She tilted her head with a strange look on her face.



“Why do you ask?”

I said nonchalantly,

“If you haven’t eaten, let’s eat together.”

I was feeling down, and it seemed like I needed some company.

That’s why I asked.

“……What did you say?”

Elise contorted her face as if she had seen a homeless person wielding a knife.

* * *

This is not right. This shouldn’t be happening. I shouldn’t be in this situation.

……That’s what Elise was thinking.

She shouldn’t attract attention. Paparazzi could be lurking anywhere, anytime. Just as her father said, she is now an adult. She is the heir to the distinguished Petra family and should feel responsible.

Despite that……

Elise looked at Shion across from her.

He seemed sad today, for some reason.

“Is something wrong?”

“What could be wrong?”

Elise asked, pressing down her cap firmly.

“You look sad, that’s why.”


He sighed as if lost in thought for a moment.

“I tormented a good person. It was for their own good, but still. I don’t feel entirely great about it.”


Elise looked at him. She took a bite of her stuffed pancake.

In the meantime, the oden soup was served. It was a dish Elise was encountering for the first time in her life.

“……Don’t be mistaken. There are no good people in this world.”

Elise started by digging in with her spoon as she spoke. Shion let out a wry laugh.

“That’s usually what bad people say.”


A vein throbbed slightly at Elise’s temple.

Even when trying to say something comforting, this is how he reacts.

“People are mostly grey. Everyone does bad things.”

She took a bite of the oden soup.


It’s unexpectedly delicious.

Elise looked at Shion again.


Shion was staring intently at her.

“……What are you looking at?”

Elise wiped her mouth with a napkin.


Shion chuckled with a strange smile.

“Suddenly, I’m thinking how much you’ve changed.”


“Yeah. You used to be a monster.”

“Are you crazy?”

Elise was frowning.

In the future, she was definitely a monster. She was the embodiment of venom that no one could subdue.

“It’s not like that anymore.”

But that future no longer exists.

Therefore, Elise is proof that the future is not fixed.

“People always change.”

She spoke in a subdued tone.

“Someday… when you come to a crossroads.”



Elise put an oden skewer in her mouth, chewing nonchalantly as she asked.

“If you reach such a crossroads, are you confident you won’t become a monster?”


Shion seemed to ponder for a moment, looking into the void before shaking his head slightly.

“I’m not sure.”

A bitter smile spread across his lips.

“I don’t have much confidence.”


Elise put down her skewer and raised her eyebrows slightly.

“I see.”

The enemy of her mother.

The cliché from movies or dramas was right before her eyes.

Elise Petra is the enemy of Shion Ascal.

Therefore, even being this close to him, and the desire in her heart to be with him, must surely be the wrong kind of greed.

“Do you… drink alcohol?”

Thirty minutes seemed okay.

To her slightly softer suggestion, Shion replied.

“No, I can’t. I have a class at 9 tomorrow. And I have to stop by somewhere for a bit.”

“You really know how to annoy someone. You’re the one who suggested we eat!”

“We are eating right now.”

Elise’s brow furrowed as if she were a wrathful deity.

* * *

Trick City. Kanya Wieder can’t get her mind off the booming sales of the 「Delivery Box」.

“Old man! How many tanks can you make today?!”

The production method for the 「Delivery Box」 is simple. Pre-implanted formula scrolls are soaked in a mana stone solution and then processed.


But the mana stone solution is the problem.

Even though they priced it conservatively because it can be recycled until the mana stone runs out, they’ve already sold a million units.

“Only three? We need at least three thousand more high-quality ones today! There’s a bulk order from the Magic Tower!”

“Already? The high-quality scrolls just came in yesterday.”

Kanya had received the 「Premium Delivery Box」 formula from Dale Kal yesterday.

The 「Premium Protection」 was a high-quality product that perfectly meshed with the 「Delivery Box」.

“You’ve heard the rumors, right! Anyway, move quickly! Expect a bonus!”

After shouting, Kanya returned to her workshop.

The news was playing on the TV that had been on all day.

[ In Trick City, there’s a craze for ‘box decorating’ right now. The 「Delivery Box」, which is more convenient than a drone, has already become a part of the lives of the people of Trick City… ]


While Kanya was contentedly watching the news, suddenly:

[ Breaking news. A murder has occurred in C Section. A villain calling himself ‘Void’ has massacred a family and is on a rampage, committing indiscriminate killings… ]

“Why are there so many villains these days?”

Since Raquel Dra, lunatics claiming to be villains have been emerging frequently.

But they don’t understand.

Raquel is not a mere villain. He is closer to an assassin. An assassin who eradicates the wicked.

In fact, since Raquel’s appearance, the cartels in D Section have been laying low.

On the other hand, Valmant Manaology is growing rapidly. Thanks to the success of 「Death Eater」 and the hit product 「Delivery Box」.

Kanya isn’t going to hoard all the money she’s made. She will use more than 30% to develop the D Section.

Because the people of D Section deserve to live. They shouldn’t be despised just because they are from the lower class.

Kanya’s ultimate goal is to eliminate the divisions of Sections in Trick City.

To do that… she needs Raquel Dra.

* * *

National University campus. The main building of the Knight’s Faculty, first-floor hall.

Today’s lecture is a core subject, [ Knightly Virtues ].

“I ask the freshmen. What do you think constitutes the virtues of a knight?”

About 150 students are seated in an ordinary classroom, looking at the professor.

Gerkhen raises his hand high.

“‘To protect,’ sir.”

“Correct. To protect. That’s a textbook answer.”

The professor’s name is Zekrun. He’s quite a renowned man. An honorary knight of the Parliamentary Knights and also the dean of the National University’s Knight’s Faculty.

One of the people Theia Esil trusts but…

Spoiler alert.

He’s actually a monster.

A man who has had a monster’s heart transplanted to upgrade his magical conversion rate, and unnaturally increased his cardiovascular endurance, lung capacity, and physical strength, leading to a suspiciously sharp increase in his abilities in the middle of his career.

Thus, there are quite a few monsters on this continent who do not show any signs on the outside.

“However, the duty of a knight is not limited to protection. Therefore, the virtues of a knight ultimately come down to doing one’s best in their assigned task— their mission. Hence, I will evaluate your ability to carry out your missions.”


With a flick of his fingers, the beam projector was activated.

[ Knight Program: Freelancer ]

“A Magic Space. From now on, you will become freelancers and enter the job market. So, everyone should write their resumes. Identify your strengths and what you can do well.”

Then, everyone turned on their laptops. I didn’t have one. Fortunately, the person next to me, Soliette, did.

“Don’t exaggerate too much. There’s a risk of taking on a task that’s beyond your capabilities.”

I glanced at Soliette. She extended her laptop to me.

“Shion, you write first. I’ve never written a resume before.”

“Okay. Sure.”

[ Shion Ascal ]

[ Guide, treasure hunter, driver, bodyguard, etc… I’ve often been told from a young age that I’m versatile. I can perform a variety of tasks competently. ]

“…How is it?”

“Is that all?”



Then Soliette took the laptop back.

[ Soliette ]

[ Skilled in swordsmanship. Proficient with computers and talented in various games. Ranked in several FPS and RPG genres- ]

“Hey. Delete the game stuff.”


Soliette looked puzzled.

“It’s also a qualification.”

“Just delete it.”


Soliette looked displeased but soon pressed the backspace key rapidly.

“Submit within three minutes.”

10 minutes later.

I immediately received my mission assignment. A text message of employment completion had arrived on my phone.

But the content was somewhat grim.

[ Mission Summary: External security at ‘Silonti Tower’ in Trick City’s C Section ]

[ Mission Details: External patrol until 6 PM ]

[ There have been issues with perverts in Trick City recently. A villain named ‘Void’ is on the loose, so if you do not wish to accept, please send a cancellation text. ]

“A villain…?”

It’s just a normal building security job, but I even have to go directly to Trick City.

“Wait. Void?”

I checked my smartphone for more information. There was a villain named ‘Void’.

This guy is trash. Real trash.

Originally, he was supposed to appear much later, in about 3-4 years.

“Why is he showing up so early?”

“What are you talking about?”

Suddenly, a response came back. It was Soliette.

“Oh, nothing. Where are you going?”

“I’m on bodyguard duty. What about you, Shion?”

“…Trick City.”

“Oh. That sounds interesting.”

Soliette put her laptop in her bag and asked.

“Shion. But, you know.”


“I have something from Bethune this time…”

She hesitated, seemingly having something to say, but eventually swallowed her words and shook her head.

“…Never mind. We’ll talk later. After class today. I’m going up the mountain, so I’ll be back.”

“Alright. See you later.”

I waved at her.

Trick City C-15 Section. In front of the 39th floor of Silonti Tower. I am listening to the explanation from the head of security.

“The job is simple. Just do the external patrol. There’s an event today, and with the villains acting up lately….”

It’s not just me. Including Kain, there are about seven students from the national university, and around thirteen are from other prestigious universities.

“Anyway. There shouldn’t be any incidents, but if you spot any suspicious individuals, report it immediately through the mic. We’ll inform you of the patrol routes through your in-ear, so keep your earphones in.”

I plugged in my earphones. Kain, standing beside me, looked at me and snickered.

“You’re here too?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Did Elise call you?”

“…What are you talking about?”

That’s when it happened.

Elise and Layla stepped out of a limousine in front of Silonti Tower. As soon as they set foot on the ground, they spotted me.

“What the. It’s Shion?”

“…Why are you here……?”

Elise frowned slightly upon seeing me.

“Look at that~ Obviously, Elly must have called him~”

“Shut up, really. Before I kill you. There are cameras here too.”

Layla joked as usual, but Elise was more serious than ever.

“…Yeah. Sorry.”

Layla became speechless, and I asked them.

“Why are you guys here……?”

“We came here for a class.”

“A class?”

“Yes. Today’s Department of Magic class involves observing mana waves.”

Elise shrugged her shoulders as she spoke.

“They say some strong mana waves will be observed here.”

“Right, right.”

Layla also pointed to her backpack.

“We brought a lot of equipment with us.”

“…Is that so.”

Strangely, I had an ominous feeling.

“Look. Shion, do you know this? It’s called the Buramata telescope. This thing is really expensive…….”

Watching Layla boast about her equipment as a monkey would about bananas, I had this feeling…

A feeling that some villain would appear and cause chaos.

For now, it’s just a hunch.

For now.

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