Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 158: Never compromise (part one)

Chapter 158: Never compromise (part one)

Chen Fengcai turned to unable to control his body inertia this time, and raised his hands together to meet the attack of the approaching mecha. This attack of the mecha was heavy and accelerating at high altitude, and Chen Feng was pressed down again and again under his unsteady footing. Back.

The long-range mecha didn't give up this great opportunity, and aimed at Chen Feng's back and pressed the trigger again. This time Chen Feng could no longer escape, and the beam directly submerged into the area without armor protection, causing a big explosion.

Chen Feng's mecha and melee mecha were bounced off by the explosion. Chen Feng used both hands to prop up his body and was about to turn up from the ground, and found something was wrong. Then he looked at the mecha and turned out that his right hand was gone. It should have been in the explosion just now. Was destroyed.

Chen Feng was not discouraged. If he had no right hand, he would use his left hand to assist him to get up. When the mecha was not wrapped around, he ran forward with full force. He knew in his heart that he couldn't resist the attack of the two mechas even with both hands. Now that there is only one hand left, don't think about it any more, so all the way to the foot of the mountain without contact with the melee mech all the way to flash.

But this is the limit of Chen Feng. At the foot of the mountain, he was obstructed by the long-range mecha and was overtaken by the mecha. This time there was no miracle. Chen Feng, who fought with one hand, was not an opponent of the mecha at all. When the beam directed at his chest, the mecha grabbed his left arm and overturned to the ground. He directly clenched his fists and blasted the cockpit with several heavy hammers.

Chen Feng hadn't experienced the explosion of the mecha for some time. The explosion scene simulated by the simulation cabin made him get out of training. He wiped off the cold sweat on his head and gasped: "I thought I could accept it calmly. It seems that the scene of being blown up is still far away."

After calming down, Chen Feng began to think about his first attempt: "The long-range mecha still keeps the same attack once every 10 seconds, but this newly added melee mecha is completely different. As long as you are close to your side, you will definitely attack. And the head is very agile and it is not easy to be deceived. I have to say that this combination is really incomprehensible."

Chen Feng thought hard for a long time and still had no clue. He continued to start training and wanted to find inspiration in the actual operation. Unfortunately, after all, he did not have the right idea to lead. In the end, he just returned without success and failed to achieve the training goal until the end of get out of class. It's just that Chen Feng's state is not bad this time, and he is no longer groggy like the first time he was bombed by the explosion.

The pointer pointed to the end of get out of class, and Mr. Xu ruthlessly cut off everyone's operation of the simulator: "get out of class is over, the kids should come out."

The students left the simulation cabin sparsely, and they could see that everyone had a reluctant expression on their faces. Only Teacher Xu drank a little wine to relax physically and mentally: "From the results of this class, the little ghosts It was not successful to reach the top of the mountain, and it can be said that there is still a big gap in the process. Sure enough, the difficulty is still too great for you."

Chen Feng turned his head to Pan Yuguo, who was standing in the front row: "Even Pan Yuguo failed? I originally thought he could at least succeed."

Pan Yuguo lowered his head and no one could see his expression, but from what he did not deny Mr. Xu, what Mr. Xu said should be true. No one really completed the training goal this time. An unprecedented blow.

Teacher Xu shook the wine gourd, probably because he felt that there was not much wine left in it and prepared to end the course: "If it is too difficult, I think the kids will continue with the original exercise content in the next class, otherwise it will be too ugly."

"Does Teacher Xu mean to stop the current training? This difficulty may be really difficult for us to achieve at the moment." Chen Feng quite agrees with Teacher Xu's statement, but for some reason he does not want to accept it. Want to keep going.

When Chen Feng was hesitant, Hong Bin expressed his opinion: "Teacher Xu, I dont want to give up. Even if we cant do it today, what does it matter? We still have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the future. Fighter Class A The school year has increased us to have more learning time, and one day we will have the strength to succeed. The students here will meet the scene of being attacked by other mechas one day, do we have to wait until then to do dodge training Huh? Isnt it too late to treat your life as a trifle?"

Pan Yuguo, who was first to say his objection by Hongbin Hung-bin, kept his head down and meditative, and was no longer silent: "Teacher Xu, I also don't think you should give up so early, although I have no idea to resolve it, but I can do it before returning to the original. The exercises we arrive have little meaning to us."

"Preparing early is better than being overwhelmed in the future. I hope that Teacher Xu will allow us to continue training." Murongxuan also asked Teacher Xu not to reduce the difficulty. Chen Feng could see the unwillingness contained in his tight body.

"Huh? The little ghosts are so excited, I really didn't expect it." Teacher Xu laughed exaggeratedly, but soon stopped, and glanced at everyone: "But only you can not represent all the little ghosts, only you I wouldnt agree with that."

"Then let's vote for it!" Pan Yuguo immediately proposed the method of voting, wanting to determine the content of the future simulation class.

Teacher Xu drank the last bit of wine in the wine gourd and waved his hand proudly: "Okay, those who are willing to continue this lesson will stand on my left hand side, and those who want to go back to the previous class exercises will stand on my right hand side. More than half follow which side's wishes."

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng naturally stood to the left of Teacher Xu, and his heart was eager to complete the training goal, even if it was difficult to do his best.

Soon the classmates stood apart, and Teacher Xu looked at the students in the audience with some surprise, only to see that there was no one on his right, and all the students stood on his left.

Suddenly in a great mood, he wanted to look up and drink but forgot that the wine gourd had just been drunk by him. After a while, Mr. Xu's movements were frozen for a while before he bowed his head and said: "Since the little ghosts want to suffer more, I will fulfill you. The class continued to train to climb to the top of the mountain in half an hour while avoiding the attack of the two mechas."

The students in the teaching simulator room of the Fighter Class A cheered for joy. Although they dont know what they are celebrating, they are dying to be tortured in the simulation class. Perhaps everyone is not afraid of difficulties. Feel happy with the former state of mind.

Even with Teacher Xus mood, I was infected by them. For the first time, he showed a smile from his heart and looked at them silently. Until the sky gradually darkened outside the window, he opened his mouth and interrupted: "Little ghosts are almost celebrating. Teacher should go drinking. Now, leave the classroom quickly."

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