Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 689: “I Was Wrong”

Chapter 689: “I Was Wrong”

So its really you!

Although Elsa was 80% or 90% sure about it, she still screamed in surprise when she knew that the Wizard was her brother.

Its indeed me. Also, could you all please go out for a moment and let Aisha and I talk alone? Jerry smiled and nodded, then looked at the Avengers.

Everyone who saw Jerry right now felt something weird, as if they were being pressed down by endless pressure, and they quickly waved their hands and left the room. It is indeed a rare and interesting thing to watch Jerry be in this situation, but it is wiser to leave the room now.

They also dont want the things that happened to Quill to happen to them.

Okay, its time for you to tell me whats going on! When everyone left the room, Aisha looked at Jerry and asked with a sullen face.

Jerry is really the Wizard, meaning he mastered magic when he was eleven years old. It is unreasonable for such an important thing to be hidden from his sister until now.

Of course, she was not really angry. The most important thing she did now was to let Jerry know that he no longer had to hide about it anymore. Also, she has been lied to by Jerry since she was a child, and today, she can finally make a comeback by pressuring him about this.

Jerry sat next to Aisha without any nervous look on his face. Instead, he started to explain, Its more complicated than you think it is. You have to know that our universe is diverse. In addition to our world, there are many other worlds.

When I was eleven years old, I accidentally entered another world. There were many wizards in that world, and there was a wizard school called Hogwarts. Thats where I learned magic.

Hermione, the girl who came to our house last year, was my classmate at that school, and we were both wizards.

At this point, he doesnt need to hide his true identity because he can already protect anyone. Also, everyone in the family is no longer normal, and there is no need to worry about being separated from the family because of their uniqueness.

He has never revealed his identity, mainly because he has done many things as the Wizard before. After his identity is known, he will inevitably feel a little embarrassed.

For example, Belle and Aisha would faint every time something happened, the ice cream she ate and the coffee she drank as a child, what he once said to Haas, etc. As long as he doesnt reveal that he is the Wizard who makes the magic for her, he would probably still be fine.

Most of Aishas attention was attracted by his so-called other worlds, the so-called wizard school called Hogwarts, and other magical experiences. She forgot her original intention of interrogating him in the first place.

By the time Jerry finished telling Aisha about it, she was still immersed in his interesting stories. Because of the way Jerry told the story, Aishas view was somewhat different from the real situation.

From Aishas eyes, both Jerry and Hermione were wizards, and both of them did the things they did.

Where is she now? Has she returned to her own world? When will she come back? Aisha asked curiously.

Jerry nodded, Yes, she is still studying in the school in her world. If I have time later, I will take you to that world to see her.

Really? Thats great! She immediately jumped up from the sofa happily after hearing this. She was interested in the school that Jerry and Hermione attended.

Okay, now go out there and ask everyone to gather downstairs. In about half an hour, Thanos and his army will arrive. Jerry smiled and waved to Aisha.

She immediately stood up happily and started to walk out, but when she was about to reach the door, she suddenly froze. She quickly turned around and came to Jerry, But brother, you havent told me yet. Why didnt you tell me the truth and keep hiding it from me?

She almost forgot why she came here in the first place.

Can you tell me why you hid it from your family after you learned magic? Why didnt you even discuss such a big matter as joining the Avengers with your family and making the decision yourself? If Dad knew about this, he would come to Mr. Starks door in person and ask him to take you away from the Avengers.

Facing Aishas question, Jerry didnt panic at all. Instead, he smiled and just looked at her.

Aisha was stunned when she saw this. She immediately knew what it was about and hugged Jerrys arm, I was wrong. Dont tell Dad about this!

She forgot that her identity as a superhero and joining the Avengers were also hidden from everyone in the family. She might get scolded if her father found out about her from him. But considering that he had been reliable since she was a child, nothing would actually happen.

Her father will definitely force her to quit the Avengers and let her attend school properly.

Now, the Avengers are about to expand their reach. There are too many wonderful stories and adventures waiting for her. If she is forced to stay on Earth and just study in school, she will die of boredom.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she had been a little impulsive in revealing her brothers identity.

As long as you keep the secret for me, of course I will keep the secret for you. Otherwise, do you think Tony and Steve would have approved your application to join the Avengers if I had not intervened? Jerry her hair and showed a smile.

She is still far from able to compete with her brother. He agreed to Aisha and Haas joining the Avengers at that time because if their identities were exposed in the future and everyone worked in the same place, neither of them could blame the other.

Facing enemies outside, he can sweep them like leaves in the autumn season. But when it comes to his most important family members, he can only outsmart them. Fortunately, none of his family members are smart enough to outsmart him.

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