Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 657: “Jerry’s Domain Expansion”

Chapter 657: “Jerry’s Domain Expansion”

Its quite fascinating to overcome energy shields!

Observing the Spell that shielded him was crumbling within a few seconds, Jerrys eyes betrayed a trace of surprise.

It was noteworthy that, since amalgamating shield principles to enhance the Protego Maxima which he had just cast and up until now, with his continual ascent in power, the defense of this Spell had never been breached.

Today marked the first occurrence of such an event.

Nevertheless, despite the astonishment at witnessing the magic sword piercing through the maximized Shield Charm and hurtling toward him, Jerry remained unfazed.

His form blurred as he instantaneously vanished from the spot using a phantom technique.

If you cant block it, just get out of the way. Battles arent turn-based; youll find another opportunity if you miss a hit. Jerry muttered.

However, to Jerrys surprise, as soon as he apparated away, the magic sword ruptured the fabric of space and materialized in front of him.

Space magic, you think I havent considered it. This magic sword can traverse through space as well. Dont assume that merely moving within the confines of this worlds space will shield you. It can still pursue you even if you traverse to other worlds! Fei Wangs cold voice intoned once more, applying additional pressure on Jerry to sow confusion.

Time Stop! Jerry extended his hand in response, promptly freezing time near the magic swords vicinity.

However, this maneuver only endured for a brief moment before succumbing to the destructive aura emanating from the eighteen magic swords, launching towards Jerry once more.

Time magic is futile. All defensive measures are in vain. Since youre unwilling to stand by my side, then descend into hell! Fei Wang shook his head as he witnessed this.

A magician as formidable as Jerry was indeed a rarity. If not for the magic sword he crafted, he might have found himself powerless against such an opponent.

This magic sword served as his trump card against Clow Reed.

Time, space, and magic shields were Clow Reeds specialties, so how could Fei Wang Reed not anticipate them.

Just when Fei Wang presumed Jerry was on the brink of perishing beneath his magic sword, his eyes widened abruptly.

The magic sword was unexpectedly seized by the opponents hand.

However, at this juncture, the opponent was clad in golden armor.

It appeared that, recognizing the magic sword breaking free from the constraints of time magic and about to impale him, Jerry promptly utilized a substitution spell.

He replaced it with his own sword, a fusion of divine Uru metal, Vibranium, and Fairy Tail magic metala golden holy garment he had forged.

The magic sword was undeniably potent, wielding formidable destructive capabilities against various magics such as energy, space, and time.

However, Jerry also discerned its shortcomings; it was crafted from a solid body and specifically designed to counter weak magicians, primarily focusing on energy.

Yet, Jerry was not merely a magician; he was a formidable warrior as well.

Clad in the explosive defensive power of the golden holy garment, augmented by force magic and his already immense physical strength, he extended his hand, firmly seizing the magic sword.

No matter how vehemently the magic sword struggled, it couldnt break free from Jerrys physical control. He even toyed with it, moving it back and forth effortlessly.

Do you have any more trump cards? If not, then its my turn! With one hand restraining the magic sword, Jerry freed his other hand and pointed it at Fei Wang, Gather! O river of light thats guided by the fairies! Shine! In order to perish the fangs of evil! Fairy Glitter!

A colossal magic circle manifested above Jerrys head. The might of innumerable suns, moons, and stars converged upon the magic circle, causing the entire spatial fabric of the world to tremble.

The magic Jerry invoked at this moment was the most potent offensive Spell he had acquired from the Fairy Tail world: Fairy Glitter. It collects and concentrates the light of the sun, the moon, and the stars, condensing it into an unforgiving light that descended from the heavens, a radiance of merciless light that denies the existence of nearby foes.

Fei Wang gazed at the awe-inspiring magical energy in the sky, unable to conceal his disbeliefit seemed inconceivable.

Even Clow Reed couldnt unleash such a formidable attack magic!

His magic sword wasnt precisely magic; more accurately, it was a magic weapon meticulously crafted to confront the mightiest magician, Clow Reed.

Escape! At this moment, Fei Wang abandoned caution and hastily tore apart the fabric of space to flee this world.

Despite anticipating the repercussions of such a potent attack magic, even if it meant sacrificing half of his life, he had an unfinished plan and couldnt afford to perish here.

Concerns about the potential embarrassment of fleeing were inconsequential; he was solely fixated on the prospect of resurrecting Yuuko. In pursuit of this goal, he was willing to forsake everything, regardless of the perceived loss of entire multiverse itself.

Observing Fei Wang readying himself to escape, Jerry firmly gripped the magic sword with one hand and, with the other, cast the radiant magic of the fairies. Jerry had foreseen this, murmuring softly:

Domain Expansion! A distinct wave emanated from Jerry, enveloping Fei Wangs body and swiftly solidifying the recently torn space, encompassing his entire form.

Subsequently, the fairys luminous magic, having completed its energy condensation, descended from the heavens, perfectly colliding with its target.

Fairy Glitter, along with the three major magics of Fairy Tail, boasts immense power, but it does come with a drawback the time required for energy condensation.

The potency of the magic correlates directly with the duration needed to gather energy, rendering it susceptible to preemptive dodging.

Thus, when Jerry invoked this formidable magic earlier, he cleverly integrated it with another magical development he had been refining over the years Domain Expansion!

The field emerged as an unintended byproduct during Jerrys endeavors in constructing and enhancing dimensional worlds.

The potency of dimensional worlds lies in the utilization not only of ones own power but also the amalgamation of the entire dimensional world and its pristine laws.

In essence, the field serves as a super-miniature rendition of a dimensional world.

Through a comprehensive understanding of all the laws, Jerry can temporarily erect an area akin to a dimensional world around him. Within this zone, his strength experiences a slight augmentation.

Simultaneously, Jerry gains enhanced control over the diverse energies and laws within this domain. As demonstrated just moments ago, he effortlessly smoothed out the space that King Fei had torn apart while concurrently restraining the magic sword and showcasing the brilliance of the elf.

Without the protective domain, Jerry wouldnt have been capable of executing the intricate maneuvers that subdued the magic sword and unleashed the radiant magic of the elf.

Once the domain expands, executing such feats becomes a simple task.

Nonetheless, Fei Wang wasnt to be underestimated.

Just as the Fairy Glitter was on the brink of overwhelming him, he released himself from Jerrys dual imprisonment of time and space. In a desperate move, he hastily conjured a magic shield.

The ensuing impact resounded like a thunderous nuclear explosion in the sky.

As the radiant light subsided, Syaoran and the others positioned outside the capital hall observed Fei Wang, draped in black robes, plummeting from the heavens as though lifeless.

He cra

sh-landed harshly on the ground not far from them amidst the dilapidated structures in the distance.

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