Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 641: “Ichihara Yuuko”

Chapter 641: “Ichihara Yuuko”

Hello, my name is Jerry. Jerry Carmen!

Jerry entered the living room with a welcoming smile, taking a seat. After introducing himself, he temporarily dispelled the shielding spell enveloping his body, allowing his immense magical power to emanate.

The witch across from him exuded potent magic, but it paled compared to Jerrys formidable strength. Feeling there was no need to conceal his power any longer, Jerry decided to reveal the extent of his abilities. Moreover, showcasing his strength could potentially influence the conditions set by the witch and further his goals for this encounter.

As anticipated, upon sensing Jerrys overpowering and formidable magical aura, the reclined witch on the bench instantly widened her eyes and sat up.

What an immense magical force! The witch exclaimed with a surprised look on her face.

Such potency in magical energy was a sensation she had only experienced in the presence of Clow Reed before. However, Clow Reed no longer possessed such formidable magical might.

Initially, upon noticing the appearance of the magic circle in the yard, she hadnt thought much of it. Magicians from other worlds frequently utilized her magic circle to make wishes.

Yet, she hadnt anticipated that the magician arriving this time would surpass her expectations in terms of power.

Mr. Carmen, you can call me Yuuko Ichihara or simply Miss Yuuko. Im curious about the wishes someone as powerful as you might want to fulfill. She asked with an alluring smile on her face.

Miss Yuuko, Ive heard that you have the ability to grant any wish? Jerry responded, posing a question in return.

In truth, Jerry found the notion of fulfilling any wish quite intriguing, as he believed it to be theoretically implausible.

Every gain requires a sacrifice. Wishes can only be granted under equitable conditions. I cannot fulfill all your desires. Only assist within the bounds of my capability. After all, the primary purpose of operating this shop is to fulfill my own wishes! With a draw from her pipe, Yuuko reclined casually on her chair, offering a straightforward explanation.

She had preemptively set up a defensive stance, recognizing todays guest as exceptionally powerful, surpassing even her own abilities. The objectives the guest sought to achieve were likely complex, and there was a chance she might not be able to fulfill them.

Throughout the years, she had managed to fulfill almost all the wishes of her guests. This success stemmed from both her formidable strength and her adherence to the fundamental law of equivalent exchange.

Additionally, she engaged in trades with individuals across various worlds. A wish unattainable in one world might be effortlessly granted in another.

For instance, just a few days prior, a city lord in a magical realm had wished for enough food to sustain their entire town through the winter.

Due to the natural and man-made disasters in that world over the past few years, the entire town faced a shortage of food reserves once the harsh winter set in.

Coincidentally, the CEO of a certain group in another technological world sought a cure for his childs disability.

Consequently, the price for the city owner in the magical realm to realize his wish was to provide a bottle of magic potion capable of curing disabilities. In return, the CEO of the Technological World Group paid a substantial amount for food supplies.

In essence, Yuuko acted as a mediator to fulfill the wishes of individuals from two distinct worlds.

As a mediator, she naturally earned a price differential, saving it to fulfill others wishes in subsequent transactions. Through these exchanges, she amassed various useful items to fulfill her own desires.

However, even with her role as a mediator, not all wishes could be granted. For instance, if someone sought the resurrection of a deceased individual, she could not fulfill that request.

The most fundamental law across all worlds dictated that individuals cannot be resurrected after deathan immutable law established by her and Clow Reed, the creator god she had previously encountered.

Given these constraints, Yuuko did not respond unequivocally positively to Jerrys question.

Jerry acknowledged this information and, without beating around the bush, directly expressed his wish, I want to know the secret to the law of Dimension and Space! I want to know what makes it possible for one to travel to other worlds, yet at the same time, what holds them back.

To traverse all dimensional worlds? Upon hearing Jerrys request, Yuuk was momentarily taken aback.

Its not that this wish is overly challenging; in fact, its a bit simpler than she anticipated. Yuuko earned the title of Dimensional Witch because she possesses the ability to help individuals in all dimensional worlds fulfill their desires, and, naturally, she knows the means to traverse these various dimensions.

Is it something that cant be fulfilled? Am I going out of the line? Observing Ichihara Yuukos puzzled expression, Jerrys brow furrowed slightly.

If Yuuko couldnt assist him in achieving his wish, it would be futile for him to search for small worlds individually.

May I inquire why Mr. Carmen wishes to journey to other dimensions? Rather than providing an immediate answer, Yuuko posed a question.

Jerry didnt conceal anything, forthrightly stating his rationale, Because I am researching the nature of magic. I need to explore various dimensional worlds, observe the disparities in the laws governing different worlds, and comprehend their true essence.

Although Yuukos magical prowess paled compared to his, they could be considered on a similar level. Jerry feels like there is no need to conceal more information about himself. Instead, he has a feeling that if he is honest and gives Yuuko a more straightforward answer, then he will achieve the result he wants faster.

Upon hearing Jerrys explanation, Yuuko Ichihara nodded in understanding. Is that so? I guess Mr. Carmen is an exceptional wizard from the look of it.

She grasped the significance behind Jerrys quest, as she had undertaken a similar venture during her peak when the specter of mortality wasnt looming overhead.

This connection with the enigmatic man in glasses, who traversed dimensions, led her to encounter the God of Creation, the architect of all worlds, even if only fleetingly. Concurrently, she discerned the formidable power wielded by Jerry.

A magician delving into dimensional exploration and comprehending the laws could be deemed the apex of all worlds. Jerry not only possessed potent magical abilities but also demonstrated an exceptionally profound understanding of magic.

Traversing dimensional worlds has always been challenging. Although I am acquainted with these worlds, assisting you in traversing each one isnt a simple task. Furthermore, it comes at a significant cost! Rolling her eyes, Yuuko responded with a smile.

Jerry felt relieved. He wasnt concerned about the cost as long as she knew the way to other worlds.

Tell me, Miss Yuuko, what do you require in exchange? I can provide magical items, technological gadgets, potions, magical creatures, treasures of gold, and moreanything you desire!

With a gesture, the entire living room, even the slightest empty space, was brimming with diverse items:

Magic wands

Enchanted props with various effects

Advanced technology from the Xandar people

The room overflowed with an array of offerings.

Yuuko couldnt help but twitch the corner of her mouth at the sudden transformation of the living room.

So, which items shall I use to fulfill your wish, or would you prefer to assist me in fulfilling one of your own desires? Jerry asked while keep bringing more items into the room.

Jerrys words, coupled with the plethora of items he introduced, almost made Ichihara Yuuko believe that he was the dimensional witch, and she was the visitor seeking to make a wish.

However, her two servants who had greeted Jer

ry earlier jumped into the things Jerry had just summoned before Yuuko could reply to Jerry.

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