Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 639: “The Nothing Card”

Chapter 639: “The Nothing Card”

Yes, its called No Card. Its a card that was extended by the powerful magic power of fifty-two Clow Cards when Clow Reed completed making Clow Cards.

If the fifty-two Clow cards represent positives, then the extended cardless card is the negative that appears for balance, and its magic power is equivalent to the total of the fifty-two Clow cards.

When Clow Reed left this world, in order to prevent accidents, he sealed it in the old house.

Now that all fifty-two Clow Cards have been transformed into Sakura Cards, the power of Clow Reed to seal them has disappeared. This part of my memory is that I just woke up recently. Eriol explained helplessly.

Although he inherited Clow Reeds memories, not all of them were there, and even those memories of his were not all in his mind when he was born.

Many memories appeared in his mind bit by bit as he grew up, and some of them only surfaced after being triggered.

Regarding the memory of the Nothing card, it was when he was looking through some information in the past two days that he accidentally stumbled upon it and just remembered it.

After listening to Eriols explanation, Jerry suddenly understood.

In his previous life, he only saw Sakura transforming all the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards, and then Syaoran left Japan and returned to Hong Kong.

But in the end, what he was watching was just animation, but this was the real world. It didnt mean that the world would end when the animation ended.

This world will continue to develop, Sakura and Syaoran will grow up slowly, and naturally there will be various stories happening.

The unscripted incident unfolding now may be the story that continued after he watched the animation.

At the same time, he also roughly guessed Eriols good intentions.

But if it were before, he might indeed be interested in the Nothing card. After all, it was a Clow card that could rival the fifty-two Clow cards.

However, now he has long surpassed the level that requires that level of strength.

The Nothing card is indeed powerful, but to Jerry now, it is nothing more than a childs toy.

Jerry needs to collect and understand the origins of each world, that is, the most basic rules for building the world, and improve his own dimensional world while enhancing his strength.

In fact, it is understandable because, in the eyes of Eriol, they separated more than three months ago.

When they competed over three months ago, their magical abilities were equivalent. Even if Jerry improved after three months, it would not be too exaggerated.

Although the power of the Nothing card is not to be underestimated, it is still not comparable to their combined abilities.

At midnight, over the Tomoeda Town Amusement Park, below them Syaoran and the others are confronted by Nothing Card. At the same time, Jerry and Eriol remain invisible in the sky.

They chat and remain ready to intervene at any time.

Jerry, your strength seems to have improved a lot! Eriol exclaimed while he looked at Jerry and couldnt help but sigh.

He didnt notice Jerry when he first appeared, but after spending some time with him, he realized that he could no longer gauge Jerrys strength at all.

If he hadnt known it in advance, he would have thought Jerry was an ordinary person.

There has been some improvement. By the way, I have a question for you. Jerry didnt dwell on his own strength and cut straight to the chase.

You said before that Clow Reed went to other dimensional worlds. Do you know how to go to other dimensional worlds?

Eh? I thought you knew about it. Especially with how you came to this world Elio Hiiragisawa looked at Jerry in surprise.

Jerry immediately waved his hand and said, I am an exception. I came to this world accidentally. I dont know how to return to the original world, nor how to go to other dimensional worlds.

He had previously informed Eriol about coming from another world. Eriol might have assumed that Jerry knew how to travel to other dimensional worlds.

Actually, I dont know how to go to other dimensions. It may be that the memory about this has not been awakened yet, so it will take some time. Jerry answered with a purposefully misleading in the hope that Eriol wouldnt figure out anything about him.

Eriol had no doubts about Jerrys answer, but he looked at Jerry with a mischievous smile as if knowing Jerry was hiding something behind.

He understood that traveling through the dimensional world was not an easy task. Considering Jerrys strength when he first arrived in this world, it is more plausible to assume that it was an accident.

But he felt helpless about Jerrys predicament.

Clow Reed must have known how to travel to other worlds; otherwise, leaving this world wouldnt have been possible.

Its just that he truly lacks any memory in this regard, and he is uncertain whether it was intentionally erased or if it simply hasnt awakened yet.

Well, it seems I have to find a way on my own! Jerry wore a regretful expression on his face.

He had not anticipated this situation, so he was willing to accept it even though he felt disappointed.

He had already contemplated this scenario. He could depart immediately if Eriol knew the most efficient way to reach other dimensional worlds.

If that wasnt an option, then it meant either resigning to his current predicament or investing significantly more effort.

While comprehending the laws of this world, he had also been on the lookout for an exit strategy, and he had gathered some leads.

He just needed to understand them thoroughly. If things progressed swiftly, it might take one or two years; if progress was slow, it could extend to three or four years.

Observing the disappointment on Jerrys face, Eriol suddenly recalled something, I almost forgot. I may not know the way to other dimensions, but theres someone who might be able to assist you!

Jerry, being one of the rare individuals he considered a friend, also wanted to help him find a way home.

Who? Jerrys eyes brightened. It would be a welcome development if he could save a few years.

Eriol exerted effort to sift through the memories left by Clow Reed, then promptly responded, According to the recollections of Clow Reed, she is known as the Dimensional Witch, and she appears to wield magic power on par with Clow Reed.

Dimensional witch? Jerrys eyes revealed a tinge of skepticism.

The name seemed unfamiliar; this character didnt appear in his recollections of Cardcaptors. Nevertheless, possessing magical power comparable to Clow Reeds indicated considerable potency.

Jerry had always thought himself nearly as powerful as Clow Reed, but after thoroughly analyzing all the Clow cards and competing with Eriol, he realized he lagged far behind.

His strength was notably inferior to Clow Reeds when he last departed this world. This became evident when Eriol, who was slightly weaker than him at the time, asserted that he wasnt on the same level as Clow Reed.

Now, having comprehended the laws of the world, achieved Heavenly Father-level strength, and received the blessings of the incomplete dimensional world, Jerry believed his power was almost on par with Clow Reeds.

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