Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 625: “The Third Game”

Chapter 625: “The Third Game”

Mr. Carmen, this way!

A familiar voice came from the field on the right side of the maze. Jerry turned around and saw that it was Ludo waving to him. Next to him, the other two warriors, Krum and Fleur, had already arrived early.

When all three contestants arrived, Ludo also began to talk about the details of the third game.

As you can see, we are building a huge maze, which is also the main venue for the third game. We will place the Triwizard Cup in the mazes center at that time. Which contestant reaches the center of the maze first and gets the trophy, they will be the champion of this Triwizard Tournament.

He paused and glanced at Jerry before continuing, But I want to remind you that after this maze is completely built, there will be many obstacles in it. For example, there are many magical animals provided by Hagrid, various magical traps set up by professors and the Ministry of Magic, and many more.

It will be very complicated and dangerous, so you must be mentally prepared in advance. Finally, the third game prohibits the use of any space magic and flying magic.

This last rule was not originally included, but in order to be fair to the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons contestants, the Ministry of Magic had to add it in the end.

They all know that Jerrys space magic and flying magic are powerful. When the game starts, he will probably not enter the maze but directly open a portal or fly across it, defeating the competitions purpose.

After seeing Jerrys strength in the first and second games, no one is sure that the jinxes they set up will work on Jerry. After all, the powerful jinx that was in with Hogwarts does not have an effect on Jerrys spell. His portal can still be opened in the castle.

So, several referees discussed it and simply banned its use. Of course, this was actually a bit unfair to Jerry, but Dumbledore and Snape didnt object. Because they felt that letting Jerry become a contestant was unfair to the other two schools, and their imposed restrictions were weighed to make it fair.

When Jerry became a contestant on behalf of Hogwarts, the result was already clear, and now it is their last chance to win the game.

Hearing Ludo talk about the forbidden use of his magic, Fleur and Krum breathed a long sigh of relief. Without these two additional conditions, the two of them would not even want to participate in the third game.

In the previous two games, Jerry had dealt a huge blow to them. Compared to the confidence they felt when he first came here to participate in the game, now they are worried.

Jerrys expression didnt change at all when he heard this.

Seeing that Jerry didnt protest, Ludo felt relieved and continued, The contestants who lead the scoring in the first two games can enter the maze first. According to the current ranking, Mr. Carmen will be the first to enter the maze, Mr. Krum will be the second one minute later, and Ms. Delacour will be the last to enter the maze one minute after that.

Alright, thats basically it. You need to go all out to overcome all obstacles before you can win the competition. Are there any questions?

No. Jerry and the others replied in turn.

Alright then, all of you can go back to sleep. Its really cold here at this time. A gust of cold wind blew, and Ludo shivered.

On June 24, the final match of the Triwizard Tournament began.

Different from the two games before, the start time of the third game is set in the evening after dinner. So, the students were nervous throughout the day.

Among them, Fleur and Klum were the most nervous. Given Jerrys crushing strength in the previous two games, the two of them can be said to be under a lot of pressure.

Because they know that if they face Jerry head-on, the possibility of winning is very slim.

Their strategy is to avoid confrontation with Jerry, deal with the various traps in the maze as quickly as possible, and find the Triwizard Cup located in the middle of the maze.

Due to Jerrys strength, their headmasters also worked very hard this month.

Karkaroff and Maxime used their relationships to obtain the topographic map of the entire maze, the layout, and the type of magic traps from the Ministry of Magic who made the maze.

At the same time, they also spent a lot of money to buy magic items that can identify the direction in the maze without interference, helping them find the correct direction quickly. Hence, the only thing that hinders their progress is the various magical animals Hagrid put in.

But even so, they already have many advantages over Jerry. As long as they follow the steps, they might be able to compete with Jerry for the trophy.

At about five oclock in the afternoon, a ghost ship appeared again in the Lake, filled with all the students of Durmstrang. At the same time, several more carriages pulled by Pegasus appeared in the sky, and they were also filled with all Beauxbatons students.

Flames lit up the fireplaces in the castle, and many officials from the Ministry of Magic and some wizards who were interested in the competition also came over.

Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite you all to go to the Quidditch field to watch the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now, contestants, please follow Mr. Bagman to the field. Dumbledore stood up and said to all the people present.

Hearing this, Jerry, Fleur, and Krum came to Ludos side. Amidst the warm applause and cheers of the students, they walked out of the hall and towards the mazes entrance outside the castle.

After a month of construction, the entire maze has changed a lot compared to what it was before.

There is a huge semicircular terraced stand in front of the maze. Judging from its scale, accommodating at least a thousand audience will not be a problem.

The area of the maze is obviously much larger. Because the Extension Charm has been cast, the area of the maze is no longer as large as the usual Quidditch field.

Finally, the maze is seven to eight meters high. It is also covered with special magical plants. But in fact, on this dark night, it seemed more dangerous and weird, as if the vegetation contained unexplained dangers everywhere.

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