Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 4376: Crush with one finger

Chapter 4376: Crush with one finger

At the same time that the Bloodfire Gu worm in Young Master Donghe was sealed by Luo Xiu.

There was a sudden roar in a palace somewhere in Yamato God Kingdom.

Here is a group of palaces. It is also the seat of the Donghe ethnic group.

"Why is the ancestor angry?"

Patriarch Donghe rushed over immediately.

On the way there, someone from the Donghe tribe came up to report that the ancestor who had been in retreat for many years was angry for some reason. The Donghe disciples who had questioned in the past were all pinched to death by the ancestor.

After a while.

The patriarch of Donghe and several elders of Donghe came to this dim palace deep in the Donghe clan.

In the depths of the palace, there was a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged, with long cyan hair hanging down, his eyes as if they were bloodthirsty shiny, breathtaking.

In the hall of the palace, the bodies of several Donghe disciples were **** and they looked like they had been slapped to pieces.

"Meet the ancestors."

Patriarch Donghe stepped forward to salute.

The green-haired middle-aged man slowly raised his head, his scarlet bloodthirsty gaze gradually introverted, and gradually returned to calm, becoming ordinary pupils of a normal person.

"Donghe Enguang, the gu worm I planted on your son has been wiped out. Why do you say I am angry?"

This sentence, the young man said to Donghe Enguang, the patriarch of the Donghe clan, using the secret method of sound transmission. Obviously, this matter is not something other elders of the Donghe clan have the authority to know.

Regarding the Gu worm planted on his son, Dong He Enguangs face did not change anymore, because he has many sons, and even among his many descendants, he is eligible to be selected as Gu worm. The host body, in his opinion, is the honor of these heirs.

"Check me out who did it, otherwise I will feel uneasy!" said the green-haired man.


Donghe Enguang nodded respectfully, and then retreated with the elders around him.

The blood disaster Gu worm matter, the entire Donghe clan, including the entire Yamato Kingdom, are only known to a very small number of people, and these very few people are the beneficiaries.

The entire people of the Kingdom of Yamato God, including the monks of many sect families in the Kingdom of Yamato God, are nothing more than the host of the **** gu worm in their eyes, but not everyone is qualified to be the host of the worm.

Over the long years, they have selected suitable hosts from countless people and used Gu worms to cultivate and improve themselves. These few people who know this secret are the pillars of the entire Yamato Kingdom and the foundation of their foothold.

"The ancestor's cultivation has already stepped into the Taiyuan realm with half his foot. If there is no accident, the gu worm in my offspring is mature, and it can help the ancestor to break through the shackles of the Taiyuan realm."

At the thought of breaking through the Taiyuan realm, Donghe Enguang couldnt help but his eyes became hot, because the Kingdom of Yamato has gone through long years of precipitation and accumulation, using the blood-damage gu worm to practice secretly, and everyone who can break through the shackles of the Taiyuan realm A handful of existence.

"I can find the blood curse gu worm hidden in my heir's body, and have the ability to kill the gu worm. Such a person will not be a weak person. What kind of person has that **** **** offended?" Dong Heen With gloomy eyes, he quickly issued an order to investigate the whereabouts of the young master.


Young Master Donghes name is Donghe Jiangtao.

The discovery of the Blood Curse Gu worm on his body meant that Luo Xiu had discovered the secrets of the Great God Kingdom that had been hidden for many years.

Luo Xiu can be sure.

If Yamato Divine Kingdom investigates that he knows this secret, he will definitely not let him go, and he also plans to go to Yamato Divine Kingdom to further explore the secrets of blood curse Gu.

It's just that before heading to the Kingdom of Yamato God, Luo Xiu also planned to further improve his cultivation.

It has been a while since the cultivation base entered the Supreme Beginning Realm. In order to further improve the cultivation base, Luo Xiu has been preparing resources.

Using the rare magical medicine on hand, Luo Xiu refined some pills.

As for Donghe Jiang Tao, the young master of the Donghe tribe, he followed him respectfully like a servant.

Go back to your little yard.

Luo Xiu opened the formation restriction he had arranged here, and immediately began to retreat to break through the cultivation base.

He kept refining pills one by one, Luo Xiu also felt that his cultivation base was steadily improving, his soul, consciousness and body were also growing, the Zhenwu Dao became more refined and pure, and his cultivation distance broke through Taishi In the mid-term, it is getting closer.

After half a month.

When Luo Xiu left the pass, his aura was more profound and vast than in the past. With the breakthrough of his cultivation level, the True Martial Saint Body also cultivated to a higher level.

A flying boat flew in the direction of Yamato God Kingdom.

Luo Xiu stood on the deck of the flying boat with his hands on his back, standing against the wind, breathless.

"Blood-damage Gu was taken out of Donghe Jiang Taos body by me. The person who planted the Gu worm should be able to sense it. It has existed for a long time since the establishment of the Great Kingdom of God. God knows the people behind the secret technique of blood-damage Gu. How many methods have been accumulated?"

Luo Xiu didn't underestimate him when he went to the Kingdom of Great Harmony, even if the Kingdom of Great Harmony was just a not-so-powerful force in the wasteland.

But the feeling that Yamato Kingdom gave him was like a poisonous snake hidden in a corner of the shadows. It didnt seem to be powerful, but it was really extraordinary. Its just that the blood curse Gu worm was a sorcery, and the people of Yamato Kingdom didnt dare to overdo it. It's high-profile.

In the past years, Luo Xiu was certain that someone else might have discovered the secret of the blood curse Gu worm, but Yamato Divine Kingdom is still safe and sound, and it is possible that those who know the secret have been wiped out.

A few days later.

Under the control of Luo Xiu, the flying boat quickly reached the territory of the Kingdom of Yamato God.

And as soon as the flying boat entered the Yamato Divine Kingdom, a huge warship appeared in front of it. On the warship stood a famous monk with a powerful breath, full of the breath of killing, shrouded in the surrounding world.

"Brother Jiang Tao, you finally came back."

A young man in black stood on the battleship, looking down from a commanding attitude, staring at Donghe Jiang Tao who was standing behind Luo Xiu.

"Donghe Changhong? Who gave you the qualifications to call me by my name?" Donghe Jiang Tao frowned and sneered.

He was by Luo Xiu's side, respectfully like a servant.

But in front of other Donghe people, he is the young master of the Donghe tribe, with a very high status, second only to the patriarch.


Donghe Changhong raised his head and laughed, "Brother, you are no longer the young master, so don't put on the air of a young master in front of me. My father has ordered me to take you back."


Luo Xiu frowned. The sound of Donghe Changhong's laugh was unpleasant and made him unhappy.

He lifted a finger, and with a bang, a huge finger appeared in the sky and dropped.

The warship of the Donghe tribe was crushed and smashed directly by this finger. Whether it was Donghe Changhong or the miscellaneous people he brought, all were crushed and killed by one finger!

"Senior Tianjun..."

Seeing this scene, Donghe Jiang Tao couldn't help shaking his body, because he knew that this Zhenwu Tianjun was obviously bad.

However, Donghe Jiang Tao didnt have any hatred towards Luo Xiu in his heart, because after learning about the role of the blood blight gu worm from Luo Xius mouth, he knew that he was just a victim in his fathers eyes, and he was basically a victim. He is not as valued by the family as he imagined. To the ancestors and father of the family, he is just a pig and dog that he raised, which can be slaughtered and eaten at any time!

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