Married To The Cruel Crown Prince

Chapter 290 - Hu Jingguos Rescue

Chapter 290 - Hu Jingguo's Rescue

"Why are Lili's lips turning purple?" Sheng Li asked Physician Yan, who was terrified.

"I think the medicine is not suitable for her highness," Physician Yan replied. The Royal Physician entered the chamber and greeted the Crown Prince.


"What are you saying? How dare you apply this medicine over her wound!" Sheng Li squeezed his hand around his neck as he pulled him up from the chair. Physician Yan could not get enough air because of the tight hold of the Crown Prince on his neck. No one has enough courage to stop the Crown Prince. Physician Yan's eyes had popped out when Sheng Li let go of him. He fell on his knees and took a deep breath.

"Check the Crown Princess. I don't want to hear that you do not know the cure!" Sheng Li ordered the Royal Physician. His anger had reached the seven skies. He narrowly gazed at Xing-Fu and said, "Throw him in prison. Flog him until he dies." Xing-Fu gulped while Physician Yan pleaded with the Crown Prince.

"Your highness, please forgive me. I-I thought-"

"Take him away," Sheng Li shrieked. The Princes who were waiting outside the chamber heard everything. Prince Yongzheng and Prince Zemin had gone to their bedchambers to perform the wedding rituals. That could not be neglected, and they needed to see their respective wives' faces after the marriage.

Nianzu, Lei Wanxi, and Weng Yu saw Xing-Fu bring Physician Yan outside. Nianzu went to him and told him to go to his quarters.

"But, your highness-"

"The Crown Prince is angry. He did not mean that," Nianzu told Xing-Fu, who nodded and looked at Physician Yan. The two left Zhenzhu Inn.

Weng Yu started crying. Lei Wanxi hugged him and patted his back. "Everything is fine. Don't cry," Lei Wanxi consoled Weng Yu, who sobbed.

The Royal Physician checked the pulse of the Crown Princess. He then told the nurse to make Ying Lili lie on her belly support. Nurse Mian did that while the Royal Physician examined the wound. He removed the herbs from the wound and cleaned the skin with warm water. The purplish color had encircled the entire wound. The blood was clotted, but the poison was slowly spreading.

"Your highness, judging by the wound it seems that poison is not that deadly. There is a poisonous herb that can cure this. But the recovery will be slow," the Royal Physician informed the Crown Prince.

"How much time will it take for her to recover?" Sheng Li queried.

"At least a week. The body might get weak to the extent that her highness might feel sleepy most of the time," the Royal Physician answered. "In short, her highness's body will turn weak. The poison was given for that purpose only- to weaken the person physically," the Royal Physician affirmed.

Sheng Li furrowed his brow. "What side-effects does this treatment have?" He waited for the response of the Royal Physician.

"Her highness will tire after a little work. But, that can be improved later by increasing the diet of her highness. Your highness, we shall not delay the treatment," the Royal Physician stated. Sheng Li nodded and permitted him to start the treatment. He sat beside Ying Lili, holding her hand tightly. On the other hand, he caressed her hair. 'I will not let anything happen to you,' Sheng Li told himself.

The Royal Physician checked the pulse of the Crown Princess again. He then picked the mortar and crushed the roots of herbal medicine.


Hu Jingguo gained consciousness and felt the severe pain in his neck. He winced in pain. He could not move as his hands were tied to a pole while his feet were also tied. A black cloth was tied around his eyes, thus making him unable to see anything further, while a white cloth was tied around his mouth, thus preventing him from speaking.

"Where am I?" He thought and struggled to release his hands. Because he could not see anything, it was difficult for him to find any escape point.

Suddenly, he heard a few voices.

"Master has given a command to burn this hut."

"So, that man will burn alive!" Another said. Hu Jingguo gulped upon hearing their conversation. He pulled himself away from the pole, but it was in vain.

"Bring the torchbearer," another ordered.

Hu Jingguo felt stuck because he could not do anything. "Is this my end?!" Hu Jingguo wondered.

"You go to the backside of the hut. Put the fire from there," Hu Jingguo heard another voice. The torchbearer was thrown on the straws, lying around the hut. Fire surrounded the entire hut. Hu Jingguo heard the sound of flames when he heard another sound- the galloping of horses.

Outside the hut, Jian Guozhi had arrived with Wang Hao and Xiao Zhan on horses. They all got down from the horses and started fighting with five masked men who were hired to kill Hu Jingguo. "Prince Jian, go to the hut. It's on fire. Save Jingguo. I will handle them," Wang Hao affirmed as he dodged the attack of one. Jian Guozhi nodded and ran towards the hut. An assassinator came forward to stop him when Xiao threw a knife towards him. It pierced in the middle of his chest, killing him at the spot.

Jian Guozhi saw the flames had fallen over the hut. The front door of the hut was already burned, and it was dangerous to use. He went back to the side of the hut where the flames were not intense. Getting in, he saw Hu Jingguo was tied to a pole. Half of the roof was already destroyed because of the flames. Jian Guozhi removed his overcoat and put it over his head, to prevent himself from the burning straws of which hut was made.

Hu Jingguo was feeling warm as the flames had surrounded him. A burning wooden pole fell over him when Jian Guozhi jumped in the fire. The burning pole hit his arm, and he cried out in pain.

Hu Jingguo by then had lost consciousness because of the limited availability of oxygen. Jian Guozhi threw the pole away. Without thinking about his pain, he quickly cut the ropes which had tied around Hu Jingguo. The fire was intensifying with each passing second.

He then removed the black cloth from Hu Jingguo's eyes, followed by the white cloth which was tied between his lips. Without wasting a single second, Jian Guozhi carried Hu Jingguo on his back and tried escaping the hut.

Wang Hao and Xiao Zhan had killed everyone outside and walked in to save both the First Prince and Hu Jingguo. They safely brought both of them outside.

Jian Guozhi put Hu Jingguo on the ground. Xiao Zhan wiped the sweat off Hu Jingguo's face.

"Let's take him to the Palace." Wang Hao carried Hu Jingguo on his back while Xiao Zhan helped Jian Guozhi, who was also injured badly. Wang Hao had put Hu Jingguo on the saddle and sat behind him. Pulling the reins, he left for the Palace.

"Are you alright, First Prince?" Xiao Zhan asked. "Your arm and back are injured," he added.

"It's fine. Let's go back to the Palace first," Jian Guozhi went to his horse and hopped on it. Soon Jian Guozhi and Xiao Zhan left for the Palace.

The Palace gates were opened as the Royal Guards saw the Generals and the First Prince on the horses. General Wang took Hu Jingguo to the Royal infirmary where Physician Sun Teizi examined him.

Jian Guozhi sat on the other bed and removed his upper garments. Physician Lin and two more nurses there treated his wound on the back and arm.

Looking at Hu Jingguo, Physician Sun said, "There are no serious injuries on his body. He will wake up in a while."

Wang Hao nodded and shifted his gaze to Jian Guozhi, who was squinting his eyes because of the pain. "Why did the First Prince help us?" General Wang wondered.

"Your highness, the wound can leave a scar. The burn marks usually leave the scars behind," Physician Lin informed Jian Guozhi.

"First Prince, let me drop you off till your chamber. You need rest," Xiao Zhan stated. Jian Guozhi put on his upper garments and left with Xiao Zhan, while Wang Hao waited for Hu Jingguo to gain his consciousness.

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