Married to his secret crush

Chapter 84 - I’ll Take Back The Life I Gave You

Considering the current situation of Rosette, Yu Mei was sure that matters can't be suppressed only by releasing the designs like before.

This time, the public will demand to see the face of the person behind the high-end Jewellery brand. They will want to see the CEO of the world-famous company who disappeared for months. If she stepped out right now according to plans, then her company will be back under her control easily.

But she knew this was not the time to be impulsive. Especially not when her enemies were still lurking in the dark. The Han Family, whoever they were, they were capable of dispatching countless mercenaries to have her dead.

That means, they must have known more about her, including her identity as Leanne.

If she stepped out as the CEO of Rosette now, even if they had 1 percent of doubt about her identity, they would still kill 'Yu Mei Zhen' to eliminate the threat from roots. Although they might not know about her transmigration, but still they won't let her live if they thought she had some connection with Han Mei. Those people were simply insane!

And this was why she had already planned everything before she decided to save her company.

She gave Xiang Le 3 conditions in exchange for saving the company from this trial. Even if he had rejected it, she couldn't possibly abandon her company. But she acted as though she will only save the company if accepts her conditions.

First, he will introduce another person as Leanne which didn't sit well with the old man. According to him, he was already taking an impostor to replace their CEO but now he had to find an impostor for the impostor.

But since she was adamant about it, and he was desperate to save the company, he gave in to her.

Her second condition was that even when an impostor would be sitting on the CEO's chair, all the power will be in her hands and she will be working from home to which the old man agreed without hesitation. According to him, as long as she can save the company from its current state, the power will ultimately end up in her hands until the real 'Leanne' was back.

Her third condition almost gave the man a heart attack. After resolving the current issues, she wanted the headquarters of Rosette in Amaranthine to be moved to Beijing. Despite his extreme reluctance, he agreed in the end to save the company.

As Yu Mei walked past the empty alley, she sighed helplessly. She was not being unreasonable on purpose. She had her own reasons.

Even though Jun Zixuan and her will get divorced, she had decided to stay beside him until his mother recovers completely so that they could pretend to be a couple whenever the situation demanded for it.

She was not obliged to do that but Jun Zixuan was her friend and she was not an ungrateful bitch who will leave him alone to deal with his problems. So, she was dead set on her decision.

Furthermore, she will not step her feet on the lands of Amaranthine until she got some news about her brother.


Yu Mei's footsteps came to a halt as Mia appeared out of nowhere clinging to the hem of her long flair dress.

She bent down and held the fox's body before separating it from her dress. Its canine teeth left two glaring holes near the edge of her dress.

Not caring about her dress, she looked at the fox in her embrace, "Mia, are you alright?" She gently stroked its back. Looking at the expressions on the little fox's face, one could say that she was in pain.

"Mia…What's wrong with you?" She panicked, not knowing how to help the fox. She could not even take it to the vet given its's extraordinary identity, "Mia…" She kept stroking the fox's back as she increased her pace towards the highway where her car was parked.

Even though this was an abandoned alley, she did not want to take the risk of Mia being spotted by someone.

"Ahhh…." Yu Mei yelped as she felt a sharp pain in her wrist. She looked at the fox in disbelief who had his teeth sinking in her flesh.

She gritted her teeth, "What are you doing?" She tried to separate its teeth from her wrist, but the pain was like that of her flesh being torn apart.

She hissed.

Mia finally removed her teeth from her flesh and tilted its head upwards to look at the woman.

It was only then did she noticed that the fox was staring at her with immense displeasure.

"Why would you do that?" She could still feel the pain in her hand but the fox did something to let the wound recover without a scar.

"You low-born disgusting human! If it wasn't because of you, would I have been reduced to such a state? If it was not for you, I would never have to go through this excruciating pain. Once this is over, there is no going back. I'll take back the life you got from me and kill you. Ahh…."

"Mia…" Yu Mei stroked its back as she walked faster.

''Fuck,'' The brash tone of a man was heard as she bumped into him at the turning.

The fox in her embrace fell on the ground and she stumbled a few steps back because of the force.

"Are you blind? Can't you see where you are going?" The man snarled.

''Boss, look here…"

Yu Mei tilted her upwards only to find the four to five hooligans eyeing the silver fox on the ground. "Don't touch it," She yelled but the men blocked her path, not letting her go closer to Mia.

Two of them walked closer to the fox who was lying limp on the ground but its eyes were wide open, "Boss, I think it looks like a fox. We will make money from it…" He kicked its tail again. It was very rare for them to see a fox on the road considering how expensive and rare they were, especially the domesticated ones. And the one lying on the ground seemed was whiter than the snow. One glance at it was enough to know that it will be sold off at a high price.

"Girl, you can leave. Since you bumped into me…"

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