Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 255 - 252: Singing Audition I

Chapter 255 - 252: Singing Audition I

"Sister Emily, do you think this pink one is better or this yellow one?" Eve, Emily's younger sister asked.

Emily raised her head from reading the newspaper to look at the 2 dresses her younger sister was holding. She frowned seeing how both the dresses looked so worn.

"You don't think either looks good?" Eve asked.

Emily sighed, "Wear the yellow one."

Eve nodded her head enthusiastically as she left her sister's room.

Emily shook her head. In the end, even though the burden in their finances has lightened, especially after Geoffrey gave her a hand in obtaining a scholarship from school, they were still too poor. At least, in her eyes, they were.

After she saw the numbers 'we are the world' made, she thought that perhaps she should also pursue a career in music to make some money. She was getting tired of trying to get along with Douglas, who was also a crown prince. She tried to amuse him, go along with whatever, but what benefit did she get? Absolutely nothing. At least with Geoffrey, he helped her with a scholarship.

Anyway, as if fate was smiling on her, Charlton, who still owes her a favor, has been hired as a music producer. She read so in the newspaper. That means, that with this connection, things would be easier.

Charged with motivation, she started working on a song. She knew that she cannot compete with Serena's style, but she thought of something innovative. Serena's songs were truly good, but it was not in sync with the times. She couldn't explain it, but it's just not something people can use in their balls.

Last time, during their spring ball, when the orchestra played 'can't help falling in love', the tempo was off beat with the steps of the waltz. So, unless it's a choreographed dance, people won't be able to dance with it perfectly.

Thus, she came up with the idea that she could combine writing lyrics and using classical music for her song. That way, her songs could be played in formal balls. Now, the only problem was coming up with one. She already has an introductory melody in mind and some, but it's still a long way to go.

She shook her head and opened the newspaper again. Suddenly, something caught her eyes, she read it again just to be sure. Columbia recording company was looking for vocalists to audition? Well, would you look at that. She may not be as genius as Serena was when it came to her music composition, but she was sure that in terms of vocal quality and talent in musical instruments, she was way better.

Perhaps this was her chance. If Charlton was the producer, she was sure that the song released would become a hit. She can use this as her steppingstone in the industry. Singing other people's song may not be as great as composing and singing her own. However, it was a start. If she wins the audition and have her picture publicized, it could be the start of her career, and making her own songs after and gaining another hit would become easier to reach.

She read what was written in the news again. Get a chance to audition to become a vocalist for Columbia recording company. Screening will be held from June 26-28. After passing the initial screening, qualified applicants would get the chance to audition for the next 2 songs that Columbia will release.

It was currently June 25, and tomorrow is June 26. She smiled. Tomorrow, she would go there and get herself a spot. Might as well go through with the screening first. She knew and trusted her skills; besides, her favor could be used much later.


Come June 26, Emily hired a carriage to bring her to Columbia's. The line was very long, and she just wanted to go first. Somehow, Mr. Easton knew her, but she was a little ashamed to ask for preferential treatment, especially with what happened with the fundraising last time. Anyway, later, she was sure that they would cater to her when she's able to prove her worth.

"Are you also here to audition, miss?" a man who looked like he's working for Columbia asked.

"Yes, I am. Would you please guide me to where the line ends?"

"Actually, we're already full for today, but tomorrow, you can get a turn. Here, this is the number you can keep. You're number 1046. Just arrive here by 10 in the morning."

Emily frowned, although it was good that they're organized, it means that she would need to hire a carriage again.

"Is there no way to get in today? I have travelled far to get here, and I don't think that I can afford to rent a carriage again."

"I deeply apologize Miss, if you can ask another person to make an exchange with your number then maybe. Other than that, I'm afraid there's no other way."

Emily sighed, "Okay, thank you."


Emily was the female lead not for no reason. She can be very charming and pleasing to other people, especially to the male populace when she wants to be.

Thus, she only had to bat her eyelashes once to get someone to exchange numbers with her. Some people in line did not think much of it, the exchange was fair anyway.

Despite being able to exchange with another person, she still had to wait and miss lunch to get to her turn. She did not complain much as this was just a day in her life. After this, her future would be shining more brightly.

When it was her turn, she walked in with a sweet smile. She introduced herself, and when she was asked to sing, she began singing 'ave maria' confidently.

The screening committee immediately gave her a pass. They informed her that by the 4th of July, she can come back for the final audition. The two song writers and the producer would be present on that day.

Emily thanked them and went on her merry way. With this, she believed, her music career was about to bloom.



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