Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 219 - 217: Music Final Evaluation I

Chapter 219 - 217: Music Final Evaluation I

"Serena, should we postpone our song number for next week? I feel so nervous that I think I'll vomit…" Milly suggested. It was the 25th of May, half pass noon, they just finished having lunch, and would have their final evaluation for their music class later.

"To be honest, me too. I think I'll choke up if we sing it later." Gizel seconded.

"I understand how you two are feeling. I am very nervous myself so if that is what you prefer, then it is fine with me. However, just a heads up. If we delay it to next week, then we won't be able to gauge if the song will be well received. I was thinking of singing it later so that if the response is positive, I can ask Charlton to help us with the harmony so that we can record it sometime before the final exam. I was thinking of having the song released together with my 2 other new songs after the contract signing event on the 17th of June." Serena informed them.

The girls let her words sink in, and when it did, their attitude suddenly made a 360.

"WAIT. I take that back. Milly, we have to do this later. There's no backing out now." Gizel proclaimed.

"Yes. No pain go gain. UGH! Did I use the right line there? Anyway, I'm still nervous but the motivation is too good. Let's do this." Milly responded.

Serena wanted to laugh at how Gizel and Milly were acting. They were like soldiers about to go to battle.

Via sighed as she shook her head. Really, these two. "Anyway, Serena, what do you mean by contract signing?"

"Oh, I haven't mentioned it before, but Charlton and I would be signing to work for Columbia Recording company. For me, that would mean that I have to continuously write new songs and all of them will be recorded under Columbia's. I would also have to do promotion for my songs. Meanwhile, for Charlton, he would have to work on assisting other people with producing their song. Something like that." Serena explained.

"Eh? Why would you and Charlton do that? I mean, what for? Won't you get too pressured if you keep on writing new ones?" Gizel asked confused.

"If I have half the talent of Serena and Charlton, I guess I will be doing the same. Imagine building your own career like princess Grace. I'm so happy for you Serena. Congratulations!" Milly said.

Via nodded her head, "I agree with Milly. Although I do hope that you won't have to subject yourself to too much work. I don't think that coming up with all the songs like you do is ever easy."

Serena smiled, feeling lucky to have these friends. "Don't worry about me, I would not have signed up if I don't think I can manage. But thank you for your concern."

"Then, if you say so, we believe in you. Anyhow, would we be allowed to join you on that day? I mean for support. You know that I'm your number one fan and these two, well they can be number 2 and 3 respectively." Gizel said as she teased the other two.

"Hey! How could you say you're number one and we're just 2 and 3?" Milly complained.

Via just shook her head with the cousin's antics.

Serena chuckled. "Thank you all. I'll see if I can get you three in for the event, although I have been informed by Edward that it's just the press who will be there on that day, my parents have already been invited to join so perhaps it's not that exclusive."

"I see. Oh! I almost forgot, my parents will also be coming here, I believe they will be arriving on Sunday after the year-end ball. Same date as your contract signing event. They will be attending my brother George's graduation. Maybe they can meet with your parents' and have dinner together before we leave for Militeia?" Gizel informed then asked.

Serena thought for a while then replied. "That would be perfect. I will write to my parents to tell them about it. Perhaps we can host them when they arrive or at least set a schedule to have dinner before we leave for Militiea."

"Alright! That sounds like a good plan. Anyway, it's almost 1pm, Gods, I think I'll hyperventilate." Gizel replied.

"Me too. Though we'll volunteer later, can we like, go for last?" Milly asked.

"Sure. You guys decide." Serena nodded as they started to stand up and pick their things to leave the room.


"Charlie, help me, I can't breathe… I have never been so nervous all my life. I don't think I can do this." Kylo exaggeratedly said as he fisted his chest.

Charlton chuckled. Kylo and him have been working on a song together. More precisely, Kylo wanted to sing a song to confess his feelings for Via. "If you can't do it later, you can always sing it next week. At least if you do that and get rejected, you won't have to see her the week after."

"Hey! How could you say that I will get rejected?" Kylo frowned.

"Well, for a first, her friends don't like you very much." Charlton began.

"Ugh… those two, Milly and Gizel. What did I ever do to them? Anyway, what do they have to do with this? It's Via I want to have a relationship with, not those two."

"Listen to me Kylo, when it comes to wooing a girl, you should also impress her friends. You should turn them into your accomplices so that they will speak of good words about you and won't get in your way when you want to have some alone time with your girlfriend. Trust me."

Kylo harrumphed. "I can't believe you're the one giving me love advice now. Should I start calling you agony aunt?"

"Well, this is an expertise I learned through experience so you should listen." Charlton responded laughingly.

"That doesn't sound so pleasant. Anyway, I don't think I can do it later. However, I believe I have to ask for my favor now. Can you ah… tell Serena to butter me up on Via. I mean, I'm serious about her, and ugh… you know what I mean, I'm not that bad, I'm a second prince and ah… ughhh you tell her nice things about me, Okay?"

Charlton tssked as he shook his head smiling. "You got it bad."


When Serena and her friends arrived in their music class, everyone was already seated. Felix was standing in front, smiling at all of them.

"Good afternoon everyone. This is our second to the last meeting, and for some, since we have seniors, perhaps the last, unless you all decide to still join us next week. Anyhow, today, we will have your final evaluation and before we begin, I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of you for taking this class. I enjoyed having all of you here this year and appreciated all the efforts you put into your music. I believe that everyone here has made progress in some way, and that is all that matters. So, no matter the output later, I want to let all of you know that I am proud of you. Now, let us give ourselves, a round of applause." Felix announced.

The students clapped their hands and cheered; some even spoke some words in the midst.

"We'll miss you Sir Felix!" a student from the side where the senior students congregate said.

"This has been my favorite class this year!" another student called.

Felix smiled happily, "I will miss all of you too. Anyway, I see in the list here that there will be a total of 18 performances from individuals, pairs, and groups, for our evaluation. Perhaps, we can listen to 9 or 10 today and the other half next meeting. Alright? So, I think we can begin now. Maybe, we can start with asking some senior students to volunteer first."

There were 10 senior students in their class. The first person who raised his hand to volunteer was with 3 other members. Felix called them over and the four went in front and took their position.

The four students started playing some classical sounding piece, each of them using a different instrument. It was pretty good, but perhaps because they were too busy and their final exams was already next week, it lacked inspiration.

The next 4 students performed individually. Each playing on an instrument of their expertise. Good but nothing noteworthy.

The last pair of Senior students was another story entirely. Serena almost gawked. Inspired by her music style, the two started singing a song they composed with lyrics. The man, she noted was named Raymond was the vocalist, and the girl was named Sarah played the piano, the song was titled, "Farewell" and they dedicated it to their peers as they will all be graduating soon. Raymond started singing.

"We used to be frightened and scared to try

Of things we don't really understand why

We laugh for a moment and start to cry

We were crazy

Now that the end is already here

We reminisce 'bout old yells and cheers

Even if our last hurrahs were never clear

Farewell to you my friends

We'll see each other again

Don't cry 'cause it's not the end of everything

I may be miles away

But here is where my heart will stay

With you, my friends with you"

In the end, everyone gave them a standing ovation. Serena thought that the song sounded familiar, but maybe it was just her.



AN: "Farewell" is a song by Filipino singer Raymond Lauchengco, it's good. If you haven't heard of it before, do give it a try. Just search in youtube. Thanks!

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