Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 216 - 214: The Times, Normandy II

Chapter 216 - 214: The Times, Normandy II

"So, that's it. I believe we have covered the whole place already. Do you wish to ask anything more?" Lucas ended as they stopped in front of Lucas' office.

Charlton was impressed and have no questions. Everything was good and very organized. "None actually. You already explained everything I could think of asking. Your company is very well-ran and organized."

Lucas chuckled, "correction, OUR company soon enough. Anyhow, please, let's enter my office. We can have lunch then start discussing the contract if that's fine with you."

"Alright." Charlton replied as they entered the office.

After having lunch, Charlton and Lucas started discussing matters regarding the contract for its finalization. When they came to an agreement, Lucas suggested that Charlton look around Normandy in the meantime as it will take some time to finish rewriting the finalized contract for signing.

Charlton thinking that he can find some souvenir to bring back for Serena agreed and told him that he will be back in 1 to 2 hours' time.


Looking around Normandy while sitting inside his carriage, Charlton felt glad that he did not invite Serena along. Although it was not that far from the capital, the town was still rural. There were not a lot of commercial establishments either. Anyway, given that its location is in midland, it was not surprising.

In the end, he did not get to buy anything and just asked Jack to return to the publishing company. When they got back, not one employee was there to welcome them. Instead, there was a black horse-drawn carriage and 16 single rider horses with saddles at the entrance.


"Lord Umbridge, please, as said before, we do not wish to engage with political matters. I am a mere merchant who is running an honest business." Lucas explained in a calm manner. Normally, he would be afraid and show the Baron a weaker front, but now that he's aligned with Charlton, he answered in a more confident manner.

The man in the middle front who seems to be leader of the group frowned. He was not that tall nor his physic imposing but with his status and the men behind him, he was intimidating.

"Do you expect that by saying no right now, we will just leave you be? We already gave you several warnings and if you still deny our request this time, then I'm afraid that we can only use force to get you to say yes. So let me ask you again, are you publishing this article or not?"

Lucas glanced at his employees who were obviously in panic. Although they outnumber the group who just entered their company uninvited, they were still mere commoners. On the other hand, the enemy was a noble baron and the ones with him although few, looked like trained mercenaries.

He can opt to say yes now but not go through with it, but what if they come back at him later? Anyway, before he could answer, the locked doors from outside were opened and another person entered the scene.

"What is going on in here?" Charlton asked calmly as everyone in the room turned to face him.


Upon seeing the carriage and the horses, Charlton immediately understood that there was some form of intimidation happening inside. He wanted to go inside and help. However, he knew that there was only him and Jack right now. Thus, he needed to know what is going on and who they're up against with first.

Knocking through the wooden window, he instructed Jack to park the carriage just outside the gates of the establishment. Jack who was not a mere coachman but also a trained soldier who used to work directly under his father also noticed what was going on. Thus, after parking the carriage, he requested for Charlton to remain seated as he go figure who's inside.

After a few minutes, Jack returned and explained in summary what he saw. Anyway, the important part was that, now, Charlton knew who was leading the group inside. If it were random thugs, he and Jack could simply take them down by force. However, since the group was led by Baron Umbridge, who he believes must be from the radical faction, he must approach this in a more democratic manner.

Although he deems the action taken by the Baron unethical, he understands that this and other similar acts are necessary evils for both factions.

He has never been introduced to Baron Umbridge before, but he had no doubt that the man must recognize his name. Decided on the action he would take, he asked Jack to drive their carriage inside to the main entrance.


There were two burly men guarding the main door. When they saw a carriage entering the area, they were quick on their feet to meet them halfway.

Charlton heard from inside that they were asking Jack to drive the carriage back as an important meeting was going on inside. As he did not want to waste more time nor does he want Jack to use violence, he alighted the carriage.

The men wanted to rudely shove him back to his carriage and they were seriously about to, that was until they saw his face and recognized who he was.

"Lord Daniel!?" One of the two suddenly exclaimed in surprise. Then, he quickly bowed, along with the other one. They both knew who he was not only because of his music prowess, but because he was the only son of Grand Duke Charles. Who would dare offend him?

"Milord, we apologize for delaying your carriage. However, we have been instructed not to let anyone inside." The other one explained.

Charlton was surprised that they knew who he was, but then again, he realized that his face was now easily recognizable. Anyway, he knew that these people were only doing their job, so he did not make it difficult for them.

"At ease. I was just here an hour ago and still must meet with the owner who will become my business partner. So, I do not understand why the two of you have to stop us. In any case, I wish to enter."

The two men looked at each other. The Baron or the only son of the Grand Duke? Who could they not afford to offend? Well, the answer is as simple as 1-2-3.



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