Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 96: The Rematch

Chapter 96: The Rematch

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1st September 2005, Valley of Kings

(Jasmine POV)

My thoughts were interrupted by a gravelly voice, "How? You're supposed to be dead!"

Oh, yeah, that guy. I completely forgot about him. I stare at him and just shrug, "There's a reason they called me a Goddess, En Sabah Nur."

My words seem to enrage him further, "Do you have any idea how long I was imprisoned because of you?"

I just keep smirking at him, "Of course, I'm the one who planned it out after all."

Apocalypse's face contorted into a scowl, "I'm going to kill you for what you've done. I'm going to cut off your every limb one by one, until there's nothing left of you but a broken shell of a woman who dared defy me."

I just tilt my head and answer him with a distracted tone, "I'm sorry, did you say something?"

The face he made was hilarious. Trolling mad men is so much fun and I need to release some stress after the situation with Jean. I'm not going to say no to a punching bag.

The so-called father of mutants decided to start out impromptu duel. How typical, patience was never one of his virtues, was it? Apocalypse started by controlling the sand behind him, creating a veritable sandstorm and banish it towards me.

How unoriginal. The guy really needs to learn some new moves. I create a powerful wall of wind in front of me, nullifying his attack completely. I smirk at him in challenge, "Are we going to stand there all day, or are we going to fight," I said mockingly.

En Sabah Nur snarled in response and answered by controlling the sand around us. I estimate that he's currently controlling every grain of sand in a three mile radius. If the guy wasn't a nutjob, I would have been impressed by his control. He then banished the tons of sand towards me.

To protect myself from being crushed to death, I cast my spiraling darkness shield. It's a nifty spell I created that destroys whatever it touches. It's pretty useful in a situation like this where the danger is the quantity of the sand not its quality.

It materializes as a spiraling dome made of my darkness element, protecting me from all sides. The sand disintegrates as soon as it touches my shield, leaving me unharmed with tons of dust and ash around me. Whenever I feel like the attack is over, I create a gust of wind, scattering the ash around me, blinding my opponent's view of the battlefield.

I put on my cloak back and grin, it's time for me to attack.

My spiraling darkness shield is still up, and I make use of it by transforming it into thousands of little feathers containing a small amount of my darkness element, that are fully under my control.

I take control of them and banish them towards En Sabah Nur, destroying any obstacles in their way. He must have sensed the danger because he created a wall of sand in front of him. He wasn't successful in blocking all of the attack; the wall stopped almost all of the feathers except a few that were able to sneak through and sank into his chest.

Apocalypse gave a light scream of pain before removing the feathers who started to slowly disintegrate his body. Unfortunately, his healing factor stopped the spread of the darkness effect, a started to heal his wounds. Although the healing was slow because it was constantly fighting the destructive effects of the feathers.

En Sabah Nur, enraged, transmutated the wall of sand into a giant rock that he banished towards me. I simply conjure a spear of light in my hand and throw it at his attack. The light spear sinks into the giant incoming projectile and exploded, destroying it from the inside.

I suddenly dodge a steel spike coming at me. So, the guy wants to play dirty, huh. I dodge the next one and I close my eyes. Suddenly, time seemed to slow down. I jump over the incoming spikes, using them to propel myself in the air, jumping from one spike to another. When I'm nearing Apocalypse, I create a giant portal in front of the spikes. The portal exits just at the back of En Sabah Nur who noticed my counter and conjured his force field to protect himself from his own attack.

While he was distracted, I jumped from the spike I was standing on, and leapt into the air. I land just on top of the force field, punching it with all my might. The impact resulted in a loud gong and a veritable shockwave around us. Apocalypse widened his eyes as the shield started to crack, before being destroyed as if it was made of glass. He created a sword in his hand, attempting to stab me but I was able to dodge his swing and kick him with everything I had into the mountain.

Apocalypse flew into the air and hit the mountain with the force of a tank. My perception of time returned to normal and I smile inwardly. It was so rare that I hit things physically without holding back. It's really stress relieving. I'm not that much of a physical fighter, preferring to use my magic, but I can't deny the satisfaction of just hitting things.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your outlook, my opponent wasn't out yet. He got out of the mountain and the sight caused me to raise my eyebrows in surprise. Instead of my seven foot tall opponent, stood a three hundred foot tall Apocalypse, sneering at me.

Well, this is new. I hadn't seen this the last time we fought. Was he holding back or something? I don't have time to ponder as I see the gigantic hand coming to crush me. I teleport away out of reflex and look at my opponent, grinning; this should be interesting. In turn, I create a giant humanoid avatar out of hard light, standing just as tall as En Sabah Nur.

Apocalypse creates a giant sword in his hand, and I create a giant staff out of hard light. We leap at each other. This is a lot more exciting that I thought it would be.

En Sabah Nur tried to stab me in the chest and I just parry using my staff. I quickly turn my weapon, trying to hit him with the butt of my staff, but the former king of Egypt was able to block it using a small wall of sand.

He sent in an overhead strike this time, but I was able to block it using my staff. The impact created a gigantic shockwave that shook the earth itself. We stayed like this, in this contest of strength. I could see why he was considered a fighter with no equal even before awakening his powers; the former Pharaoh is a very skilled combatant. While we tried to overpower each other, Apocalypse spoke, "why are you opposing me Wadjet? I only wish to save my people."

"You do not want to save them. You want to rule over them, conquer them. There's a difference En Sabah Nur."

"You do not have the right to judge me, Wadjet. You're nothing but a failure, even your precious mages are gone now, turned into nothing but children's tales and myths."

I just smirk at him; he had no idea what happened with the mages, did he? "Perhaps, but that doesn't change what you are planning. You may pretend that you care for your people but you don't. I don't know if you're lying to everyone or just lying to yourself but what you desire, what you have always desired, is power. Nothing more."

En Sabah Nur growled at me and broke our little stalemate by kicking my light construct in the chest. It was a relatively good hit but instead of being banished far, I only slid away a few steps. Feeling confident from getting a proper hit for the first time, although it was just on a light construct which didn't affect me anyway, Apocalypse punched the mountain, creating some giant boulders that he picked up and threw at me.

Choosing to not test my light construct's resilience on what was basically a small mountain being thrown at me, I envelop the ends of my hard light staff in my darkness element. When the boulder neared me, I hit it with the staff, which cut it clean into two halves going past me; the darkness was easily able to destroy whatever it touches.

I will admit that this was a bit inspired by the lightsabers from Star Wars. Although, it doesn't really cut or burn but disintegrates anything it touches.

Furious at me for avoiding his last attack, Apocalypse leaps at me, sword in hand. For the first time, I do not meet him, but start rotating. It was moving so fast that it was basically a circular blur of black and white. When Apocalypse reached me, he swung his sword at me, but it was cut in half by my rotating staff. However, that was not it, he had overextended the swing, underestimating my defense, which caused his hand to be also be caught by the staff, cutting it off.

Screaming in pain, he didn't see my punch hitting him straight in the face, and was sent back disoriented. I then followed by conjuring a giant bolt of lightning that hit him straight in the chest. He must not be able to for force fields big enough to cover this form. I then followed by throwing my hard light staff at him. The staff hit him in the chest and fully went through him, pinning him to the ground.

Apocalypse fell, defeated. He slowly started to shrink back to his original form. He was panting on the ground, slowly healing. I dispelled by hard light constructs, and floated towards him. He looked up, glaring at me, "This is not the end. I will win."

I expected some sort of attack but what I didn't expect was for it to be mental. I couldn't help but chuckle, he was using a mental attack on me of all people. I analyze the mind probe and discover that its purpose was taking control of the victim. Apparently, he was able to take over Magneto and Angel that way. He was also on his way to overpower Xaveir which is pretty impressive to be honest. I might not like the man, but he is a somewhat decent in telepathy and has a good control over his powers, for a mortal at least. Sure, the former king of Egypt was pretty much using pure power instead of a single ounce of control, but it was still somewhat impressive.

"You are mine, Wadjet. You will be my servant until the end of time, this is my revenge for my imprisonment. I lost three thousand years because of you. I shall do the same to you."

Unimpressed with this declaration, I just shred his mind probe. I could have done worse but I was done playing. It's time to kill the worm.

En Sabah Nur cried out in pain at his mental attack being destroyed like that. It was a very stupid idea to mentally attack someone a lost more skilled at the mind arts than you are.

When he recovered, he chuckled at me, "Here we are again. We're still at the same stalemate. I am invincible, and you are immortal. Perhaps it's time for me to prepare for our next altercation."

He probably wanted to teleport out, but to his look of confusion nothing happened. I smirk inwardly; I learnt from the last time we fought. "I have locked this entire area from any type of space manipulation except for mine. There's not getting out of it, En Sabah Nur. This is your end."

I'm not going to drain him like I did last time. It would take too long and it could be enough for him to escape somehow. Instead, I form a crow made of darkness. It flew for my hand and dove towards the former king of Egypt. It was absorbed into his body. Then slowly, Apocalypse started to disintegrate from the inside, turning into dust. This was an attack of pure destruction, able to overpower a healing factor of someone like Apocalypse and kill him without issue.

And so, finally, En Sabah Nur also known as Apocalypse perished. I decide to teleport away; my work here was done.

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