Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

Chapter 82: To Move On (823 BC)

Chapter 82: To Move On (823 BC)

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I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

This is the last chapter in the Ancient Greece arc, and the next one will be the start of the X-Men storyline.

Now to address the people who are mad at the last chapter, I'll be honest, this is not how I wanted to end things especially with Hestia. But the arc was really dragging on. The original idea was having Hestia choose between the Olympians and Medusa, and betraying her lover by choosing her family. But I kinda neglected Hestia's character development and I ended up with a somewhat bland character who practically had no personality and I didn't like it. It was my fault because I'm kinda uncomfortable writing romance scenes. I'm really out of my depth here.

Ending her relationship with Hestia was always the plan, but if things went to plan, It would have taken chapters of character building that wouldn't have affected the plot much since it was never the main pairing. I chose to just get it over with, I knew it was bad and that it was just a way to move the plot the way I wanted it, but it's my decision in the end.

That said, Hestia will return in the future, in another arc involving the Goblet of fire and a lot of stuff will be explained then. During their time apart, Hestia will change somewhat and will have a bigger role in the happenings of Olympus. I won't say anything more to avoid spoiling anything.

With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter.


823 BC, Unknown Location

(Medusa POV)

I kiss her deeply and slowly lose myself in the sensation. I was interrupted by some sort of jerking motion, pulling me away from her. I thought it might be one of her brothers but, it was some sort of shadow. I try to resist but I can sense its power and it feels cold and almost infinite. I know that I don't have a chance.

I look at Hestia's worried eyes and say, "I love you!"

I was completely swallowed by the shadow and all I could see was darkness. I don't know if it was my kidnapper or my own exhaustion, I pass out all the same.

I didn't realize then that this would be the last time I ever looked at Hestia's face. I only wished I could have had more time with her. It was unfair but life is unfair, the only thing that's truly fair in this world is Death.

When I woke up, I was face down, listening to the silence. I was perfectly alone and I knew instinctively that no one was there. It was weird because I was there but I was not at the same time. I spent a long time lying on the perfectly flat floor questioning my entire existence. Or perhaps it was just a moment, time felt weird here, wherever I was. Perhaps I was dead, perhaps I was always dead and my life is the afterlife. Wow, that's trippy.

I just realized that I hadn't opened my eyes yet. Did I have eyes? Maybe I was just a blob of stuff. What if I was secretly a puddle all this time? No, I'm getting distracted. What was I thinking about? Oh, yes, eyes. Maybe if I have eyes, I should open them. The sight that greeted me was proved that in fact, I did have eyes.

All I could see was white. It had no beginning or no end, it had no form. It was just white. There was a thick mist around, so I could barely see more than a few feet in front of me. But I knew in my gut that this place was infinite, even without the mist.

I was lying down on the floor, a remarkably perfectly flat floor. I decide to stand up, but is there an up? There must be since I was able to do it somehow. I couldn't even see what I was standing on; all I could see was white.

Huh, I was naked. I don't like being naked even when I'm alone. Just as I finish this thought, I'm clothed in a white toga. Huh, might as well go with the white theme.

With that out of the way, I decide to relax one after the day I've been having. From imprisoning mad mutants in Egypt and trying to save the Olympians from their own stupidity. It was exhausting trying to keep it all together. At least Hestia is safe. There was something telling me that I will never see it again but that doesn't have to be the case; all I had to do was wake up and I would probably find myself in her arms.

"Some things are not meant to be understood, my love. You always had that problem. You want to know everything that ever was and will be."

I spun around to find Hestia in front of me, in all her glory. She was as beautiful as the day I met her, with her black hair and warm brown eyes. She had an honest smile in front of her. But there was something missing. Hestia's eyes were always full of warmth and love but now, they looked dead.

I respond, "You are not Hestia."

Not Hestia seemed pleased with my answer, smiled approvingly and nodded, "I am not."

Neither of us talked for a while; I honestly didn't know where to start and not Hestia seemed reluctant to tell me anything.

"So, if you're not Hestia, then who are you?" I ask.

She sill kept smiling at me, "You already know who I am"

Maybe it was. I kinda recognize this place, this limbo. There was only one person with power over it, "Death?" I half asked, half answered.

She just nodded at me.

I continue, "Am I dead then?"

"No, you're not. I just wanted to speak with you"

"Well, you certainly look different."

I could feel her smirk lightly at me, "The last time we met, I was summoned into an incomplete avatar that could barely contain a sliver of a sliver of my power. I had to spend half the time making sure I wasn't going to destroy your realm by accident. I didn't care much for aesthetics then. Although, I tend to change things up every once in a while. The grim reaper look does get boring after a while. I chose this form to make you comfortable talking with me. I am a cosmic entity, child. I do not have a form, I'm a concept, an aspect of creation. In every world, in every universe, in every multiverse, everyone known who I am. I am Death, I am formless, I am endless. You would not begin to understand if you saw me for what I really am. It's why we, cosmic entities, choose avatars to contact mortals, sometimes even with some gods or other cosmic entities. We are a varied bunch."

"Then why now? Why haven't you contacted me so far. It's been thousands of years"

"Time is not relevant to me. I exist outside of it. Don't try to make sense of it, Morrigan; some things are not meant to be understood. As for why I am contacting you. I am doing so because I am displeased with you."

I look at her uncomfortably, "Why? What have I done?"

"You are my champion, Morrigan. You're supposed to represent my interests in your realm and by representing my interests, I mean hunting those who have broken my laws, trying to escape my grasp."

"How was I supposed to know that? You didn't say anything."

She just smiled at me, "I had to be quick, my presence was harming your world. Additionnaly, there was no need to. When I made you my champion, your mission became a part of your very being. You will intuitively sense your target and will feel the need to kill them. It's a part of you, just as your blood is a part of you. You did not think that my gifts were the only thing I gave you that night, right?"

Herpo, that's why I wanted to kill him this bad, other than trying to destroy Olympus and kill my beloved for the sake of a dead man that was already half mad.

I respond to her, "Then, why are you displeased? What did I do wrong?"

"The Olympians," she simply stated.

I wince at that answer, the second I understood the ritual, I had the inexplicable urge to kill every participant in this abomination. I resisted, of course, but by doing so, I went against my instinct and spared people that should have been killed on sight, according to Death.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't let what remained of my home die."

Death sneered at me, "Atlantis is dead, child. It was destroyed when those idiots foolishly tried to summon me and bind me to their will."

"But they're still going to die, you could punish them then."

"No, they won't. You didn't just save them, you made them into realm lords. You bound their existence to their realm. So long as the realm exists, they will not die."

I looked at her questioningly, "But what's the problem, there are other realm lords?"

"The problem is, child, that none of the other realm lords have souls. They're beings of energy, should they somehow perish, that energy would simply disperse. They would no ever have an afterlife. The Olympians have souls; hence you have removed thousands of souls from my reach. By doing this, you have upset the balance."

I cringe at the realization of my blunder. I was a bit anxious at what Death was going to do.

Death must have read it in my face because she continued, "Relax, my champion. Your punishment will not be severe as I never explicitly told you of your purpose. But now, that you understand, I will not be as merciful should you repeat your offense. As a punishment, I will be taking back the soul stone. It did not find you worthy of its power. I will keep it hidden, until such time you are ready for the responsibility. When it finds you worthy, the stone will come to you."

This actually wasn't as harsh as I expected. I rarely every used the stone; its power was too big for me to wield casually. It would be like using Mjolnir to hammer a nail. It would work but it's not meant for something like this.

Death continued, "I have removed you from the realm of Olympus and into Earth."

Before I could protest, "Do not test my limited patience, child. I have been lenient so far. I know of your intention of staying with what you think is your kin but do not forget that you are mine, Morrigan. My champion and I have need of your services. You will never see the Olympians again. That is your true punishment."

I didn't say anything, barely processing what she was saying.

She ignored my devastated look, "This is all I wanted to speak of. I'm sending you back to earth. You know your mission, my champion, my hunter. Start by killing the soul splitter, Herpo. I expect nothing by excellence from now on."

Before I could even respond, there was a pulse of white light and everything went black once more.

When I woke up again, I was lying face down on the ground again. The smell of a forest filled my nostrils. I could feel the cold hard ground beneath my cheek. I got up, on my knees until the reality of the situation caught up with me. I wasn't on Olympus and my meeting with Death hadn't been a weird dream. I was once again all alone. I lost everyone, I lost what remained of my home, I lost Hestia. I didn't know what to do. All these emotions, hate, anger, sadness, despair, and the crushing loneliness. I let it all out and I screamed in agony. My magic responded in kind and let out a pulse of pure destruction. It pushed away the trees and even the very ground. When I was done, all that was left of the forest was a crater.

My sadness slowly turned into anger. Anger at the man, the little monster that caused all of this. The man that manipulated Zeus into damning his subjects. Herpo, the foul little thing. I had Death's permission in dealing with him but she didn't care about if he would suffer before his inevitable end.

It didn't take me long to track him down, and I took my sweet time killing him. By the time I was done with him, he was barely more than a babbling child in the body of a man. Not that he was sane to begin with, who in their right mind severs their souls anyway?

It took barely minutes to get him to confess everything to me. He couldn't escape and he knew it, I imprisoned his soul in the body that he was inhabiting. Apparently, the goal was for him to trick the Olympians into eating their golden apples and he would wait until they disappear after ascending. He would then modify his apple into something that would empower him but not enough to get him to ascend. It would make him the most powerful being in the world. You know, stupid world domination stuff. The man had somehow realized what would happen to him should he die and wanted to avoid it at all cost. This was mostly done out of fear, not lust for power, but it was abominable non the same.

I had him reveal the location of his second horcrux, he had seemingly created a new one before the ritual in case something went wrong. He hadn't learnt his lesson. I disposed of it easily and finally killed the abomination.

With that out of the way, I felt empty. I went back to Olympus, to find nothing there. There were no traces of the Olympians. There might have been some but it would be the handful of artifacts that were outside of Olympus when the ritual happened. One of these items was Hestia's Cup. It was something that we had ma de together, not that it matters now. It was one of the few things I had left of her. The cup was a constant reminder of my failure, of my loss. After a while, I couldn't handle it anymore. I put the Goblet in one of Hestia's temples. Perhaps it would serve the mortals by giving them some comfort, and inspiring them somehow.

With that out of the way, for the first time in centuries, I was lost. I didn't know what to do or where to go. So I went where lost people usually end up. I went to Kamar Taj.

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